; :# W ^ ^ ^ -= #■ t >• *s.^ r ^ i 'f •^^tf E;t-DC«EST Mikt-S. »NC. Rani’S af Droper, ForesJ City, Greenville^ leaksvHte, Mount Holty/ Salisbury, Smifhfield, Worfhviile, N. C.; FieMale, Va,; Columbus, Go^ and Aubyrn^. N* Y. YPl. XXIII Spray, N. C„ March 8, 1965 NO. 17 T. BUNDY J. P. FOSTER K. R. BAGGETT Central Safety Committee Names New Officers g s. T. Bundy, manager of blanket op- J'ations, has been moved up from vice ^airman to chairman of the Central afety Committee, succeeding D. A. ^rcell, manager of the Towel Mill, g J- P. Foster, superintendent of the ^^dspread Finishing Mill, was elected chairman, replacing Mr. Bundy, K. R, Baggett, safety director, was named secretary, succeeding H. E. Wil liams, of the Engineering Department. The Central Safety Committee, which establishes guidelines for safety activi ties throughout the mills, is composed of the mill managers, superintendents, industrial relations representatives, of ficials from various staff departments, and others directly concerned. Credit Union Savings Now Grow Faster 0 .P®ctacular Growth Indicates ^at Credit Union Is Rendering ®*>uine Service For Members Pg^ith the new dividend rate of 4% co^ *^^nt now being paid on share ac- savings in the Fieldcrest Mills ®dit Union are growing faster than before. ^ Credit Union, which has paid a j^Per cent per annum dividend on sav- Sarf- months since it was or- to 4 iricreased the dividend rate l9gg^ per cent effective January 1, "The Credit Union’s board of directors, careful consideration, felt that the Cj^^ness and the operating level of the Union justified increasing the re- on the money deposited in it by its ^bers. ^el . P’^'^Pose of the Credit Union is to its members to save and to make til ''^ost lo^ns available to them when ^ need to borrow money, to ®cause the company makes it easy systematically by deducting the Ployees’ specified savings from pay checks, a large number of Fieldcrest people are saving regularly in the Credit Union who otherwise would not be put ting aside any savings out of their earn ings. As evidence of the genuine service being performed for employees, Credit Union officials cite the spectacular growth of the Credit Union since it was organized at the Leaksville-Spray-Dra- per plants and offices in 1958. It was subsequently extended to employees at the other locations and now has over 6,000 members. The Credit Union’s total assets, which have grown steadily each year, now amount to over $114 million. Since its organization, the Credit Union has made loans to members totaling over $4 mil lion. In the Leaksville-Spray-Draper area 83 per cent of all the employees belong to the Credit Union. All Fieldcrest employees who are not members are invited to join the Credit Union and enjoy its benefits. Applica tion forms can be obtained from super visors, personnel offices, or industrial relations representatives. New Fieldcrest Lines Shown In Spring Ads Several million American homemak ers will be seeing Fieldcrest ads and reading about our spring lines of mer chandise in the current series of Field crest national advertising. To be shown in full-page colored ads in leading homemaker magazines are a violet pattern in the new Botanical Print One-Look Collection for bed and bath; Dawn to Dusk towels; the Noah’s Ark pattern in children’s coordinated bed and bath fashions; and the Tweed- spun Plaid pattern in open cellular weave blankets. The Botanical Print Collection will be advertised in Bride’s Summer Fore cast issue, on sale March 18; in the March issue of House Beautiful; the April issues of House & Garden and McCall’s; and the May issue of Sunset. The towel ad appears in the March Ladies’ Home Journal and will be in the April issue of House Beautiful, the May issue of House & Garden and in Bride’s Autumn Forecast issue, to go on sale May 20. The children’s ensemble will be ad vertised in the April issue of Ladies’ Home Journal and in the May issue of McCall’s. The cellular weave blanket ad will be carried in the Modern Bride summer issue, on sale March 18, in House Beau tiful’s May issue and in the June issue of McCall’s. Reprints of the ads in full color will be posted in the mills in advance of their appearance in most of the maga zines. —SEE PICTURES ON PAGE EIGHT— Scholarship Deadline Employees are reminded that the deadline for submitting an ap plication for a Fieldcrest Scholar ship or a Muscogee Scholarship is April 1. Applications must be re ceived by that time to be consider ed by the Scholarship Committee. An application form can be ob tained from the industrial rela tions representatives at the mills, the personnel offices, the Employ ment Office of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc., in the General Offices build ing, Spray; or by writing to Dr. William McGehee, director of per sonnel research and training, Fieldcrest Mills, Inc., Spray, N. C.

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