[Page Two] The Trestleboard I ®re£itleboarb Official Organ of the Masonic Lodges of Raleigh, N. C. PUBLISHED ON THE 1STH OF EACH MONTH BY THE MASONIC LODGES OF RALEIGH APPLICATION FOR ENTRY AT THE P08T0FFICE AT RALEIOH. N. MATTER. PENDING. AS 8ECOND*CLA8S STAFF BOARD OF GOVERNORS, John W. Filming, William G. Hill No. 218, Chairman C. M. Lambb, Hiram No. 40 J. W. Kellogg, Raleigrh No. 600 Editor - K. W. Parham Business Manager - - .....D. M. Penny Address all communications to the Editor of The Trestleboard, P. O. Box 1526 Raleigh, N. C. Matter for publication must be in the hands of the editor by the tenth of the month. orew ord In January, 1928, Ealeigh Lodge No. 500 issued a bulletin to its membership under the name, “The Trestleboard,” with the thought that the membership would be interested in the do ings of the Lodge and its members, whether they could attend meetings or not. This was an experiment, but after its first issue the membership seemed to appreciate the effort made and in turn began to attend the meetings more often. However, as a one-Lodge proposition, and a small Lodge at that, its scope was very limited. Others became interested. Some had been interested for a long time in having a Masonic publication in Raleigh. As a result, when this matter was brought before the three Lodges, all agreed to enter into the proposition for a while, the future of it to depend on the result of this experi ment over a period of a few months. The joint committee from the three Lodges proposed that each Lodge elect or appoint a member of the Governing Board for the publication, this Board to be responsible for selecting the Editor, Correspondents, Business Manager, and to supervise the operation of it. The Master of Hiram Lodge appointed Brother C. M. Lambe, S. W.; William G. Hill Lodge elected Brother John Fleming, J. W., and Raleigh Lodge, elected Brother J. W. Kellogg, P. M., as the Board of Governors. This Board met on Monday night, February 4th, and Brother John Fleming was elected Chairman. They appointed Brother K. W. Parham, Editor, and Brother D. M. Penny, Business Man ager, deferring the appointment of correspondents until a later date so as to have the opportunity to secure expressions from the membership and to go over the field with the view of placing the best men possible for this important duty. Brethren, this is your Masonic Publication. Its aim and purpose is to bring to you the Masonic news of Raleigh and to serve the brethren as a medium not only of Lodge news but of expression of opinions by the membership. Its success or fail ure depends on how you receive it. We want an expression from you in writing as to how you feel about its publication. Elsewhere in this issue you will find a questionnaire for this purpose. Will you be good enough to fill in the blanks and re turn to the Editor with any other thought that you may have along similar lines? It will be a great help if you will. We must have news from the Lodges. If you learn of a brother who is ill or whose family is ill, be sure to notify your Correspondent or the Editor, and the Sick Committee of your Lodge. Tell us of marriages, births, deaths, and any news that in your mind will be of interest to the membership. This is your paper, and this page will be open to you for expression of your views on Masonic subjects, suggestions, and other things that you wish to write, so long as they are of interest to the membership. No communication will be refused publication without being referred to the Governing Board for their deci sion. We want the names and addresses of all Masons residing in Raleigh who are not affiliated with the local Lodges, as we want them to know us and to know what we are doing. They will be placed on the mailing list. Keep this in mind and send in the names of any you may know or come in contact with from time to time. ^ ^ ^ It will be the policy of the editorial department to foster all movements for the good of Masonry in general and for the Lodges of Raleigh in particular. Our aim will be to function primarily as a member of all three Lodges without favor or prejudice for any one Lodge as such, to work only with the good of the three Lodges in their inter-lodge relationships in mind. Masonry has long needed a clearing house for inter lodge business, and we hope that The Trestleboard will furnish this medium. There are many things that come into this in stances of which are educational programs, combined ritualistic teams, a Masonic Choir, and all activities which call for united effort. Our Lodges have inadequate quarters in which to func tion as they should. Could we through the medium of The Trestleboard arrive at a feasible plan for the building of a temple in Raleigh, our effort would not have been in vain. These are your problems and ours and as such must be put over by united rather than individual effort. Together we can make Raleigh Masonry a power in the State; acting alone or in small groups, failure is foreordained. If you like our efforts, tell us about it. If you don’t like them, don’t fail to tell us about it, because only in that way can we have any idea of whether we are on the right track or not. We are in your hands. Mould us to your liking and to the good of the Craft. * * « * ORPHANS FRIEND The Orphans’ Friend is now the official organ of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and all orders of the Grand Master will be issued through it as such. Subscriptions to it can be had in clubs of ten for the small sum of 40c per year, and every Masons should subscribe. Send in your name and the price to the Secretary or one of the principal officers of your Lodge and get on the mailing list. A ^ A ORDER OF DeMOLA Y The Trestleboard wishes to call the attention of every Master Mason and his family to this excellent order. Its membership is made up of boys between the ages of 16 and 21 who are sons of Master Masons or are recommended by Master Masons. Their aims are very worthy and their ritual beautiful in its lessons. The Raleigh Chapter meets on Wednesday nights in the Ma sonic Temple, and any Master Mason is welcome to attend. A large class is being groomed for the degrees for February 20th to be known as the George Washington Class. If you have sons of this age or know hoys whom you can recommend, get them to send in their applications. It will do them a world of good and lay a ground work for ideals which we as Masons have,