MILL WHISTLE 25-Year Club Picnic To Be Held Sept. 13 ★ Members of the Fieldcrest Mills 25- ®ar Club will hold their 10th annual l^eeting Saturday, September 13 at Tri- Baseball Park. The program begins 3:3o p.m. A picnic supper will be Served around 5 p.m. The food is being P^'epared by the ladies of Matrimony Jarange, Stoneville, under the direction 1 Mrs. Fred Davis. The club is comprised of those em- P oyees who have 25 or more years of ^ntinuous service with the mills. Many ^embers have over 35 years of service th ^ ^ sizable group have exceeded e 40-year mark. Total membership present is 673, including 61 new ^embers who will receive their club Golems at Saturday’s outing. Macon P. Miller will be master of J’^®wonies, with E. W. Medberry ex- nding the welcome on behalf of the ^anagment. Harold W. Whitcomb will sent ,'^’^iefly to the group and will pre- t pins to the new members, he Tri-City band will play a concert to the speaking part of the pro- the Fieldcrest Quartet will Mlf music and entertainment 11^ ^e provided by Jim Eanes and his snd Country Boys” from radio att WBTM in Danville, Va. Several j'= ^'^3nce prizes consisting of various “crest products, will be awarded. * — I'omoted To Foreman Robert C. Wingate, formerly fixer in the Seaming Dept, at the Hosiery Mill, was promoted to foreman of the Seaming, Greige Examining and Griege Mending departments effective September 1. Mr. Wingate is a °f Grayson County, Virginia, but Ijg. “ in Georgia and North Carolina going to Fieldale in 1938. He ^ Ked in the Towel Mill and later was Jackpot Winners In Safety Rules Contest J^ative jj'-A for two years. secretary of the Fieldale in employed at the Hosiery Mill 1952 Seaming Dept, in March Air Wingate served in the Army *orce during World War II. as shipping clerk and became a Winners of the jackpot prizes at the various mills in the safety rules quiz contest conducted during the past sever al months are shovm above. Employees were selected at random and asked to quote one of the Fieldcrest Mills safety rules. If the individual stated the rule correctly he was paid a dollar and he became eligible for the jackpot to be given at the close of the contest. A dol lar was put into the jackpot each time an employee was found unable to state the rule correctly. Jackpot winners successfully quoted a second safety rule before receiving a sizable cash award. Top row: left to right; Rosa Mason Combs, Blanket; Euell L. Turner, Towel; Juanita Joyce, Hosiery; Russell Krantz, Finishing & Bleachery; Elsie Mullis, Electric Blanket; bottom row, Myrtle Harris, Sheeting; Lillie Lamar Woodlieff, Rayon; Eunice Buckner, Central Warehouse; Billie McCullouch, Bedspread; and Charles R. Galloway, Karastan. Dr. William Elmore Will Speak To Junior Council The Junior Carolina Council will hold its first meeting of the new Coun cil year Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock at Central Y. M. C. A. Robert L. Powell of the Blanket Mill is president and Lucille Cherry, Industrial and Public Relations Dept, is secretary-treasurer. A vice president and a song leader will be elected to round out the full comple ment of new officers for the coming year. Nancy Matlock, of Central Warehouse Office, program chairman, announced that the speaker for the first meeting will be Dr. William H. Elmore, chiro practor, who recently opened offices in Leaksville. Dr. Elmore is author of a column “Health Chats” appearing in The Leaksville News. Fieldcrest Radio Show Starts 7th Year At WLOE The Fieldcrest Show began its seventh annual series over Station WLOE Sep tember 7 and will be heard each Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock for the next sever, al months. The program will be carried by both WLOE and Station WMVA in Martinsville, Va. The Fieldcrest Quartet will again be featured on the weekly broadcast, as will the “Mr. Fieldcrest” guessing game in which cash prizes are awarded the first persons correctly identifying the employees whose stories are told on the program. Mrs. Curtis Martin, of the Hosiery Mill Office at Fieldale, was guest vocalist and Harold W. Whitcomb, as sistant general manager, was speaker on the opening broadcast of the series.