MILL WHISTLE ■ • ♦kr—: - Sear. Visitors Co. who visited the mills and quality ntrol laboratories last week are shown in the Bedspread Weave Room with S T tJerson, superintendent of the Bedspread Mill, guide for the mill tour. Ill • Herdes, San Francisco. Calif.; Mrs. Hazel Clymer, Moline Garri ®h®wnee, Okla.; Mr. Anderson; Mrs. Florence Craytor! City, Kan.; A. A. Sachs, Chicago; Wayne B. Crandall, Santa Monica, Calif! Receive Promotions . Harold Squires (left), formerly as- ^ ——^ the R, foreman on the second shift in Hien* Cloth Inspection Depart- foj-g ’ been promoted to assistant atid Blanket Weave Room the time being is working on shift. ®3rrow (right), formerly loom- ^6av ° T> third shift in the Blanket fofg^ ’ promoted to assistant *Jietit the Cloth Inspection Depart- second shift. Coined a native of Draper, first company in the Blanket ® Room as a quill collector in 1935. He was a weaver and loomfixer for several years. For a time, he was associ ated with Ivar Moberg in experimental and loom development work in the Standards Department before becoming assistant foreman of the Cloth Room in December 1951. In the past, Mr. Squires has attended the Vocational School where he studied carding and spinning and weaving and designing. Mr. Barrow, also a Draper native, at tended the local schools and completed a loomfixing course sponsored by the Company at the Vocational School in 1947. He has worked in the Blanket Weave Room since July 1939 when he was a filling hand. He was a weaver for several years on jacquards and has been a loomfixer since 1947, fixing both jacquard and plain looms. Fire Prevention Week Fieldcrest Mills will cooperate with the fire departments of Leaksville, Spray and Draper in the observance of Fire Prevention Week October 5-11. An organized schedule of activities is plan ned for the week with special atten tion being given to certain items on each day. E. W. Medbery, production manager, has urged that each mill take steps to safe^ard the plants against winter fire hazards and possible freez ing of fire protection sprinkler pipes. Sears, Roebuck Sales Winners Visit Mills Domestics section managers from Sears, Roebuck and Co. retail stores, who were winners in a sales contest, last week enjoyed a three-day trip to Fieldcrest Mills. Visiting in two groups, the first contingent of nine September 24 and 25, and the latter party of 10 on October 1 and 2, the visitors had their headquarters at the Fieldale Lodge, from where they made tours through the mills in the Tri-Cities and at Fieldale, with a side trip to Philpott Dam. Sears’ gave the expense-paid trip as a reward for the section managers’ in creasing sales to the highest percentage above their quotas in the contest. The pleasure trip was combined with the mill tour to give the salespeople an op portunity to observe our production processes and our quality testing pro gram. Contest winners visiting the miiig were D. Hoss, Los Angeles, Calif.; Jack Fully, Los Angeles, Calif.; Robert W. Bain, Louisville, Ky.; Richard Taylor, Sacramento, Calif.; William Adams, Bakersfield, Calif.; Miss Alice Hon- gerousky, Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. Rachel Brandes, Yakima, Wash.; Mrs. Verla P. Cooper, Enid, Okla.; Ed Truitt, Dal las, Texas.; Leonard Gleason, Dallas, Texas; Leonard Herdes, San Francisco, Calif.; George King, Inglewood, Calif.; Wayne B. Crandall, Santa Monica, Calif.; Miss Bee Jones, Orlando, Fla.; Louie Wilson, Riverside, Calif.; Mrs. (Continued on Page Eight) ★ New Assistant Foreman Jack Jarrett, form erly a weaver on the third shift at the Sheeting Mill has been promoted to as sistant foreman of the Cloth Inspection Dept., second shift. Mr. Jarrett was born in Spray and gradu ated from Draper high school in 1943. He served overseas with the Marines during World War IL He has been a weaver on the third shift for the past several years and for a time worked with the Standards Dept, on Control Testing in the Sheeting Weave Room.