all employments in the Draper miiis. As in the past, the Draper Personnel office will remain open from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P. M. Monday through Friday, personnel will be available in the office for answering questions and filling o forms pertaining to group insurance, mutual aid, unemployment compensa tion, and the retirement program. . * Whitcomb Appointed Director Of ACMI To promote Fieldcrest merchandise Or both immediate and long range ac ceptance, Kaufman Straus department 'tore in Louisville, Kentucky, featured I store wide “Fieldcrest Week” pro motion recently. The promotion dra matized Fieldcrest’s “Trousseau Lux- iry” theme. A bridal show for employees drama- ized colored sheets, each bridesmaid carrying a package to match her dress. In addition to special displays in the linen and bridal departments, spot ex hibits were placed throughout the store with twelve huge displays on the first floor announcing “Fieldcrest Week . Fieldcrest merchandise was prominent ly displayed in five front windows of the store, such as the one shown above. Cd coiored sheets, each bridesmaid the store, sucn a. u.. .... Vacation Set For June 28 To July 7 f ^ fnliowins schedule: Bedspread, Blanket, “^?!^.rtiirclofe Hosiery,\arastan, Sheeting and Towel All of the Fieldcrest ivimb (forth Carolina-Virginia area will close tor vacation at the end of third shift Saturday morning, June Wl resume operations on regular scne- iule Monday July 7. If, due to business Conditions, exceptions are necessary i certain mills or departments, tte em ployees affected will be advised by mi Management. Vacation pay will be issued on t e i-egular payday during the week begin ning June 23. Income and Social Secur ity taxes and other authorized deduc tions will be taken out of this c^ck. Group insurance premiums _wiU Waived for the weeks ending July 6 and July 13. Payment of Mutual Aid dues likewise will be waived for those weeks. Pay for work performed during toe week ending June 29 will be availa e at the mill cashier’s office on the lOllOWlIlg Hosiery, Karastan, Sheeting and Towel Mills, Thursday July 3 from 1 P-to 3 p.m. rhecks for the following mills will be available at each mill superintendent s nffire on the same day and hour. Bleachery, Central Warehouse Electric Blanket, Finishing and Rayon Mills. All personnel offices in the North Car- olita-Virginia area-will be dosed during Se period TZLS vacation—Saturday, June 28 throug ^""’rS^Em'^yees’ Store wiU be closed The store wlU r.-open on the resulat schedule, Monday, July v. Harold W. Whitcomb, assistant gen eral manager of Fieldcrest Mills was elected a member of the board of direc tors of the American Cotton Manufac turers institute at the annual convention in Atlantic City, N. J-, May 16-^. He will serve for a three-year term. He has since been appointed chairman of the Technical Services committee by Wil liam A. L. Sibley, vice president and treasurer of Monarch Mills, Lockhart, S. C. who was elected president of the ACm'i succeeding Charles C. Hertwig, president of Bibb Manufacturmg Com pany, Macon, Ga.