Retired Employees Honored At Annual Dinner O SFWS 9, jMMii.t'fr^ m Kneeling, left to right, Donnie Thomas, Larry Stultz, Newland Baucom, Bran ford Jefferson, W. F. Duggins, S. S. Bur- gart, Ralph Kirks, Garland Crumpton, Posey Jeffries, Aubrey Hamrick, W. E. Richardson, retiree. Standing, R. T. Craddock, retiree, Jesse Pyrtle, retiree; B. A. Rickman, re tiree; Charlie Hall, Bobby Brown, L. J. McClung, Lester Fulcher, foreman; Raymond Ellington, Will Perry, re tiree; J. W. Mabes, retiree; Maynard Cox, Ronnie Janney, Gray Hundley, Norman Hopkins, Otis Carter, James Borden, Dennis Stegall J. J. Shumate, retiree; W. F. Buckner, Jimmy Griffin, Bobby Clark, Lee Rierson, Harvey Shively, Fred Stultz, J. P. Snead, retiree. tmmti Delicious food, fun, warm fellowship and a renevi'ing of asso- sion Plan mark the annual dinners given by the men of the ciations with former co-workers noW retired under the Pen- Bedspread-Karastan Plant Service Department. Eight retired employees of the Bed spread-Karastan Plant Service Depart" nient were guests of honor at the anH'^ dinner at Moore’s Grill June 7, given oy the men of the department. L. O. Fulcher, foreman, was toast master during the informal program. The invocation was given by J. J. Shu- fnate, formerly foreman and now tired under the Pension Plan. A de i- cious meal was served by L. M. Moor®> ® former Fieldcrester. Each retiree spoke briefly to his pleasure in being present and his appreciation of the thoughtfiilness o his former associates. Everyone presen signed his name to a “get well” to be sent to W. J. Baughn, retiree '''as unable to attend. Retirees present were R. T. Craddock, J- W. Mabes, W. N. Perry, J. D. Py™e, E. Richardson, B. A. Rickm^*^’ Shumate, and J. P. Snead. Monday, june 23, • j V t Younger employees of the shop (in foreground) hear stories of the “old days’* told by the retirees, receive advice and good wishes from the older men.