■ ■ ■ h VOL. XXVI Spray, N. C., December 4, 1967 NO. 11 Employees’ Gifts To Fund Total $91,008 A iSpecial Message FROM OUR BOARD CHAIRMAN It is a privilege and pleasure for me to thank each Fieldcrest employee who participated in the Rockingham Community Col lege Student Center Fund Drive. You again demonstrated your sincere interest in and support of the county in which you live and Work. With such support as this, we can continue to make Rock ingham County a better place in which to reside and educate our children. Fieldcrest employees’ contribution is noteworthy because of the amount in relation to the total county donations. Your generosity and community spirit are certainly to be commended. In my opinion, Rockingham Community College will continue to grow and make an outstanding contribution to the prosperity and development of our entire county. Your generous contribu tions to the Student Center fund was the decisive factor in the success of the project. I believe that your help will be a great source of satisfaction to all of you as the years go by. Chairman of the Board Winners Of Prizes, Awards Announced in the drawings for prizes among all ’"'ho contributed to the fund drive, the pinner of the grand prize, a 9 x 12 ^arastan rug, was Samuel Jamison, Jr., the Bedspread Mill Carding Deparc- '»ent. 'Winners of $15 gift certificates good any purchase at the Fieldcrest Store, ^Warded in drawings in mill depart- ^’''onts and staff units where 100% of the ®®ipioyees donated, were: Burns Guards, Jesse Smith; Canteen, kobert Powell; Draper Mill Account- Lorine Pruitt; Engineering, Central ®taff, Robert Kennedy; Employee Bene- hts and Services, Joyce Pierce; Floor finishing and General Offices janitors, Poland Smith. Also, Film Bag Department, Malcolm ^3shburn: Standards, central staff, graham Phillips; Leaksville Standards, "William DeLapp; Sheet Finishing Sup erintendent’s Office; Vicki Patterson; Product Development and Pilot Plan:;, Norris E. Ellington. In addition to the individual prizes, (Continued on Page Eight) Percent Participation Percent MUl Participation Non-Woven Blkt. Mill 100% Bedspread Mill 71.7% Sheet Finishing 69.8% Staff Departments 61.2% Finishing Mill 61.0% Central Warehouse 59.9% Bedspread Mill 58.9% Karastan Mill 55.1% Bleachery 53.2% Sheeting Mill 51.8% Kar. Service Center 47.2% Blanket Mill 43.6% Avg. Pledge $29.58 26.30 23.07 34 23 28 68 24.12 26.30 23.99 23 68 27.02 24.19 27.74 In a magnificent response, employees of Fieldcrest Mills contributed $91,008 to the building fund campaign for the new Student Center at Rockingham Community College. Their generous and unselfish support demonstrated once again their interest in the welfare and betterment of the Eden area and Rock ingham county. Charles R. Brown, chairman of the campaign at Fieldcrest, said 57% of all employees pledged contributions, with an average gift of $31.28. The Non- Woven Blanket Mill set a record when 100% of the employees pledged contri butions to the campaign. The percent participation and the average pledge per contributor at each mill are shown elsewhere on this page. The trustees of the college reported that the county-wide goal of $250,000 had been reached, thus matching the challenge gift of $250,000 made by county industries, and assuring that the $500,000 Student Center will be built. Gave 36% Of Total Contributions by Fieldcrest employe es amounted to 36% of the amount raised in the over-all fund drive. The Company had earlier donated $100,000 as part of the challenge gift, making a total contribution by the employees and the company of $191,008, Plans for the new Student Center are to be drawn early in January. Construc tion is to begin by summer and it is ex pected that the building will be ready for use starting in the fall of 1969. Harold W. Whitcomb, chairman of the board, Fieldcrest Mills, Inc., who is a trustee of Rockingham Community Col lege, wrote a special message for “The Mill Whistle”, in which he commended the employees for their outstanding sup port of the building fund campaign. Dr. Gerald P. James, president of Rockingham Community College, had high praise of Fieldcrest employees, commenting as follows: “On behalf of the trustees, the faculty, students and administration of Rock ingham Community College, I wish to express to the employees of Fieldcrest sincere appreciation for their interest, enthusiasm and contributions toward the proposed student center building. “The support from the Fieldcrest em ployees has been unbelievably good and I’m sure that it is support of this kind that made the campaign a success.”