SHUTS • Towns • iiDSPRtADS • llANKiTS • I liCTlIC ilANK t TS • X Alt AST AN XUO^ • SYNTHITIC fAiaiCS MILL WHISTLE Piiblisheil liy Fleldcrest Mills. Inc. • Plants locsted In Spray. Draper and leaksnlle, N. C. and Fieldale, Va. VOL. NO. XIV Spray, N. C., Monday, November 21, 1955 Number 10 Council Program Plans Announced for The annual Christmas entertainment members of the Carolina Coopera- Council, the Junior Council, their ^ives, husbands and guests is sched- for Saturday, December 17, in "s Leaksville-Spray junior high school ®^ditorium. The famed Charlotte Boys Choir will 'I'ssent a concert at 2:30 p.m. for ^ ildren of Council members and at • 0 o’clock in the evening for members ad,ult guests. Council members “0 find it more convenient to attend ® afternoon program will be given *'®dit on the attendance records. Letters of invitation and tickets will ® trailed to members well in advance the^ program date. ■President Harold W. Whitcomb and Vice-president E. W. Medbery will Peak briefly preceding the concerts, •"mging greetings from the Manage- Stunts for the children’s enjoy- ®wt are being arranged for the after- *ioon program. Safe Driving Day Planned For Dec. 1 kinds of persons are respon- for the nation’s traffic accidents— Women and children, otirt will be the target for the sec- o observance of S-D Day on Dec. 1, sponsored by the President’s Committee Traffic Safety, g *^®®ident Eisenhower has set this le Driving Day for Americans to ^oye jjjgj jjy efforts traffic Z^^^ents can be held to an absolute 'nirnum for a 24-hour period, he day is typically American, the j '^mittee said. Although officially ^^onsored by the President and his ^j'^'^ittee, its observance and all acti- les connected with it will be on a Operative and volunteer basis. 5g.^*‘Pose of the day, the committee tr f - increase awareness of the ^^9ffic accident problem and inspire and pedestrians to assume their and personal responsibility highway safety. They will be urged .*^bey the letter and spirit of all jjj, regulations by driving at speeds Scribed by law or indicated by road (Continued on page four) JOHN J. DODSON ... A Half-Century of Service . . Retirees Will Ham Program A retirement meeting in the Training Dept. conference room Thursday morning, December 1, will honor a group of employees who will retire ef fective December 1 under the Field- crest Mills, Inc., Pension Plan. An informal program will be held after which the first monthly pension checks will be presented. Verne C. Snyder, of the Karastan Sales Dept, with 36 years and two months has the longest record of ser vice among those to retire December 1, Thomas L. Willard, Central Ware house, is next with 34 years and six months. Silas G. Strader, (early re tirement) Blanket Mill, has 31 years and 10 months and Arch H. Griggs, Sheeting, has 30 years and two months. Continuous service for others is as follows: Jesse W. Adkins, Blanket, 24 years and two months; Nora D. Rich ardson, Bedspread, 24 years and two months; Carrie B. Helms, Bedspread, 20 years and two months; James E. Tilley, , Towel, 13 years and six months; Thomas G. Holley, Towel, 13 years; and Frank J. Aheron, Finishing, (early retirement) six years and four months of actual service. J. J. Dodson Is New 50-Year Man John J. Dodson, of the Blanket Mill, Fieldcrest’s seventh 50-year employee, was honored at a luncheon at Meadow Greens Country club Friday, Novem ber 18. On hand to help him celebrate his anniversary were five other 50-year people; J. Will Patterson, Blanket Mill (retired); W. A. Blackburn, Miss Mollie Lea, A. D. Weaver; and W. R. Gover, all of the Synthetic Fabrics Mill. Oscar F. Ferguson, Sheeting Mill (retired) was not present. J. H. Ripple, manager of the Blanket Mill, presided. The invocation was given by Mr. Dodson’s pastor, the Rev. Earl York of Draper Christian Church. Mr. Ripple spoke briefly and present ed the following who made brief re marks praising Mr. Dodson and his outstanding record of service: E. W. Medbery, vice-president of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc.; H. T. Bundy, assistant mill manager, C. A. Davis, superintendent; J. P. Foster, assistant superintendent; and D. P. Gambill, foreman of the weave room. Harold W. Whitcomb, president of Fieldcrest, spoke briefly, expressing the Company’s appreciation of its long- service people and presented Mr.Dod- son with his diamond-and-gold 50- year pin and other gifts and remem brances. Mr. Dodson responded with remarks during which he expressed his grati tude “to the Company, the mill officials and the people I worked with for being so good to me.” He stated that he had enjoyed his work and “always did all I could to keep people’s morale up.” A. D. Weaver and W. R. Gover who (Continued on page four) Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule Announced Plants and offices of Fieldcrest Mills will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday, Thursday, November 24, re suming operations Friday, November 25. In mills where there is a third shift, this shift will stop at the end of the shift Wednesday morning, November 23, and resume operations Thursday night, November 24, at the regular time. Pay roll checks for all mills normal ly paid on Thursday will be paid on Friday.