WH I • »S# . j--.. '"lei-DcREST Micus INO- • Plants at Drgper, Greenville, UaksviHe, Mount Holly, Smithfield and Spray, N. C; Fieldale, Vo,j Columbus, Go. and Auburn, N. Y i^n Spray, N. C., October 7, 1963 NO. 7 ^ieldcrest Mills, Inc. Now 10 Years Old Mod, Expansions, Pij . Acquisitions Mark ^ Decade Of Ownership 1, 1S63, marked the 10th an- tiew Th, y of the purchase of the mills by corporation, Fieldcrest Mills, decade has been one of sig- Srowth and improvement, in- Acquisitions, modernization, ex- j ® 3nd new construction, the 10 -year period the company’s 'losg from $39 million in 1953 to ° ®100 million at the current rate >a 5jj®^®tions. The tremendous increase resulted from the company’s marketing and manu- iniprovement programs. iti formation the company has upgraded the styling and tiia product lines, has improv- ‘'^facturing techniques and has iftv. fsted ®ti(j more than $21 million in plants I'Jipment. i^^'^'iition, substantial investments made in improvements of the managerial, sales and pro- lliiilliifiiiiiiiiif m T'fXS Organizations. Both Fieldcrest fiiiMiia Exemplifying advancement of Fieldcrest in first 10 years is new General Offices building at Sp:ay. See anniversary pictures and stories on pages 6, 7, 9 and 12. ^60f„^?'astan sales organizations were VJfCTjj . “'•'-‘A* OdlCO gaiAAi.Cl and strengthened. Vcgj organized separate sales H the Fieldcrest sales divis- ® complete line of domestics under the St. Marys label, and under private labels to leading mail order houses, retail chains, retail buy ing groups and wholesale jobbers. The number of people employed by the company has grown from 4878 in Ore Appointed President Of Sales Division Moore was appointed pres- Fieldcrest sales division. October 1. Mr. Moore also was u'lls ''ice president of Fieldcrest \t,’ He succeeds Frederic W. V. ’^he r, resigned. Nnj "Omotion of Mr. Moore was an- here by Harold W. Whitcomb, °f Fieldcrest Mills, Inc. '•he company since 1946, Mr. Aj)j^^®fved as a member of the sales sales manager of department. He became '7 director in 1955 and in appointed vice president in ^^’e(j^.^6Pauw University, Mr. Moore years in World War II as a the U. S. Marines. He remains Sk is ^ the Marine Corps Reserve. and has two children, lives in Rumson, N. J. of Philadelphia and a grad- G. WiLLTAM MOORE 1 1953 to approximately 7,500 at present. Some of the additional employees are due to the expansion of existing opera tions and the remainder to the acquisi tion of additional mills. Beginning with the purchase of the St. Marys Woolen Manufacturing Com- (Continued on Page Nine) Gets NCTMA Honor Harold W. Whitcomb, president of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc., was advanced from second to first vice president of the North Carolina Textile Manufact urers Association at the group’s annual meeting at Pinehurst Thursday and Fri day, October 3-4. Mr. Whitcomb, in the normal course of events, will become the president of the association for 1964-65. In the election Friday, Marshall Y. Cooper, of Harriett and Henderson Cot ton Mills, Henderson, was moved up from first vice president to president for 1963-64, succeeding Hal W. Little, of Wadesboro, who is president of the Little Cotton Manufacturing Co. The NCTMA is the state trade organi zation for the textile industry and main tains headquarters in Charlotte.