Karastan Employees Get Safety Barbecue (Story on Page One) Finishing Department trio, on second shift, includes from left to right, Maurice Pruitt, Joel Lester and Charles Martin. Group from second shift in Weave Room is served barbecue by Paul Tiller, foreman, second from right in the picture. Tn Rurlinc Department third shift, Sam B. Thomas, second Gerald F. Ridley, assistant manager. Sales Service Depart- hand. hands plate to Thelma T. Cassell, roll goods burler. ment, serves office group at desks m Karastan Ser^^ce Center. 1 At Karastan Service Center, from left to right, Roy Roberts, In Washing Dept., from left, seated, Hugh Dillard Evond Richard McNeely, Ray Weddle, Charlie Dalton and Jerry Hasten. Ray, Anderson Foye, Irving Millner; standing. Dewey Millner. Dyeing Department group enjoys barbecue. From left are Aaron Hairston. Charlie Sharpe. Shepherd Sharpe, Ray Moton. 8 Virgil Chambers, assistant foreman in Winding and Setting Dept., third shift, serves barbecue to Geraldine Robertson. THE MILL WHISTL^^