L THE MILL WHISTLE !0L. XXIV F.EL.DCREST MILLS, INC • Plants at Draper; Forest City, Greenville, Leoksville, Mount Holly, Solisbury, Smithfield, : Spray and WorthviHe, N. C„- Fieldale, Vo.,- Columbus, Ga. and Auburn, N. Y. Spray, N. C., May 23, 1966 NO. 22 JAN ATKINSON DORIS DeLANCEY JAMES FINNEY NED GARDNER L SHERRY WOOD Foundation Awards Five Scholarships Ih' e Fieldcrest Foundation has award- L, ^ additional five scholarships to j ^dren of employees, making a total ;i 24 scholarships which have been through the Foundation in the ‘ SIX school years. L?'he latest recipients of the scholar- j 6s, each worth $2,400 over four years College attendance, are: 'F^nine Gayle (Jan) Atkinson, daugh- of Major and Mrs. W. G. Atkinson, ■’ of Leaksville; Doris Faye DeLancey, *'*ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. De- ‘ Oey, Rt. 2, Ruffin; James Roger . oy, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ed- *^d Finney, Rt. 1, Danville, Virginia; assistance in obtaining a college educa tion. The Fieldcrest Scholarship Commit tee is composed of Dr. William McGe- hee, director of personnel research and training, chairman; Dr. L. H. Hance, division vice president for research and engineering; John M. Hough, superin tendent of Leaksville Township Schools; and R. H. Tuttle, director of technical services. Dr. McGehee said the committee found it extremely difficult to choose from the large number of applicants, the majority of whom were exception ally well qualified. “All of the recipients rank scholastically at or near the top in their class,” he said. Jan Atkinson, of Morehead High School, has been accepted at the Uni versity of North Carolina at Greens- (Continued on Page Four) —II >iili ^es Edward (Ned) Gardner, Jr., son and Mrs. James E. Gardner, 6y; and Sherry Lynn Wood, daughter k: L and Mrs. William Dexter Wood, •'Idale, Va. Atkinson’s mother, Nadine At- is employed in the Physical ytatory of the Research and Quality l*^*'rol Department. Doris DeLancey’s is an employee of the Blanket Room. Her mother, Naomi S '■Lir- ajicey, is employed in the Sewing ttment at the Sheet Finishing Mill. ^es Finney’s father is a weaver at 'Ihgj, of Sherry Wood’s parents are em- Blanket Mill and Ned Gardner’s is Fieldcrest’s training manager. at the Towel Mill, Fieldale, Va. jj, father is a wash cloth cutter and ij,, ^bother, Bertie P. Wood, a wash hemmer in the Towel Mill Sew- . f-'epartment. i Whitcomb Greets NCF 25-Year Clubbers ; ^oipients of Fieldcrest Scholarships Selected on the basis of their aca- aptitude, good citizenship and ®tship, and the need for financial Harold W. Whitcomb, president of Fielderest Mills, Inc., is shown as he spoke briefly to extend eongratulations to long-service employees at the 1966 meeting of the 25-Year Club in the North Carolina Finishing Company division. The program was held at the Catawba College Community Center, Salisbury.