ilj;5 Aavemsemeuis. 'satf'av- ri .x; _id» Wel'loi Unilv'^iid Siirpass' s in tone airl power any l{ ‘Pi Orsran lierrtoforc m.-mu'aotnrrd in t!)'s country. If lias been tested l)v maiiyconip tent juifees and WILAIING TON & Nt'KI. I'OMI^XN Y. (IKMCIO llKX'l- f ri'lvl.l.N'IKNld N't- , Wilin n ioi . N- •• Yiiy ’-t'- loo). Cil.\MiK OI' yCIlKlH'I.K. On am'after June I't, I’assei ; i 1 rains Oil t!u‘ Wilmin 'KiU an' will run as roi.-.'V. '': :\IAIL 'I'KAIX. Leave I'liion Depot daily (Son (lavs excepted) Arrive at Goldslioro •• Koekv Monnt Weld'on Leave Weldon dailv. at .\rriv(‘at ltocU>’ Jloiint (ioliNlioeo o I'nii'ii Depot K.yVFlKSS Ttt.MN .\Nt) VllltOt'Otl TH.MN. 11 :.'i0 a. m 2:1 (1 p. n tl-.oo p. m. 0:‘o a. Ml. 11a. 111. I:J7 p. in 6:0'- ]'. 111. MIKKItlT Gives Universal Satisfaction. Leave Arrive By askillfnl u-eofthe stops, and of tlm jiat- enl knecswell, t!:e iimsic is adapted to tlie bii- iiian voice, ranuinc from tlie solicit, flute like note to a volume of com id. at S: p. Ill 11:4 a. Ill 2:0 a. 111. , (i: I a. 111. . 7: !') p. 111. . !):"■' p. 111. 1' : a. 111. G:30 a. in eonm e e id lliiv I in v IM I EVKlfKTT SMITH, I Life & lire Iiisuraiice Age^ Gr.EENSBORO, K. c. Ilep C'C.-.I- th '1 'n:, j., | York, t oil iiun'urali ; ol ire t«„,i.,,si j„A" and equila! le | la s of L i 1, sur.rrp ' 'I'l.E l;EM-:i;VK £>.])( W) E.NT and illE KltaKIVL Dl', lIlKAD I'k-lSS, . f 1 tlie Eve y ' iedp w r Ucii iiU . ai y ;uitl ■.!> i.rc of I • yi: Ti r 1 'T.', > . I n,. . ( (■! (.-JV' i; fol o\vii ns eiin jiiun is u 1 1C-- M j' I'.t'l, ui Unsurpassed bv any Instru ment. Leave Union Deix't daily Arrive at CoPLIoro llocky Mount... W e! !i n Weldi n dai'y at Bi-eky ■Mnuiil... r.ol '.hoi-. riii.iii l)i pot ... Xlail 'I’laiii makes eko Weldon forall points Xorili .\ci|iiia ('I’l'ek rout' .s. En] ress Traoi eoinmers Crook ro'ite. rHir I’idliii.aii ('ars or I Ins '1'' a'". p'ri'iolit Triii' j " ill liai' weeklv at f:00 a. m.. ai ■' i" ■ ve OIIN r. 1 2,. Oenei'al U r • tie I 1 11 i io's of P (i 0} I'lf '■"•I (ha ai. 1: 1-' uy: u' aud I 1 s ua Ol tir e. 1 (• :' ill. tl \\- li a • j Its ( o li u.t I I r I !iti t r • i ' • l tiicv j it iJoerv I i\ii!c ' d a Ml i. I'-n-vl c : turr I'l ;;;U j !lsS;((i:ic (tuaraidc 1^11' l:tl . I ‘ . 't la 'HI I" in an iv,0’ i t' (■ I'oiirv. m IM- i T a'd 1 n 1 U (I (O'. . ().' i I t' pa\ initj/,,.: 'S of Di ill irsanii vniiUli;, Titr a tl.. Miii.'U t ]'■ ic lit a ' si I'.MJ) IN Di AT II amouu, GN !li i 1\ ■ t All) IN i.n i.i U 'U o. . \) Vii iiigrr'Liib 1 c .M-o r i.rr nts (■ A _GntluuMi lit k 111- on to a drun eu rov/ in a lavur.t, 'xii ro t c iiiiuaics were lig^liLi.ij' aad »• a. is-i^', .iiitl ti ad li i “i> ' y Li kiijvv vvliai cau ed uli tiii.sf’* '*Ao, bir. ’ lua Hiiie.’ig to die de.'vUle.' ‘'tutt.’