lOOfo At Mt. Holly Give Days Pay HGnPTnnc an^ iinafilficVi oiiT^v^nT'+ ■ ,, generous and unselfish support of ® 1966 greater Mount Holly United PPeal, 100 per cent of the employees at j Holly Spinning Mill pledged a y s pay or more in the recent cam- ®ign. Mount Holly became the first Up ‘Merest plant ever to attain the 100 , cent Fair Share mark in a United “■Jd campaign. otri Holly employees, by their rec- 'Shattering response, won the Presi- Plaque given by President Harold jjj'^hitcomb to the plant in which the percentage of employees con- I a Fai' Shrirc or riiro in (Ivi'- tlart camiiai'.n. Plans an- btiiu 5u- a C(ML.roily al the al'.nnt Holly , ^ning Mill in which the plaque will Presented to ■'he c-nijil. 0 show tlu'w pi’iile in the ■■niplo;, ei ijf^^Plishminf, M'. F. L'nirli'y, siine'- tuj,®'^‘^®ut, aiMi A. 11. .liMii'c. geiural had a sign erech'd ;.t Ihe juu*^®Pce to ‘.I'.c n'ill p-iKicix.rg ihc inn rent day'-; pay actnnveniei.l. impioyeesOf The . /Molly Spinning Mill PAmiciPATED mo % m tidqrnq fl Dayar Pay To ‘ ‘h« 1966 Greater Mt. Hollyf UNITEDAPPEAL / f/ir! (iiyh'jf ‘ • ' ’ M? Ip Piliijjft’ / i : fi sc Ww '' l*ic(urcd at sign siviiig rrenijni- lion to finploy ri-s for llicir oiit- stamliiii; rc.siiiinsc in tin- liiil>a .\|iIK-al Cainuaiqn arc, from left to ri.sjlit: li. S. Roliinsiiii, iiiastrr inc- clianic: C. O. Kii.vkcmhill. third ^liift loifinan: IMrs. Tliclina .stack; lull's. Nell I!cnlc> ; AV. F. Crumlcv, siipcriiitciidcnl; ,V. II. .Iiislicc. gen eral rnreinaii; and K. F. Gardner, second shift lorenian. lof' Kuykendall, third shift presents first prize, a ®*'rad, in the United Appeal sliij, Thelma Stack, a third- \’a/ tailing machine operator. '*sftM dra'wn by Debbie Leo iliu / daughter of Gwen Lee of 'fount Holly office staff. IliSlaillMSiiiliffiMl Ai-'i W'f t'i* i ' '; ,c f Nell Henley, a tailing machine operator on the first shift, is pre sented second prize, a towel set, oy A. H. Justice, general foreman ^t the Mount Holly Spinning Mill. 'On Day, DECEMBER 6, 1965