Spray, N. C., Monday, August 29, 1960 NO. 4 Eligible For 25-Year Club Picnic J. C. Honeycutt holds session with group from 1960 Morehead squad [ieldcresters’ Sons On Black Panther Team ^'=‘ High School To Open otiioui lu •■tK Night Against '''■est At Winston-Salem 3^4 "^embers of the 1960 Black Sotj^ *^6am at Morehead High School ? *^6rs Fieldcrest employees. The a their season with a Northwest at Winston- night, September 2. \ ®^°wn above with Coach J. and the names of the l^SeL^^rents are: Ak*^**'16 u?’ to right, Donnie Wall, ;V Karastan: ^Gneral Offices; Kenneth Vpu ! C. D. Robertson, Mechanical “Buzz” Gilley, and Dorothy Robertson, filp ’ Pete Simpson, Glenn Simp- Reece, Tom Reece, Richardson, Vertie ar(U’ Connie t bedspread; Joey Tolbert, Q ’ Bleachery; Russell Hatch- tvt ,^®tcher. Sheeting; Jimmy 'Us t,’Nell-’ - ^o^viett le Hatcher, Blanket; Corn- J- L. Hewlett, Blanket. Fall Training Series To Get Under Way Sept. 19 The 1960 fall series of management training courses will begin the week of September 19 for first and third shift supervisors and for staff men. Courses and instructors are as fol lows: Getting and Giving Information, taught by J. H. Gunnells, Industrial Relations Department; Time Study, taught by R. O. Endicott and J. L. Marlowe, of the Standards Department. Business Writing, taught by Raleigh Biggerstaff, of the Morehead High School English Department. Human Relations, taught by J. E. Gardner, Industrial Relations Depart ment; Cost Control (for gray mills) F. G. Norman, Comptroller’s Department: and Cost Control (for Karastan), J. E. Bondurant and J. E. Williams, Comp troller’s Department. Organized by our Training Depart ment, the courses will again be under (Continued on page eight) Long-Service Employees To Have Annual Outing September 17 In Morehead Stadium Plans are going forward for the an nual 25-Year Club picnic to be held in Morehead Stadium at 3:30 p. m. Sat urday, September 17. A total of 1267 employees with 25 or more years of continuous service are eligible to attend and it is expected that a large percentage of these will be present. Included are an even 100 men and women who have completed 25 years of continuous service since last September. The Fieldcrest 25-Year Club was or ganized at a banquet for long-service employees held on December 7, 1943, two years to the day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, it was recalled at the time. A total of 106 employees were eligible for membership and 87 persons—76 men and 11 women—attended the or ganization meeting. At the second banquet in November, 1944, the membership had increased to 137 and at the third banquet in 1945 there were 291 members, of which 49 were women. A modification of the eligibility re quirements that existed in 1943 and 1944 brought in many new members. The (Continued on page four) Labor Day Holiday All plants and offices of Fieldcrest Mills will be closed for the Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 5. In those departments operating on a three-shift basis, third shift employees will report for work at the usual time on Monday night, September 5. Other shifts will report at the usual time on Tuesday, September 6. If any exceptions to the above sched ules are necessary or in any case where individuals or departments are needed to work on this holiday, the employees affected will be advised by mill man agement. Due to the Labor Day holiday, pay roll checks for week ending September 4 will be distributed at the mills on September 9.