COORDINATED:.FASHtONS. ^ 'FOR*BEO A«0 8ATH t & ?*^5^pc«esT Mi't.i.s,.|NC'. ^My. S§C ' • •■ .;.' JPIoRhr cif Draper, Forest City, Greenyllle, Leoksville, Mount HoHy, Salisbury, SmithfieW/ ■ Spray and WorthviMe, N. C.; Fieldale, Va.; Columbus, Go., and Auburn, N. Y. lOL. XXIII Spray, N. C., May 17, 1965 NO. 22 Expansion Is Announced At Forest City $3,700,000 modernization and ex- ^•ision program for the Alexander ^^eeting Mill at Forest City has been ^tiounced by Harold W. Whitcomb, *^®sident of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc. Mr. Whitcomb gave details of the im- /ovement program to approximately 35 “^siness leaders of Forest City and ^'Jtherford County Tuesday, May 11, at Jl^cheon in Forest City. ^ The new project will completely mod- ^^nize the spinning and weaving and in- ®^se production by 70 per cent. ^ Contract has been signed with Rob - Company, of Sanford, for 92 new ^'^ning frames consisting of 30,912 JOHN MILES KEEFE Maguire Vice-Pres. election of John Miles Keefe as a of John P. Maguire & (j, ■> Inc., a factoring subsidiary of Field- p''-' president CX Xct^ 1/C/.L XlX^ O vl k^OxV-txc*x ^ j,®st Mills, Inc., has been announced by ®nk E. Beane, Maguire president. Vj^r. Keefe, who recently resigned as president and secretary of Textile Cq king Co., joins Maguire as an ac- executive. He is a graduate of ^^ftrnouth College and Yale Law School 5^ served in World War II as a de- *^yer officer. is married and resides in Rye, V with his wife and four children. Keefe is a director of Ward Leonard fctric Co., Yonkers, N. Y., and is ac- spindles, replacing all present frames. The present weave room will be con verted to a spinning department with latest type refrigerated air conditioning. Grading has begun for construction of a new completely modem weave room of 104,000 square feet. Additional looms will be installed bringing the total to 698 from the present 408. Employment and payrolls will in crease a substantial amount, although not in direct proportion to the increase in production, due to higher speeds and greater productivity per employee. Completion of the project is expect ed by the end of this year. Cloth from the plant will be finished at the North Carolina Finishing Company, Salisbury, and cut, sewn, packaged and shipped from the Sheet Finishing Mill at Spray. Fieldcrest acquired the Forest City plant, the North Carolina Finishing Company, and another sheeting mill at Worthville, from Erlanger Mills Cor poration June 30, 1964. Since that date, $400,000 has been spent to convert the Alexander mill’s product from carded muslin to combed percale sheeting. The company’s largest sheeting mill, (Continued on Page Three) Fieldcresters Elected Town Commissioners Six employees of Fieldcrest Mills in the Tri-Cities were elected to town boards in the municipal elections in Draper, Leaksville and Spray Tuesday, May 4. Broadus Burgess, foreman of the Plant Service Department at the Draper mills, was the top vote-getter in the commis sioners race at Draper as he was re elected for a fifth term. Also returned for a fifth term was Paul Shropshire, instructor-fixer in the Blanket Weave Room. Dan Squires, assistant foreman in the Sheeting Spinning Department, was elected to the board for the first time. Jones W. Norman, industrial relations representative at the Bedspread and Karastan mills, and C. B. Rakestraw, re tired head quality man in the Researc h and Quality Control Department, were elected to their fifth terms as Leaksville commissioners. W. Jim Robertson, who is grounds supervisor at Fieldcrest Mills in the Tri- Cities, led the ticket in the Spray elec tion as he was returned for a third term on the board of commissioners. H IB >iv, in civic affairs. AT WORTHVILLE, N. C.—This new sign has been erected on the Worthville Sheeting Mill. Fieldcrest acquired the Worthville plant, the North Carolina Finish ing Company, Salisbury, N. C., and the Alexander Sheeting Mill, Forest City, N. C., from Erlanger Mills Corporation June 30, 1964. Watch for a double page picture- story on the Worthville operation in the May 31 issue of The Mill Whistle.