M WOODFORD R BOEBINGER The standard printing co BOX 1736 Louisville Kentucky Address Correction Eequested BULK RATE U. S. Postage 3.6c PAID Permit No. IS Eden, N. C. ^=,2 1 I I fofftit City* LourttJ «l}L UtfksvJIlB, Mour.t Hotly, Salisbury, * j^Mladelplilg, Pct ; oii«J Auburn^ tj Y, - VOL. XXVI Eden, N. C., May 27, 1968 NO. 23 Bedspread Mills Cited For ‘Excellence’ ‘■-'ll ' “ 7 ™ -1 !'*'■ f ' 1 ’) ■i I’ ■£.’-^”‘^'^18 /I iieiwiMiiiMri^'«jtallff». For excellence — Sears “Symbol of Excellence” plaoue is accepted for Bed spread Mill first shift by James Gallimore, as committee looks on. Sears official 'Paking presentation is R. E. Anderson. More pictures on pages four and five. (^resenting: New Fieldcrest Scholars yoiimg people shown below were '■ecipients of the six scholarships grant- in 1968 by the Fieldcrest Foundation, 'taking a total of 36 Fieldcrest Scholar- ®nips that have been given since the program began in 1960. Each scholarship Worth $2,800 over the four years of ®nll6gg_ Marvin Brinkley, who will attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Otto Jacob Brinkley, Jr., of Sahsbury. The recipient’s father is foreman of the No. 1 Dyehouse at the North Carolina Fin ishing Company division. Allen Cobler has been admitted to Virginia Polytechnic Institute and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. Cobler, of Rt. 2, Bassett, Va. Claude Cobler is (Continued on Page Eight) Mills Receive Sears Award For Second Consecutive Year; Special Ceremonies Are Held Employees of the Bedspread Mill and Bedspread Finishing MUl have been awarded the Sears “Symbol of Excel lence” for the second consecutive year for superior quality and service in the manufacturing of products for Sears, Roebuck and Co. The award is based primarily on the excellence of the merchandise produced but also recognizes the general excel lence of the mills’ performance in such matters as shipping goods on time, pro viding merchandise free from service or replacement problems, a minimum of customer returns', and other factors. Plaques were presented in special ceremonies at each mill in which of ficials from Sears and from Fieldcrest participated. On each shift, a committee composed of some of the employees with the longest service and some of the newest employees' accepted the award on behalf of their fellow employees. E. C. Steffy, Jr., and R. E. Anderson, Sears officials, alternated in making the presentations on the various shifts. They pointed out that Sears has over 20,000 suppliers, of which 10,000 are consider ed major resources. Fieldcrest was one of a relatively smaU number in the lat ter group to be recognized with the “Ex cellence” award. F. E. Barron, manager of the Bed spread Mill and Bedspread Finishing Mill, was master of ceremonies at each presentation. He praised the employees for their consistently fine performance. (Continued on Page Four) ''Earvin brinkley allen cobler sandra combs Michael hall william husak nancy thomas