' ■ ■ FieusceesT! MH-wsiiN'tt; Va.j Columbus, Go. and Auburn, N. Y i^. XXII Plants of'Draper^ Greenville, LeaksYiHe, Movnt HoJIy, SmithfieW and Spray, N. C Spray, N. C., May 11, 1964 NO. 22 250 Donors Needed For Blood Program ^^ALLON donors — Blood donors Leonard Cochran, of the Beck Dye Depart- ^ at the Finishing Mill (center), and Jimmy Huffman, of the Purchasing Depart- are presented certificates and pins signifying membership in the “Gallon Making the presentation is Norman Young, Blood Program co-chairman. ^ive Scholarships Awarded By Foundations a ^mes of the recipients of four $2,400 ,> ^l^rships given by the Fieldcrest Sfp^dation have been announced by 'Sident Harold W. Whitcomb, j hese latest grants make a total of Scholarships that have been given the Fieldcrest Foundation in the four school years, addition, Mr. Whitcomb announced •'ecipient of a fifth scholarship in ^me amount, given by the Musco- ^^oundation. lij ® winners of the Fieldcrest Scholar- chosen by the Scholarship Com- ®*jctures and additional information ''ih scholarship recipients and their \vill be carried in the next issue of , Mill Whistle. were Rickie Lawrence Manuel, of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sanders If Donald Francis Rhodes, son of and Mrs. Sam Buck Rhodes, Jr.; Brenda Gayle Stowe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stowe; and Robert Wade Myrick, son of Mrs. Juanita Byrd. Rickie Manuel's mother, Mrs. Annie Mae Manuel, is a weaver at the Sheet ing Mill in Draper, and Robert Myrick’s mother, Juanita S. Byrd, is an office clerk at the Automatic Blanket Plant, Smithfield. Donald Rhodes’ father is a laboratory technician in the Research and Quality Control Department, Spray, and Miss Stowe’s father is a napper op erator at the Finishing Mill, Spray. The recipient of the Muscogee Foundation Scholarship, chosen from among eight applicants, was Charlie A. (Andy) Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. John William Evans. Both of Andy Evans' parents are em ployed in the Spinning Department at Muscogee Mills in Columbus, Ga. His father is a doffer Emd his mother (Mol- lie Carter Evans) is a spinner. Recipients are selected on the basis of (Continued on Page Eight) Tri-City Program Is In Jeopardy Unless Long-Standing Deficit Is Eliminated by ‘Operation Rescue’ On Tuesday, Fieldcresters will join with other Tri-City citizens in support of “Operation Rescue,” an all-out ef fort to save the Tri-City Blood Pro gram and insure its continuance for the benefit of local people. At least 250 blood donors are needed when the Bloodmobile comes here for a special visit to allow the community an opportunity to make-up a long standing deficit in the local Blood Pro gram. The Bloodmobile will be at the Rescue Squad building on the Spray- Draper road from 11 a. m. until 5 p. m. The Tri-City Blood Program is in jeopardy because of a long-standing def icit in blood collections in relation to the amount of blood used for the bene fit of local people. The community has been officially notified that emergency measures must be taken to increase the blood donations if the program is to continue to function locally. For a long time, the usage of blood for local patients has exceeded the amount of blood donated in the Tri- Cities. Blood is being used at an aver age rate of 90 pints per month while only about an average of 65 pints per month are being donated. The current deficit, representing the shortage only in the fiscal year that began last July 1, stands at 224 pints. Haven Newton, co-chairman of the Blood Program, said a minimum of 250 pints must be donated at “Operation Rescue’ in order to eliminate the defi cit and to give the program a new start. “If more of our people realized just what the loss of the Blood Program (Continued on Page Four) Smithfield Plant Makes Own Wire As part of Fieldcrest’s continuing im provements for the purpose of making top quality products at the lowest pos sible cost, a new wire making section has been set up at the Automatic Blan ket Plant in Smithfield. See details of this new operation in picture-story on pages four and five.