A part of the $5-million expansion at the Fieldale Towel Mill is construction of ‘s addition which will house additional yarn manufacturing facilities. Towel Mill Expansion Going Forward j Substantial progress has been made u the $5 million expansion at the Field- '*^6 Towel Mill, Fieldale, Va. The program involves the construc- of two large additions tO' the mill, 6 installation of additional terry looms ° produce high quality, highly styled towels and additional yam manu- i,'^'■uring facilities to provide yam for additional loomsi. g The new looms have already been in- y®tied and are in operation. Constmc- began in April on the addition to 6 occupied by the yam manufacturing facilities and all of that new equipment is expected to be in operation about the end of the year. Meanwhile, construction is nearly complete on a three-story addition on the east side of the Finishing Building which will provide space for cutting, sewing, warehousing, etc., of the addi tional towel production. The total expansion program, upon completion, will provide approximately 250 additional jobs at the Fieldale Towel Mill, which now employs ap proximately 1,300 people. Most Clothing Fires Due To Carelessness Textile manufacturers have joined j,.Uh the International Association of Chiefs in a national public service oster campaign to emphasize the im- urtance of carelessness as the imder- cause of most so-called clothing ta: V. The poster, for placement in elemen- tut, ^ schools, was produced by the erican Textile Manufacturers Insti- biun: ® and is being distributed locally by acipal fire departments as part of Cities nuing fire safety campaigns in across the country. Don Adams, bungling super-spy of NBC-TV’s “Get Smart” series, contrib uted his photo and the show’s title to the poster which highlights acts of carelessness that lead to disaster. The poster warns: 1. Don’t leave small children unat tended. 2. Keep a safe distance from space heaters and open fireplaces. 3. Don’t wear loose-fitting, floppy clothing when cooking. 4. Don’t use kerosene or other dan- (Continued on Page Eight) Unfairness Of Textile Imports Condemned “Deliberate distortion or determined misunderstanding” were the words used by a textile spokesman to describe the attitude of administration officials who accuse the industry of attempts to halt all imports of foreign textiles. “The fact is,” said F. Sadler Love, secretary-treasurer of the American Textile Manufacturers Institute, Inc., “that if the textile industry is protec tionist, it is protectionist only in the sense that it wants to survive.” Speaking at a luncheon meeting of the Central Lions Club at Charlotte, Mr. Love said, “Instead of condemnation, the industry deserves praise for its re straint and its enlightened willingness to share its market with overseas pro ducers. “This industry does not ask that a textile curtain be raised against the rest of the world. It is perfectly willing that other countries both share in our market and in the growth of our market. We ask only that there be international agreements negotiated by our adminis tration so that we, too, can share in the American market.” He pointed out that textile imports are running at a current annual rate of 3.2-billion square yards, over 10 per cent of domestic consumption and a new record. At their present rate of growth, Mr. Love said, imports will capture 41 per cent of the American market by 1975. Some restraints are particularly nec essary to the economic health of North Carolina, Mr. Love said, because the state’s 271,000 textile employees repre sent 42 per cent of all Tar Heel manu- (Continued on Page Two) Fieldale 25-Year Picnic Scheduled For Sept. 7 The annual picnic for the 25-Year Club members at the Fieldale Towel Mill, Fieldale, Va., has been scheduled for Saturday afternoon, September 7, at the picnic area at the Fieldale base ball park. The program is to begin at 4 p.m. The 25-Year Club meetings for em ployees in plants and offices in other areas are to be held later m the fall. The schedules will be announced as soon as plans for the various get-togethers have been completed.