-t.e aase u il, you la u‘a d'a uoy start d iiack will' lo-n'or aua ex- •claiaied : 1 ’i'..cii io‘ tv;oK t..f c.iild CO lilt- eii^e of a man ■ w-ia - ic.i ium ir tueas. Tu. boy ga/.ed Uf. o' liiiii aiii’i..,11.ened u • l.ii.’ ci'uiikaixi i'a»' tl .iiid Dae ail I u.niAaig .he Ueiiioiis we.t huu, ci'i "L ate laeaiOiic I uieaouel t e eiii I tiu:y r ■ C -ail g . ’ 'U> \ou Kaoiv the ca.ise oi’iais, my boy r'* •‘A.a SI. -i .isi' caa&ed uy drink, will you nave soaie aiidtiie ooy snraiii-i uacx w.l.i a sluid- cle. a- iie .eiuot cl ui ■ v i;^. Ase .1 t.D-. caia'i. at lae niwenib e liov-. 1 of a dr t.i .eaiaUieid)e..Liiy..ii s w lie, .aid, wuu o.iui kaut, UO M al- e. licl.\‘li. '■ \\ aa s can e ;’ s.d i the faliier. d'ae son w as si.em. vv' ea ae . . laat u Wa- rum, ne d c.arxi tlid.i. .\.)udii V rioucliad. i.i his d e- uUt 'UpiMS he ai.i.ed t - a wcdui g . A- , 'Uie , wiliif u t and ea .e, die ill c pp I assSCkl ataid scenes *-i cneeid 1 e •• a .xi ety. \vu L\- ail . .*■ li .ctuarc . • sp cla- i)a*. OC. -V ciiiCl K. .d LO C..C1I nliie. , alid il.‘ s lo dnii ., ..oind a ,e. b i' Or ap. o c . im tv out vv.ui mis f.ut.eroa L\i'W iearaOayto ca.i tU hi- you.,^^ .y f. iCiKi ,tOciijuy t c* as. 11-.y ■ T u-lie ui^ in l..e 11 vV .ear. wiluoi- ei' hiugswiii a iiaiuk' • to i.iii uy a siiiiiia , gir. it s ;.ooi -n a.i--d l.uiie , vViioai .' iuve , ^ resse .11 ■ ui his ipjsan .kioiiii-iiai. Is...- yonug i lUyon t .e -xce..e ce Ol Us piu.ily : w .a. wonue. i; me fco.i SllOUl 1 I' -i v\ III - .-NUlllt ie . The propri 'lors Inve note 1 (' irefuny fiir many yeaisthc imperfections and nced'C-f the reed instruments, ami diroeted their pia -l^ical experience to tlie corr (“lion o' such imperfec tion.',and tlie’r experimen's have res >1 ed in llip producli‘'ii of a ([’’ality of ton-' wliicii as s'milate.^ .“^o clo>elv to the a'. Fir t C'lm>r)r (iff I'au es, in whi- li ri I ;• wdll be aril c: cji • 1'sM‘s t iiiMira! If pro} e ty. -111(1 n iheino*; a- o iil'.e i( nil'. g J Thai it is dlMicultto distin, two. THIS INSTla:ME^'T HAS bctw'een tlie SEsVB('AiM) i ROAXOKE BAIL BO-tD Olileo of t'c Supei int n '■ n' o iiiiiSl’Oi I ■- tioH, ot the Seiili 1(1 A; Uoiiiioke lini loen en.- P iii.V. I'oKTs.MOl.'Tii, Va.. .Inn. I Ihe) On I’.ml after tliis (lute, train ofth? ().■|(l^\ih >i.pfV..;(lon I aily. Sundays e.xee; ted as i !- '.oW'; Mail train »' ■. 