Heard This One? The Senate Preparedness Investigat ing Subcommittee made the following summary in its 40th report on the Armed Services: “We cannot consider an organization efficient when it re quires 1600 men to put 75 single-seated aircraft into the air; we cannot con sider a training base efficient when it requires one man to feed, house, and train two and one-half men; we cannot consider a ship efficently run when it is manned by three and one-half times the number of seamen required to con duct a similar operation in private commerce.”—Tax Outlook, August 1952. SEARS’ VISITORS (Continued from Page One) Dorothy Marston, Bangor, Me.; Mrs. Bessie Ruth Terry, Shawnee, Okla.; Mrs. Florence Craytor, Garden City, Kan.; Mrs. Hazel Clymer, Moline, 111. Gordon Doak, assistant retail sales manager for Sears’, and A. A. Sachs, buyer, plastics, both of Chicago, ac companied the first group. J. D. Power, blanket buyer for Sears’ was at the mills and met the visitors. Sears’ officials from Chicago accom panying the latter group were W. J. Troost, retail sales manager; Miss Frances Hewitt, C. H. Kettinger and Jim McCarthy. War Hero Welcomed How Industrial Fires Start GASOLINE CARELESS WORKER smokes where he shouldn’t. He fails to clear away combustible trash. FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS shouldn’t be stored in open. Take care with tools that produce fire. 7# SPRINKLERS WON’T work if they’re obstructed. Don’t pile stock high up to the ceiling. ONE FAULTY WIRE is enough to burn down a plant. Check elec trical equipment regularly. A BLOCKED fire door is useless. Fire doors must be free to be closed in seconds’ time. FIRE ALARMS mean what they say. Know what to do when one sounds. Always call the firemen. Two young bond-buyers gave CP^ Jerry Crump a hero’s welcome wbe® the soldier visited Fieldcrest Mills Sept' ember 25 in the interest of the Payro*J Savings Plan. The 19-year-old corpora* is the only North Carolina boy to ^ awarded the congressional medal ° honor in the Korean fighting. Member^ of the “welcoming committee” above ; Jean Gray, left and Gail Janney, bo^ j of the Service Dept, at the General Oi'' fice. An Army infantryman from Foresj City, Cpl. Crump culminated a series ® heroic exploits by smothering an eneiw hand grenade with his body. By fire and single-handed bayonet charg^ he killed 17 of the enemy in lU® fighting at Hill 264 near Chorwa^ Korea. When the battle was over tb®^ were indications that he may have bc®^ responsible for an additional 21 of I enemy dead. . ^ ’ Cpl. Crump is making a tour of ^ dustrial areas of the State with rep*^ sentatives of the U. S. Savings Bon®: Division. Accompanying him duri^ his visit to the Tri-Cities were Dougl^ L. Craddock, county Defense chairman and Kenneth Wible of Tre®' sury Dept.’s defense bonds office Greensboro. jJ> BUY.. .SELL.. .SWA? FOR SALE: Mahogany cedar | Good condition. Telephone 372-W- j FOR SALE; 10 x 14 Karastan Rug, ' mat, single bedroom suite. Tel. 9'^' FOR SALE: Warm Morning Electric Chum. Phone 355-R. ,ve, 8 FOUND: Change Purse containing rency. Owner should call at ^ Whistle Office. fieldcrest MILL WHISTI"^