»URD R BOEBINGER standard printing CO. ‘ST. AT JEFFERSON 2,KY. y-flJPllM ’ wy% 'fr * .ID METER tlu 156974 J^OLUme ® MIL.L WHISTLE Spray, N. C. Monday, August 17, 1953 Number 2 ^ills Introduce Sheet Line motifs ranging from ;nclu(jgj feminine prints are lietnrn ri ^ series of fancy- f’ielrir.! sheets being introduced by ®Wcrest Mills. both n include patterns in lophan and muslin. All are cel- and packaged in an ‘Gift cT® lithographed gift box with a Street” design. ;aris is ® flair for authentic tar- ^ordej. over into dramatic sheet iertis three different plaid pat- series. These are: 'ed) (red), MacPherson (blue and 'lack) MacLeod (yellow and iheptf are on white Duracale cases. Jorde and colorful are Floral- )rint sheets. A tiny provincial lifqu predominating pink, yellow, ier lavender becomes the bor- T’jjg Either white or pastel Duracale. uchesse series on either white (Continued on page five) C D * p®* Receives Award Its Cooperation In ! Reserve Program '®rtif Mills has been awarded a of Appreciation from the latiyi ^*'niy in recognition of the Com- n faithful and cooperative spirit 'orff, 'release of employees for per- of military duty.” The cer- ire Points out that many citizens Bsyj^®^'^ers of the Army Reserve and late '^®rtain obligations to partici- r to*^ summer field training and oth- irJiich active duty for training, an . ’^®*Juire their absence from civil- “ji P'^^Pations for brief periods, i gratifying to note that your firm Brvg °'®heartedly supporting this re- ti(j Program of our Armed Forces, ^nce ^^°rizing military leaves of ab- an j. its employees so that they Ertif- ’^^i'^ipate in such training,” the '*>cate ' Th, reads. Jaji(j- ^"'ard was made by the com- b(j general of the Third Army 6s_ by Colonel Conrad B. Stur- (ortu of the Military District of Carolina. Posters Remind Of Safety Goal For August AUGUST M> NO ACCIDENT MONTH AT WORK, AT HOME. AT PLAY DO THINGS TM£SA/^£ WAY W EVERY EFFORT is being made at Fieldcrest.dnrin;;' this month to “Make August a No-Accident Month.” Posters, signs and other reminders are being used in the plants to make employees more safety conscious during August—generally a month of high accident frequency. Getting a close-up view of one of the posters are Elizabeth Mills, Sheet Sewing, and Loraine Ellington, Sheet Packaging. Safety Record Good For First Half Of 1953 Fieldcrest Mills’ safety record for the first six months of 1953 was better than that of the first half of 1952 and of 1951. The mills had a frequency rate (the number of lost-time accidents oc curring per million manhours of opera tion) of 1.33, an improvement over the 1.73 rate for the similar period of 1952 and the 2.33 rate for the first six months of 1951. The severity rate of accidents during 1953 has been greater than for the corresponding period last year. By comparing the Fieldcrest Mills frequency of 1.33 for the first six months of 1953 with the average fre quency of the textile industry in North Carolina whose average was 7.5, it is seen that Fieldcrest Mills employees experienced only one-sixth of the lost time injuries of the average North Carolina textile plant based on the hours operated. E. W. Medbery, production manager, pointed out that Fieldcrest Mills had only six lost-time accidents during the period. However, if our frequency had been as high as the state average, we then would have experienced 36 lost time injuries. This means we have 30 people at Fieldcrest who would have been injured had our frequency rating been as high as the state average. “By continuing our good safety perform ance we can save people from injury. Let’s keep up the good work,” Mr. Medbery said. The following mills maintained their no-lost-time accident record in the first six months of 1953: Electric Blanket Mill, Bedspread Mill, Bleachery, Central Warehouse, Towel Mill, Karastan Rug Mill, and the Synthetic Fabrics MiU. The Electric Blanket Mill has not had a lost time accident since the mill was established. The Synthetic Fabrics Mill has gone since January 1950 without a single disabling injury with over 3 million manhours of safe work to its credit. The Bleachery has not experienced a lost time accident since December 1950 with over 2 million manhours worked since the last injury. Central Warehouse has worked since October 1951 wdthout a lost time accident. The Karastan Rug Mill has a perfect safety record so far this year and is maintaining one of the best safety rec ords in the carpet industry.