SHEtTS. TOWELS •BEDSPREADS* BLANKETS • ELECT RIC BLANKETS# HOSIERY •KARASTAN RUGS»SVNTHETIC FABRICS MILL WHISTLE yOL. XIII Published by Fieldcrest Mills, Inc. • Plants located in Spraj, Draper and leaksville, N. C. and Fieldale, Va. Spray, N. C., Monday, December 6, 1954 NUMBER 11 Council Hears Talk By H. I. Seeley A^GAR IS Shown following the meeting of the Carolina Cooperative Council November II' to right are Rev. Dewey Smith, pastor of Spray Methodist Church, who Othe invocation; H. I. Seeley, assistant treasurer, Carohna Power and Light who was the chief speaker; and R. T. Ingram, of the Council program who introduced Mr. Seeley (See Page three). thirteen Retire With Pension Thirteen lonir-service employees of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc., retired Sf'tive December 1 S maK total o( 5p2 men and have a with monthly pension for life, paid for by the Company, since reti Pension Plan was instituted in 1943. i5»rees were held in the Nantucket Conference Room Tuesday morn ;«• NovSeJTo at which time the first monthly pension checks presented. Of^^^'^tions concerning the service rec- rt^ij? the employees were read by Mij officials as follows: Bedspread ’ J- E. Barksdale; Finishing Mill, f>(j Powell; Blanket Mill, D. A. Svntk . Sheeting Mill, R. C. Going; Qw , Pnhrinc ivrni .T Ct. Halsey; atid Fabrics Mill, J. G. Halsey; M "®®tan Rug Mill, Virgil Hall, aticj nug iVilil, ijfj. P- Miller, director o£ industrial Setji Public relations, presided and pre- iti E. W. Medbery, vice-president '^naree nf ny/^ri,,otir,n who sDoke br .jpj, of Production, who spoke it ^ to the group. Mr. Medbery said him “feel good to be asso- itiau '''ith a company that tries to lof| 'concrete plans for those who have with the Company and who to retire.” He said the Field- Inc. Pension Plan, paid for entirely by the Company, is the best pension plan in the textile industry. Mr Medbery expressed his pleasure in being able to attend the retirement meetings to meet and talk with those people whose long service has meant so much to the success of the Com pany. He wished all of them good health and happiness during retire ment. , , B. C. Trotter, legal counsel and sec- retary of the Retirement Committee, explained the rights and privileges of retired employees. He pointed out that when Fieldcrest Mills, Inc. bought the mills Marshall Field & Company l^irned over to the Trustee the pro rata share of the Pension Trust for (Continued on page five; Sales Meeting To Be Held In Atlantic City Final preparations are being made for the annual Domestics Sales Meet ing and Fieldcrest Distributors Meeting at the Claridge hotel in Atlantic City, N. J. December 11-15. The sales meeting will bring togeth er our road salesmen and mill and sales officials for planning and dis cussion of our sales program, the show ing of new lines and presentation of new ideas in selling and merchandis ing. Following sample room meetings Saturday morning. President Harold W. Whitcomb will speak to the group at a luncheon, followed by other sample room meetings at 1:30 p.m. A sheet presentation will feature the pro gram at 5 p.m. Another sample room meeting is set for 11 a.m. December 12 with a gen eral meeting at 2:30 p.m. when A. S. Thompson, sales manager, domestics, will lead the discussion. Remarks will be given by F. W. Hoit, vice president in charge of domestics sales, and E. S. Klein, Jr., distributor and specialty sales manager, will outline the pror cedure for the distributors meeting.; Distributors Meeting The Distributors Meeting will be at tended by executives, buyers and sales men from Fieldcrest’s wholesale dis tributors who will meet with members of our sales organization for three days of joint planning on how best to pro mote the sale of Fieldcrest products during the coming year. President Whitcomb and E. S. Klein, Jr. will speak at a luncheon Monday (Continued on page five) Christmas Schedule Announced For Store The Employees Store will remain open Friday, December 24 (Christmas Eve). The Store will be closed Satur day, December 25 and Monday, De cember 27. The Store will be open Tuesday, December 28 and will remain open until noon, December 29. The Store will be closed from noon, December 29, through January 1 for inventory and the New Year’s holiday, reopening on regular schedule Monday, January 3.

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