1'- Xo. 1 1 reii-lit train i-'t 4 a. m Xo. 2 Freigli train at s u e Tuesdays and Fridays at a S.llOa.iii. ARRIVE AT PORTS.MOl'TIl. ^ta l tra il at 7-la , ■ Xo. I Frelglit irai at 12. Xooii. Xo 2 Freight :.i at 4 tr in. Freig t ira ns liav ■ a pa s iig r ear "l- taolied. steame.i f r Edeiiton. I’ltmomli and landings on Black wati'r and t la \\a Ri.c'rs leav i .ankln :,l 7,4. a. in., on JIo diiys, ■Wednesdays and Fridays E. G. ;nio. Snpt. of Tniiisp rtation. JAG. SLG.AN'S SONS, t'.RLEXSI (iRc. X. ( 6ESEE.AL JviLFOHAIUlSI, Liii't. eii'ei.t s\gri uU r 1- " d rile ter. I lio.-p' iitrs r jnipii 111' ‘ t - a : ]) ciai y, I I'l EXE E( ELI I Liiip'gist and liiiirmacist. Gi EENsnoiio.X. C. P( r-onnl afei Mon to conipoiii dirj Pi- seri| tioi.s at al horns—' ay )■ nigi h '(-! THEYAELOEOLGU RAI El II. N. ( .. G. W. BLACK NALL. P-opr, Refer to all :niy lin." ce'th men. 1- ALL THE LATEST improvements to all iniy lin." gei th men. .lOlIX ARMM'RttXG, And (Ycry organ Is filly wananted. Large Oil Folish, Black Walnut, I'anelc l Cases that Will not Orack or Warp, One of liie suupieei tuid (iiDuiiest of | the iiooie art ihal have lately come into iasiiiuu lb luc making ol pictures uy ‘‘bpaUer—woi k. Lne loiiowirig direc- •tioatiiO’ aiiiaLeurs in Uie progi’esn we co[iv from Lue bcientiuc iiuierican : bpatler- Woi'K plCLUre.->, usuaiijv delicate Nt.-'j^ns in WUile, appeai’iiig upon a suttly shaded gruuna, are now Ver\ popular, and are, wiiu a little practice, easily pioduced. rrocure a snect ol tine uncaleiidereii drawing-paper and arrange Uiereou a boij^uet ol piesbco leaves, Iraiiing vines, letters, or all} debigu which it i.', dex-^ireil to have appear ui wane. Fayteii the ariicles by puis stuck luio th*-* smooth 3urlace, Vv inch tiliouiu be luuiei ueath the paper 'iheii slightly wet the bristles of a tooth or other b UbU iu i-ubber Imiiau ink or common black writing ink then draw them acioss a stick ui sucli a maiiuer that the bnsLies will be bent and then ■quickly released, 'lliis will cause a tine Spatter ol ink upon the paper. Continue the spaticnwg over all the leaves, pins, •and pa[>er, allow mg the centre of the pattern to receive lue most ink, the edges Bliadmg oil. When done, remove the design and the forms will be found repro duced with accuracy on the tinted ground. With rustic wooden frame this forms a Very cheap and pretty ornament. And forms in nddition to a splendid iustru- meiit of mu'ic, A Beautiful Piece of Furniture. Tlii.s org.iii needs only tube .seen to be ap- picciat'-dand is sold at KXTRPIMELY For cash, exchange. LOW PRICES, Second haii 1 inslnimciits taken in AGEHIS 77ANTED. (Mule er fcmiili',) in every county in the Uiiitcil Slates and Cimada. A liberal discoimt made to Tcacliers. JiLni-ters, Ohurelie^, SchooL, Lodgi 6,'etc,, w liei'c tlieie is no agent for the SI’AIf ORGAN. Ilius ratid catalogue and piicc list free. Conespoiid.