■ XT\ WHISTLE Fitfldcfc't Ipc F lonts 'c*^ti»ea in Spray, Drfiper and leak$vilk, N C ^nd Fn-friali?, Vo Spray, N. C., Monday, January 23, 1961 ’«*V ^ \ 's * NO. 14 refreshments after giving blood are, left to right, Ray Reynolds. Kara- Meeks, Finishing Mill; Wanda Chatman and Lera Swinney, both of L Serving them is Mrs. Frank Barron, Red Cross volunteer worker. ^Idcresters Cooperate In Blood Program of Bedspread And \ People Give Blood As Is Launched ; 'If , '^r^f '% a P ^rolinas Blood Program got ky ^ 5°'^'^ Start Monday, January 16 K.*>>st g °^3tion of 146 pints of blood '*by of 125 pints for the first same date, the More- Hospital came under the Cj; *'s Cross blood program. This Vrt patients from the Tri- Vf receive their total blood V*® for ♦ local hospital, without •'ecr ■ kilood itself. of donors was concen- ^ J^^^^sville area and a large ''5t| '‘I'eej ° those giving blood were Bedspread and Karas- H ^1* will be stationed at Central YMCA at Spray participation in the visit to each of the three towns. The year’s quota is 850 pints, an amount considered adequate for the needs at the Morehead Memorial Hospital. The blood collected will be processed at Charlotte and blood and its deriva tives will be supplied the local hospital from the Charlotte center. New Officers Named For Community Fund W. B. Lucas, legal counsel at Field- crest Mills, was elected president of the Tri-City Community Fund at the an nual meeting of directors and contrib utors Tuesday evening, January 17, at the Consolidated Central YMCA. ; Three vice presidents elected were^ Bransford Edwards, first; Clinton Frank,- director of industrial relations at Field- crest, second; and Clifford Ball, third. ; Vance Reece, of the Standards Depart-j ment was re-elected treasurer and Rich-j ard Robertson was re-elected secretary. In the treasurer’s report, Mr. Reece said the fund treasury is in sound fi nancial condition with necessary money on hand to meet payments to agencies. A small percentage remains to be raised from pledges and with this amount all obligations will be met. Dr. William McGehee discussed the fund drive at Fieldcrest Mills and sub mitted a motion to take steps to pro vide more information for employees concerning services of the agencies. C. C. Campbell, general chairman of the fund campaign, expressed appreci- Spray residents and the mills at Spray tijv, °^P°*'tunity to donate blood Mu Spray visit, the Blood- ‘n the Draper. Then, it will make a return Payroll Dept. Preparing Withholding Statements W-2 forms, employees’ federal income tax withholding statements for 1960, and NC-2 forms for employees in the North Carolina mills are being prepared in the Payroll Department and will be dis tributed in the mills to all active em ployees by the end of the month. The W-2 and NC-2 forms for persons out sick or laid off will be mailed to them through the United States mail by January 31. The forms will be sent through the U. S. mail to all other persons who worked any in 1960 but who are now terminated from the payroll. North Carolina employees must at tach NC-2 forms to their state income tax returns just as the W-2 forms are attached to federal returns. Community Fund officers. Bill Lucas, president; Clinton Frank, second vice president; Vance Reece, treasurer. ation for the fine work of all campaign workers and made a number of recom mendations for future campaigns. Reports were given by representatives of the various participating agencies. These included C. Lin Adams for the Boy Scouts; Mrs. John G. Cunningham for Girl Scouts; Clifford Ball for Draper YMCA; Horace Penn for Retarded Childen; Captain John Cole for the Sal vation Army. Also, Herbert Hughes for the Boys Club of Leaksville; Paul Peterson for Consolidated Central YMCA; and Mrs. Rose Marie Adams for the Red Cross.