I ILL WH ISTLE '(ECOC«r.ST J/llutlsS Zpc. XXIV m Ploiih . ■ ■mf: '■ t oper, Forct City, Grpenville, Ipaksville, Mount Holly, Salisbury, Sm thfi»ld J^and Woitlivillo, N. C., Fieldalc, Vo^; Columbus, 'Qa. ond Aubui-n. N. Y. Spray, N. C„ September 27, 1965 NO. 6 200 Blood Donors Needed This Week ^ Plaque Given For Safe Work ^*****” (center) and Frances Nance admire safety plaque shown by fore- t" Bedspread Finishing Mill employees received plaque from N C ''"■ftia Department of Labor for excellent safety per- ^'eld7‘^'^ *“ Darbecue was served in mill to all employees under terms of kt safety contest. Employees worked average of 2,017 hours each without . ‘me injury February, 1964 — May, 1965. (More pictures on page seven) Employees Will Receive Free Flu Shots Sh Ss” !'®Idc u e n z a immunizations, or “flu will be available soon for all employees who wish to take following a warning by the U. S. be j Health Service that there will “?YUenza epidemics this winter. employees are urged to avail btQj ®Nes of the opportunity to get against this serious illness,” Cej Dr. A. D. Gullett, Fieldcrest rredi-- ^jj^^rector. “Getting the shots may i( from getting influenza—even ' fell employees or family members ill with it.” Gullett and Mrs. Jane Reynolds, >>Ht5 , m the Fieldcrest Medical Depart in ^111 _give the shots to employees .^'luie appears in an adjoining nol- Sch Sn Cities and at Worthville. The ^f'loyees at other locations also will the free flu shots, made avail- 'ofs the company through local doc- tbg nurses. Notices will be posted in ®spective mills, showing the times and places at which the immunizations will be available. Dr. Gullett called attention to the following facts concerning the influenza vaccine: 1. If you are allergic to eggs or chicken feathers, do not take the shots. 2. “Flu shots” do not cause the flu. 3. Flu shots do not prevent common colds. 4. If you took the flu shots last year, you need a single booster shot this year. 5. If you are a new employee or if you did not take the shots last year, you should take two shots one month apart. 6. Influenza vaccine will prevent 75-89 per cent of influenza cases. 7. You can take the shots even if you have a mild cold. In general, if you are well enough to be at work, it is probably O.K. to take the shots. If you are in doubt, ask the physician or nurse. Employees of the Spray area mills and offices will have a prominent part in the visit of the Bloodmobile to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (Rock Church) Thursday, September 30, from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. L. R. Sims, industrial relations repre sentative, heads the recruitment cam paign among Fieldcrest employees in the area. Each employee will be contacted and requested to donate a pint of blood. The overall goal for the visit is 200 pints, the amount needed to match the actual usage of blood locally. The Tri-Cities ended the fiscal year June 30 with a deficit of 59 pints. While 189 pints were contributed at Leaksville August 5, the actual usage for July and August was 191 pints. John G. Cunningham, co-chairman of the Tri-City Blood Program, said it is imperative that 200 pints be obtained on the September 30 visit. “The great need is for new donors. There just are not enough of the regular, faithful blood donors to meet the community’s needs,” he added. Mr. Cunningham pointed out that the forthcoming visit is scheduled eight weeks to the day from the last blood collection at Leaksville. Therefore, those who donated August 5 will be able to (Continued on Page Three) Schedule-Flu Shots Worthville Plant—at clerk’s office in Cloth Room from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Tuesday, September 28. Blanket and Sheeting Mills—in Blanket Mill Inspecting Department, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 6. Finishing, Bleachery, Central Ware house, Research Building—in area be tween Blanket Sewing and Box Stock, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Friday, October 8. Karastan and Bedspread—at gatehouse, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Monday, October 11. Sheet Finishing—in superintendent’s of fice, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wednes day, October 13. Bedspread Finishing—in manager’s of fice, 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Friday, October 15. Rarastan Service Center—in supervis or’s office, 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mon day, October 18.