zj\'' A-iv PASHiONS F^OR BED AND BATH ssi^i anJs locoted in Spray, Orap«r and Uak^viUCN. C. ond Pieldol^ Vo FuUishii Spray, N. C., Monday, April 6, 1959 NUMBER 19 Sheeting Mill Holds Safety Barbecue ^ITH A SMILE isirxiLii!. —Doris Gregory (left) and Mary Mang:ruin, of Sheeting Spin- are handed plates of barbecue by Dan Squires, assistant foreman. The super- *•'* donned white coats and served barbecue to all employees as an award for "eir good safety record in 1958. (See pages 4 and 5.) ^age Increase Averages VA Cents Per Hour |.^ychecks this week will reflect a !( wage increase averaging 7’^ Vt hour for employees in the ,, ^ Carolina mills. A similar increase ^ill Put into effect three weeks earlier Company’s non-union Towel 3t Fieldale, Virginia. Company and the Textile Work- ,1, P^ion of America, AFL-CIO, agreed ® general wage increase for North 'l ^ina employees Monday, March 23. j, action followed a meeting the day 'Wtv Bi-County Joint Board llg Web Union members voted to accept i^^j^ounter-proposal made by the Com- Wage hike was made effective as \ 'u ;b "lU: ^ in earlier wage negotiations. , P. m. Sunday, March 8. Paychecks ® distributed at the North Carolina ® this week are the first to be fig- at the new rates, also will include i .^active adjustment, ^^ividual This week’s three weeks increases were calculated (Continued on page eight) C. U. Joint Accounts Members of the Fieldcrest Mills Credit Union are advised that joint memberships are permissible for husband and wife or other parties who wish to enter into a joint agreement. Undei a joint-account with the right of survivorship, each party may deposit or withdraw funds. In case of the death of one of the parties, the surviving member or members become the sole owner or owners of the account. Credit Union members who wish to set up a joint account may sign a card bearing the contract or agreement between the parties. These cards are available upon re quest from the industrial relations supervisors in the various mills. Employees Earned Award For Their Outstanding Safety Record During 1958 Employees of the Sheeting Mill en joyed a barbecue dinner March 24 as an award for their outstanding safety record in 1958. The barbecue was served in the mill by the supervisors who donned white waiters’ jackets for the occasion. Plates of barbecue, “hush puppies”, coffee, and cold drinks were served in all departments on all three shifts on a schedule that approximated the em ployees’ usual lunch period. The Sheeting Mill employees earned the barbecue by working the entire year of 1958 without a lost-time acci dent. The last disabling injury to occur at the mill was on October 31, 1957. The Sheeting employees have since accumulated nearly one and one quar- ter-million man-hours of safe work. Application has been made to the North Carolina Department of Labor for a Certificate of Safety Achievement based on the Sheeting Mill’s record in 1958. The award will be presented later. When the Sheeting Mill reached one million man-hours of safe operation last January, miU management and supervisors signed a congratulatory let ter which was distributed to all per sonnel at the Sheeting Mill. The letter pointed out that of more importance than the record itself was the fact that Sheeting employees be cause of their interest and participation in mill safety, suffered no lost wages or hardship for a long period. Jr. Council Will Hear Talks By Guinan, Hoit Walter B. Guinan, president of our Karastan sales division, and Frederic W. Hoit, president of our Fieldcrest sales division, are scheduled to address the Junior Carolina Council at its final meeting of the year Tuesday evening, April 14, at 7:30 o’clock at Consolidated Central Y.M.C.A. Mr. Guinan and Mr. Hoit are expected to discuss activities of the sales organi zations. The sales officials will be intro duced by Harold W. Whitcomb, presi dent of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc.