L TH E M IL ; ne:uocResT,M(4_t:s, tNG Plants at Draper, Forest Oty, Greenville, teaksville; Mount Holly, SaliSlur^ Smithfield Sproy and Worthville, N. C.; Fieldole, Va.j Columbus, Ga. ond Auburn, N. Y. Spray, N. C., April 4, 1966 VVhitcomb To Be ATMI Head In 1968 W. Whitcomb, president of dcrest Mills, Inc. has been elected jg xvAiixoj xxiu. lldo UtJcIl cIcCLCQ j, ond vice president of the American _^tile Manufacturers Institute and will xll£>ULUl,e ciXlU W ‘^onoe the ATMI president in 1968. ^is election came at the recent an- came ax xne recent an- j, \ ATMI convention at Miami Beach, which was attended by approxi- u 1,000 industry representatives. Whlfr.^wnK ir, 4.1_. _ 1 Whitcomb is currently a member ne budget, finance and policy com- 'Uitt, :ee. J- Ervin, board chairman of tac Mills Inc. of Danville, Va.. . elevated from first vice president iQfip . j-Axoi, viue presiueni ffss'a P^®®Ment. He succeeds outgoing Went J. Burton Frierson of Chat- board chairman of Dixie Inc. president of May V-OikXCAl b tJX iVXct^“ I'at in Arcadia, S. C., was ele- lifjj ^_.^rom second vice president to jj; '"ice president. He will be presi in 1967. The |)Osj‘®,.fTficers will take over their ne.w g October 1. C, officers reelected were Robert of Washington, executive HAROLD W. WHITCOMB . . . Honored By Industry . . . Sadler Love of Char- otiQ , secretary-treasurer; and W. Ray Charlotte, assistant secretary- ATMI executive com- e Were Messrs. Frierson, Erwin, ^jeldcresters Donate 94 Pints At Bloodmobile Of the 130 pints of blood donated •*iUr u ® Bloodmobile visited St. Luke s UtKK March 23, 94 pints were iviarcn Z6, y4 pints were Tiy employees of Fieldcrest • The Fieldcrest donations amount- Th° total. '■ ® Finishing Mill with 32 had the number of donors. The Bed- ^Sest ' See pages four and five for Pictures and list of donors. i ‘Pj'jk -V -V... .■■■■w.'.-f..v.v.-.-.-.-.v.v.v.-.-, ''oil Finishing Mill as next with 13, by the Karastan Mill and Vt Finishing Mill with 12 each. ® Blanket Mill and Central Ware- furnished eight donors each and ■llj p Xiiioiicu cism, UUIIUIO cavij tj)j^®Weral Offices furnished five. Two Were from the Bleachery and w _ \ each from the Research Quality Control Department and 'Specials Department. Three donors gave their 16th pint to become eligible for the “Two Gallon Club.” They were: Fred Burton, of Gen eral Offices; Douglas Hankins, of Kara stan; and Milton Benson. Giving their eighth pint and qualifying for the “Gal lon Club” were Russell Ammen, Kara stan, Clarence Belcher, Sheeting; and Paul Coleman, Finishing Mill. Guy Buckle, chairman of the Tri- City Blood Program, expressed appreci ation to all of those who gave blood but voiced disappointment that the quota or 175 pints was not reached. The Tri-City Blood Program is be ing supported and kept alive by only 10 per cent of the population who give several times each year,” Chairman Buckle said. There are just not enough new don ors giving. If the seven blood donor (Continued on Page Five) No. 19 New Tax Withholding System Starts May 1 Dent, Whitcomb and C. A. Cannon, Cannon Mills, Kannapolis; R. Dave Hall) Climax Spinning Co., Belmont; Roger Milliken, Deering Milliken Inc., Spar tanburg, S. C.; William E. Reid, Riegel Textile Corp., New York; William H. (Continued on Page Four) The Tax Adjustment Act of 1966 pro vides for a new system of graduated federal income tax withholding which employers are required to apply to all wages and salaries received by em ployees on or after May 1. This is not a tax increase but is a new system to make withholding come closer to the actual tax. It will relieve many taxpayers of the problem of having to pay large amounts with their annual income tax returns. Also, it will re duce over-withholding for many other taxpayers. The amount of tax withheld from wages now depends on whether the em ployee is single or married as well as the number of exemptions claimed on Form W-4. Married persons must file a new Form W-4 to obtain correct with holding under the new system. All employees will receive a new W-4 form prior to May 1. This form should be completed promptly and returned to the departmental supervisor, who will forward it to the Payroll Dept. Fieldcrest Mills is requesting all em ployes to sign a new certificate even if they are single. This is being done in order to give all employees an oppor tunity to make any corrections neces sary and have a correct V/-4 form on file as of May 1. Lead ‘Y’ Campaign O. J. SIMMONS J. M. BURTON Two Fieldcrest men are heading the annual membership campaign of Con solidated Central YMCA. The co-chair men are Jesse M. Burton, foreman of the Film Bag Department at the Cen tral Warehouse, and Oscar J. Simmons, general foreman at the Karastan Mill. i