Pictures above show scenes at annual Christmas party given for children of employees in Eden plants and offiees. Large Group Attends Childrens Party fj^Pproximately 2,000 children of bgf employees and a large num- , of parents attended the annual ''istrnas party for children of em- in the Eden area Sunday lij®^hoon, December 21, in the More- o High School auditorium. j3°*^ert A. Harris, senior vice presi- ifi..®^omes Horn the management of the Com- The invocation was given by W. Harris, assistant superin- '^ont of the Bedspread Finishing Mill, k inusical program was presented by isjj?' Mamie Dickson of the Sheet Fin- Mill Accounting Department, who led the children in the group sing- ^'NDAY, JANUARY 5, 197 0 ■manufacturing, was the master of iti„;*'}onies and extended holiday greet ing of Christmas songs. A program of entertainment was pre sented by Buddy Farnan, ventriloquist and magician, whose show was excep tionally well received. Mr. Farnan, of Atlanta, Ga., had had a kiddies show over WSB-TV in Atlanta and has pre sented children’s entertainment for a large number of manufacturing firms, department stores, and others in At lanta and at distant locations. At the conclusion of the program, Santa Claus made his appearance and greeted the children. Santa Claus was asssisted by a number of mill officials in handing out Christmas stockings filled with candy bars to the children as they left the auditorium. CARD OF THANKS The family of Nick Land wishes to thank the doctors and nurses at More- head Memorial Hospital for the many kindnesses shown us at his illness and death, and our appreciation also to our neighbors and friends for the cards, flowers, food and other expressions of sympathy. May God bless each of you. THE LAND FAMILY AIN’T IT SO In the days when a woodshed stood behind a typical American home, a great deal of what now passes for juvenile delinquency was settled out of court.