-iice selicitcd Ad.ircss the .Managers, RALEIGH A GASTON RAILROAD. SUI'EI’.IN'I F.NI'I.NTV OFKU K. ) Kal i li, X. (■., Aiig. Hi. 1S7,7. ( On an 1 afl r Mo ay, Aug st KHli, 187.7, traiiis oil the Rale gli A Gas on i.ailr' ad wii run daily (Suiid y e cejit d) as follows: MAIL TRAIX. Leavi s Raleigh 10: 0 A. M. .\rr ves al We doll kOO 1'. M. 1,1 av s Wei 'on 10: h A. M. .\rriv( s ..t Kaleiali ;!:4.r P. }1. ACroMMDD.Vi lOX ’IKAl.V. LeaV't igli o:00 A. Ani es at tt'el ioii 7: .') P. L ':i\cs Wi Mon 7:1 . .\. Arri es at Uaf igli 5:40 P Yla 1 t ain make - clos ‘ roniiec ioi, al 4V Book Binder sncl Blark Ecol Manufacturer, 1- IlAI.EKiJh A. C do willi ilieS ah ar.l a d Roanok ■ R iihoad im l B:iy l ine Sn am rsvia. Bal iiiioie. to a nl from a'l p :in>s Xor li, Wi st and X'( rtliwest. and with Pet r burg Railroml via. Peti rsburgt Riclmiend and M'asliiiig on Pity, to and from all point" N rill and Nor.liw. st. •A d at Ral: igli w.lli tlie Xorth Carolina Kail oad o and from ah points South and Soutliw'i st, and wi li Ihe Ral. igli .A .\ugusta Air Line to Haywood an 1 l ay ttinille. A. B. AXDREWS, Gen. Sup'l. MRS. s. M. SMITH'S BOARDING II OI SE Middle Street, oiiedoor helmv PattersM' Grocery Store, NEW iselwe:, X C. THE NATIONAL HOTEL. IicUglitfully silualeil, HALEUiU, -V' 0 A Xh-w Horse. Fine Roem.s, 'ftf.'H iiLbed (,11(1 Fined up in llm I'e-I SlV-C. ! l!:;Ui-R'i( ms and \> alei-Closel- on Floor. Billiiiid Saloon in Ilaseiiunt. C. S. ISUOM'Xj Pi(>j rietor, 1- .INO. W. KWU! ALLEGEE, B077LBY ^ CO., ■WASHINGTON, N. J. II. W. ALLEGER, T. B. McMUKTKIE, 13— C P. BOW LBY, EDWARD PLOTTS. RALEIGH A AUGUSTA AIIM.IXE. St I’EItIMTK.XDKXT’S OfFIOK, ) Ral Ign, N. ('.. Aug. HUli, 1877. ( On and after ilom ay. .\ii: list Lilli, 187-‘i trains o,n tlu- R. A .\. 1.. Road will run daily (Siniday c.xeepU'd) as follows ; MAIL TRAIN. Clerk M. M. M. M. Traill leaves Rale'gh 4:00 A ,\n-ivrsat Cameron 7-v(i Train li a\cs Cameron (iJK) A. Arrives at R:ileigh n:47 A. Mail Traill ma!-es close oomieetinn at Ral- iegli with tlie Rah igh and Gaston Kailr.iail, to and fi0111 all points Xorlli. And at Cameion with the AVe.steni Rail road, to and from Fayetteville and points on Wester,! Railroad. A. R. ANDREWS, Superintendent. It. wii.Lis. It, n. ii. WILLIS A NORUOM, Commission Merchants, Anil Dcah'rti in FRESH ami SAT.T FISH, COUNTRY PRODUCK.*' Front Street, HE A lEOAT. ^ tteiT’Orders pioinptly attended to- IKS'" Quick returns tin ConsignineiiM' -2« V. 0. )!ox 3.1

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