MILL WHISTLE University Group Makes Tour Of Fieldcrest Mills Apprentice teachers from the Uni versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, ivho for several weeks are observing tad practicing teaching methods in the t-eaksville township public schools, i'isited Fieldcrest plants in Leaksville, ^pray, and Draper April 1. The group s shown in front of the Draper Per- 'Onnel Department preceding their tour >f the Draper plants. E*"BI Special Agent to Address Council rhursday, April 17 The Carolina Cooperative Council ''ill hear an address by G. D. Frierson, Pecial agent of the FBI and resident igent, Greensboro, at the monthly coun- >1 meeting at Central Y.M.C.A. Thurs day evening, April 17 at 7:30 o’clock. Be- ause of a special program planned for ^ay, the election of officers for the ‘6w Council year will be held at the Meeting this week. Mr. Frierson will be guest of honor t a dinner at Meadow Greens pre- eding the meeting. In addition to ■ompany officials and Council officers ®cal law enforcement leaders have 6en invited as guests. Those to attend *'e; Police chiefs Tom Meeks of Lcaks- ille, Carl Axom of Draper and James Adkins of Spray; Rockingham county tieriff Leon W. Worsham and S. L. ■arter, special investigator, sheriff’s epartment. Left to right. Miss Pearl McBee, sup ervisor of elementary education in the local schools; Joe Davis, Ben Hackney, Rosalind Isom, Joe Foster of the Blan ket Mill who served as a guide; Fred Thompson, Dolores York, Mary Gesler, Sue Lindsey, H. J. Vernon, Draper per sonnel manager; Carolyn Gaines, Wil liam Lloyd and Jane Lyons. Hosiery Man Winner In Checker Tourney J. D. Conners, of the Hosiery Mill, won the Fieldale checker championship by defeating Glen Smith, insurance man, in a checker tournament at Fieldale Y.M.C.A. The week-long tournament in which the finals were held Saturday, April 5 drew large crowds of spectators, especially during the final matches when there was “standing room only” in the game room at the Y.M.C.A. Sponsored by the “Y”, the tournament was open to all Y.M.C.A. members and Fieldcrest employees at Fieldale. In addition to Mr. Conners and Mr. Smith the players were J. Leonard Tilley, Paul Dean Nichols, William Moore, Roy Joyce, John Ebb Joyce, Larkin Ratliffe, Clarence Joyce, James Carrico, Howard Arnold, Raymond Wade, Stanley Nelson and Bill Hilton. Many of the matches were played dur ing lunch hour. Plans are under way to make the checker tournament an annual event at Fieldale “Y”. More Winners Listed In Safety Rule Contest Thirty-eight more Fieldcrest men and women received awards in the safety rules contest in the period from March 22 through April 4. Cash prizes of one dollar each already have been given to 31 employees in contest which began March 3 and continues through June. There was wide interest as the con test entered its seventh week. Some em ployees were able to recite the safety and health rules together with the pen alties for violations and were wait ing to be given an opportunity to win one of the prizes. Indications were that many employees were memorizing the rules and penalties which are posted in each department and which were print ed in the last issue of the Mill Whistle. In the contest, there is a daily visit to each plant by a designated person—in most cases the mill manager or super intendent — who asks an employee a question concerning one of the safety and health rules. It is not required that the employee state the rule and penalty word-for-word but he or she must know the essential meaning. Those an swering correctly get dollar bills. Winners through Friday, April 4, not previously reported, were; Finishing and Bleachery—Ernest R. Woodlief, Sadie Y. Brooks, Janie Bry ant, Carper S. Stanley, B. E. Moretz, Bishop Shough, Sadie W. Cox. Electric Blanket—Myrtle Glasgow, Gertrude Young, Charles Irving. Rayon—W. R. Gover, W. R. Pratt, J. M. Church. Karastan—Pauline Stultz; Bedspread —Buster Matthews, Clarice Edwards. Towel—Cloyd Fretwell, Eunice Wig- gington, Dorice T. Nolen, Emma Hylton, Edgar Swinney, Jesse Patterson, Willie Turner. Hosiery—Henry Stultz, Inez Chaney, Melvin Spencer, Bernard Haynes, Clar ice Lawson, Margaret Vernon, Willie Dove, Mildred Cannaday, Ardelle Gra ham, James Fulcher, Dallas Everett, Alpha Harbour, Demris W. Holt. Central Warehouse—Roy Burcham, George Harris.