i miMH ■ I ■■■ I H E riCLOCREST. • rn>.m plants at Draper, Forest City, Greenville, Leaksville* Mount Holly, Salisbury, SmithfleJd, Spray and Worthvilie, N, C.? Fieldale, Vo,; Columbus, Go. and Auburn^ N, Y. Y^. XXV Spray, N. C., August 29, 1966 f- W. Green Named Division President promotion of Frank W. Green orn executive vice president to presi- the Fieldcrest marketing division Fieldcrest Mills, Inc., has been an- ,q°^ced by Harold W. Whitcomb, presi- of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc. ' iiitr. Green was also elected a vice ^'■esident of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc., at A.ugust 17 meeting of the Board of directors. ;president of the Fieldcrest market- division Mr. Green replaces G. Wil- Moore, who earlier was named - scutive vice president of Fieldcrest *iis, Inc. with headquarters at Spray, ^reports to Mr. Moore. ^^Mr. Green joined the sales staff of the - ^^Pization in 1952 and was appointed P>an; div: sger of the automatic blanket sales ision in 1957. kf>r named Fieldcrest mar- , PPg division vice president and mer- ®Pdise manager. He was appointed T^ecutive "^*^ary 1966. liVi vice president of the division and his wife and two children ® ip Manhattan. FRANK W. GREEN Elected Company V.-Pres. . Fabrics Highlighted In Fashion Show Here “We wanted to show how far fabrics and designs have gone for bathroom and bedroom,” June Mohler said in ex plaining the purpose of the Fieldcrest Fashion Show held in the Morehead High School auditorium Thursday, Aug ust 18. Mrs. Mohler, manager of publicity and sales training, and Judith Fields, fashion coordinator, both of the Fieldcrest mar keting division in New York, with the aid of models furnished by the Leaks- ville-Spray Junior Woman’s Club, pre sented a show that was literally the talk of the town. The unique show, given at 10 a.m. and at 8 p.m. and attended by approximate ly 1300 persons, showed Fieldcrest blankets, sheets, bedspreads, towels, pil low cases and even shower curtains transformed into a parade of eye-filling fashions by the nation’s foremost design ers. The stunning collection ranged from evening gowns to' bikinis, bicycling out fits, cocktail dresses, hostess gowns, duffle coats for ladies, carcoats for men and even mink coats lined with Field crest sheets and pillow cases. The fashions were first shown in May at New York’s Four Seasons restaurant for some 200 special guests. The show was given at the Fieldcrest Store in Co lumbus, Ga., just before the fashion show at Spray. After Labor Day the show will go to 50 cities for department (Continued on Page Four) EXCHANGE CAMPERS — Four Tri-City young men, three of them from '^Merest families, use worid map to trace their travels in Europe as exchange ^^hlpers under a program sponsored by the YMCA. From left to right are Douglas Osb, ®'eht "’’he, Jimmy Sams, Bobby Harris (pointing to map) and Justus Harris. See page for story of their experiences. New Safety Record Set At Towel Mill Employees of the Towel Mill at Field- ale, Va., recently completed 4,100,000 man-hours without a lost-time acci dent, an all-time record for that plant. The new record, which surpassed their former accomplishment of approximate ly 4,000,000 man-hours, was terminated July 25 when an employee sustained a disabling injury. K. R. Baggett, Fieldcrest safety di rector, in commending the Towel Mill employees for their safety performance, said, “Although the record has been terminated, this was an excellent ac complishment of which every Towel Mill employee should be proud.”