I riEt-pc«esT Mit-i-s. fNC- • Planfs Qf Draper, Forest City, Greenville, leoksville. Mount Holly, SaHsbury, SmithfieW, t _ Spray and WorthvHle, N. C.; Fieldote, Va.; Cofumbus, Ga, and Auburn, N. Y. ^^I^XXIII Spray, N. C., January 11, 1965 NO. 13 children get treats — A part of the large crowd that attended the com- ‘‘^^“y-sponsored children’s Christmas party in the Tri-City area is shown as treats distributed following the program. Santa Claus is shown in center foreground. *®»ilar parties were held at other plant locations. See page seven for more child- Party pictures. Karastan Service Center Near (^mpletion The new million-dollar Karastan ^rvice Center on Summit Road west of ^'■aper, which will house all customer ^®rvice and related operations for rugs carpets, is nearing completion, phases of rug service involving *rect contact with the customer will ® Carried on at the new Service Center. „ Modern equipment will be used ^foughout for processing customers’ j^ders, for billing, and for handling cut . ^gths of carpet and make-up orders, j pluding seaming, carving, binding, , ^^ng and other related services, thus j^'^ilitating prompt acceptance and ship- of orders. j^pnstruction of the new Service Cen- vj ^ is a part of a multimillion-dollar im- j^^ovement program being carried on by *^®ldcrest Mills, Inc. vj storage racks and rolls of car- are being moved from the present j^^rvice Center in the Synthetic Fabrics J^ilding in North Spray and from the Warehouse at the Karastan Mill. However, the move will not be com- ®ted and office operations and per sonnel from the present Service Cen ter relocated in the new building until in February. The space vacated in the K-1 ware house will be utilized for raw material and general storage for the manufactur ing operations. The space made available when the Service Center moves out of the Synth etic Fabrics building will be converted to other use. The building of brick and block con struction, with steel framework, con tains 147,491 square feet of floor space all on one floor level. It is surrounded by ample land for parking lots and driveways which are in the process of being readied for use. The Leaksville firm of John Smith and Sons is the general contractor and R. D. Cole Manufacturing Co. of New- nan, Ga., is in charge of erecting a 250,000-gallon elevated tank to provide water for a sprinkler system for the entire building. Already a 300,000-gal lon standpipe tank has been erected for fire protection purposes. Bloodmobile Coming To Leaksville Jan. 29 The Bloodmobile will be stationed at the Moose Lodge on Forbes Street in Leaksville from 11 a. m. until 4:30 p. m. Friday, January 29, for the first visit to the Tri-Cities by the mobile unit in 1965. The goal is 200 pints which are badly needed at this time. Sponsor of the visit will be the 383- member Leaksville-Spray Lodge 864, Loyal Order of Moose. The lodge mem bers will take the lead in recruiting donors throughout the Leaksville area and many are to donate blood them selves. The Bedspread and Karastan mills will conduct their own recruiting cam paigns in which every employee will be contacted and asked to donate a pint of blood. The Leaksville plants have an outstanding record of support on pre vious visits by the Bloodmobile. Although the recruiting of donors will be concentrated in Leaksville for this visit, Fieldcrest employees at other mills and offices and persons through out the Tri-City area are asked to give blood January 29 instead of waiting un- (Continued on Page Eight) Account Statements Sent By Credit Union Semi - annual statements from the Fieldcrest Mills Credit Union are being distributed this week to all members of the credit union. The statements, cov ering the last six months of 1964, show the members’ share accounts, the amount of dividends credited, interest paid and unpaid loan balances. If any member has not received his statement by the end of this week or if there is any question concerning his account, the member should get in touch with the Credit Union office. The Credit Union has paid a 4 per cent per annum dividend on savings each six months since it was organized over six years ago. The dividends are figured on the members’ average monthly balances and are credited to their share accounts. Credit Union officials remind the members that their statements should be retained for income tax purposes.