Spray, N. C., Monday, April 14, 1958 NUMBER 20 YMCA Membership Drive Opens Today 50-YEAR award presented—Mrs. Cora H. Rickman is presented the Field- crest Mills diamond-and-gold 50-year service emblem by President Whitcomb. Cora H. Rickman Attains 50-Year Record Mrs. Cora H. Rickman completed 50 years of continuous service April 1 to become the first woman to attain a half century of service at the Blanket ^lill. She was honored by the manage- rnent of the Company at a luncheon at ^leadow Greens Country Club on her anniversary date. Attending the luncheon were Mrs. Rickman’s husband, Samuel A. Rick man, a fixer in the spooling department at the Blanket Mill, officers of the Com pany, representatives of the Blanket Mill and the Industrial Relations Department. Special guests were the Company’s seven o'her 50-year employees. C. J. Frank, director of industrial re lations, presided. J. P. Foster, assistant Superintendent of the Blanket Mill, gave the invocation. C. A. Davis, mill super intendent, presented a testimonial to ^rs. Rickman’s loyalty and steadfastness through the years. President Harold W. Whitcomb pre sented Mrs. Rickman with the Fieldcrest diamond-and-gold 50-year pin. Gifts and a letter of appreciation from the Company for her long record of service also were presented. Mrs. Rickman made a brief response, stating, “I am thankful that I have been able to work so long, to have a good company to work for and to have good people around me to help me along.” A special part of the program honored Bruce Gauldin, one of the 50-year em ployees who retired on the day of the lunrheon. H. T. Bundy, assistant manag er of the Blanket and Sheeting mills, read a citation regarding Mr. Gauldin’s outstanding record of 51 years and three months of continuous service at the Blanket Mill and presented Mr. Gauldin (Continued on page six) ‘Open House’ Pictures Approximately 1500 visitors toured the new General Offices building March 29 when “open house” was held for em ployees and their families and the pub lic. See pages four and five for pictures. Fieldcrest Employees To Have Active Parts In Annual Campaign A large number of Fieldcrest- ers will assist in the annual Y.M.- C.A. membership drive which op ens today (Monday) and contin ues through April 30. Simultan eous campaigns will be conducted by Consolidated Central, Draper, and Henry Street Y.M.C.A.’s. Draper Y.M.C.A. held its kick-off meeting for workers Friday afternoon, April 11. Consolidated Central will launch its drive today at 6 p.m. and plans are being made for beginning the Henry Street campaign. Dr. Roy Turner is general chairman for Consolidated Central, with assistance from the board of directors and the Leaksville-Spray Y’s Men’s Club. Frank Stein is general chairman at Draper. The campaign for the Henry Street “Y” will be headed by Robert M. Broadnax, pres ident, and Mrs. Bethel M. Bell, execu tive secretary. Clyde Pressley is co-chairman of the Consolidated Central campaign. Colonels assisting in the organization are Warren Wilson, Ottis Honeycutt and James Tay lor. Captains include Chester Robertson, Rufus Ray, Grissom Manley, Robert Joyce, Cletus Hall, Lacey Owen, H. E. Williams, Virgil Hall, Ann Navey, Viv ian Harris, C. C. Campbell, Mrs. Rus sell Turner, George Chandler, Junior Biggs, Coy L. Stack, Manley Joyce, Paul Murphy, R. S. Via and J. W. Webster. Assisting in the Draper “Y” campaign will be members of the board of direc- (Continued on page six) Wachovia Chairman Will Address Council Archie K. Davis, chairman of the board, Wachovia Bank and Trust Com pany, Winston-Salem, is scheduled to speak at a meeting of the Carolina Co operative Council Thursday evening, April 24, 7:30 o’clock, at Consolidated Central Y.M.C.A. It will be the Council’s final meeting before suspending its activities during the summer months. New officers will be elected to take office when the Coun cil programs are resumed next fall.