^L. XXV Spray, N. C., March 20, 1967 ^ . . X i Bedspread Units Get Excellence’ Award ■^^PlOV0PS nf fVlP "Rpf^cn-riiQrl or»r1 T5a/I_ j^*^Ployees of the Bedspread and Bed Finishing Mills have received jjj'^°^ition for outstanding performance ^ manufacturing superior quality prod- (, ® for Sears, Roebuck and Co. during past year. Sears “Symbol of Excellence” que was presented in special cere- dattended by the employees at C” Thursday, March 2, at the Bed- ))„ Finishing Mill. The award is 'fte k Pi'iaiarily on the excellence of ij. ’’ehandise produced but also recog- ter? general excellence of the mills’ goyP^mance in such matters as shipping on time, providing merchandise Ig ® from service or replacement prob- 3tid ’ ^ rninimum of customer returns, tew mills’ initiative in developing " and improved products. Officials Attend Ceremonies j '|:pre to make the presentations were Cj)j ■ Steffy, Jr., and R. E. Anderson, of t; ,p®go, bedspread buyers for Sears, cjgu' Klein, Jr., vice president for spe- ®^les, and J. H. Byler, division tfg president for bedspread sales, .of Mat X*^rk, represented the Fieldcrest rketing Division at the ceremonies. Ih S'” appreciation for outstanding perfor- and is the highest honor that ean give. He said that Sears buys ^0>000 manufacturers and that of Cfg P*^i000 major suppliers the Field- “t bedspread division was singled out of the 210 whose efficiency, Cgjg^anship, standard of quality, and \^nt dependability of supply have K Ke: F. E. Barron (left), mill manager, and J. H. Byler, division vice president, bed spread sales, show plaque won by Bedspread division’s superior quality and service. making the presentation to the mfacturing operation, Mr. Steffy said award was for the purpose of show been most outstanding. F. E. Barron, manager of the Bed spread and Bedspread Finishing Mills, in accepting the award for all employ ees said he was “pleased to speak for employees and to accept this award on their behalf.” “All employees appreciate the fine re lationship that our company has en joyed with Sears for many years. We are determined to continue to provide su perior quality and service in future Campaign ^o-Chairmen J. M. BURTON Fieldcrest men have . been J. SIMMONS C. D. SLAUGHTER |bed co-general chairmen of Consoli- H Central YMCA’s 58th annual ership campaign. They are: Jesse ®h, Central Warehouse; Oscar Sim mons, Karastan; and Carson Slaughter, Sheet Finishing. The campaign will open Monday, April 3, with a kickoff dinner at the “Y” for campaign workers,com- (Continued on Page Eight) years to help insure the continued prog ress of your great company and our great company,” Mr. Barron said. J. P. Foster, superintendent of the Bedspread Finishing Mill, presided at the ceremonies and introduced a num ber of guests from general management and Bedspread mill management. G. W. Moore, executive vice president of Fieldcrest Mills, Inc., and R. A. Harris, vice president for manufacturing, spoke briefly, congratulating and thanking the personnel of the bedspread division and commenting on the fine relationship that exists between Sears and Fieldcrest. As part of the celebration, a barbecue dinner was served in the mill to em ployees on all shifts at the Bedspread Finishing Mill. On Friday, a barbecue dinner was served to employees of the Bedspread greige mill. The Sears of ficials visited and the “Symbol of Excel lence” plaque was displayed at that mill. At a luncheon at Meadow Greens Country Club Friday, Mr. Anderson pre sented a similar plaque to the Bedspread Sales Department. He pointed out that, while the award is given mainly for quality of product, it also is for quality of performance and quality of research and development. “The fact that Field crest excels in all three is quite out- (Continued On Page Three)