msmmm. T H 3^ MASONIC JO Local and State. Gen. Scales left for '‘.Vasliingtoii City last Monday, to resume his place in the U. S. (lonoress. A Mr. Datcher lectured on Tempenaiee at (the Can t House last M nJay night. The first shad of the season went to Raleigh last Monday and was Pepper ed at once. Among tlic impossibilities of life is the suc- C'Bsful effort at ruimiiig a newspaper and a “had cold” at the same time. Our Presbyterian frieml.s gave their pastor, Rev. Or. Smith, a New Year’s call last Satur day evening. We learn the occasion was one ofgrcat pleasure to ail,—e.specially .‘■o to Ihe worthy Ur. and lady wlio were made the re cipients of many u.seful and valuable presents. Manning brothcrsof the Weldon iVew.s, have purciiased till iiilerest in the Danville OcnVy jVcit'S, and W. T. Manning has assumed charge of tlie office and business management of the latter paper. D 1 E 13 . Ho warm was the weather on last Sunday, that we observed a number ofladies freely using their fans. lion. Burton Craigo of‘Salisbury, a promi nent North Carolina ])olitician, died at the res Idence of his sou-in-law in Concord, last Thurs day. The Sheriff of New Hanover c aunty, gave a big Christinas dinner to Ihe prisoners in jail. Col. Thos. B. Long of Salisbury has been reappointed special postal agent. He has ina le an efficient and accommodating officer. Robt. Blow, formerly of the O.xford Leader, while on his way to C ilifomia liadlhc misfor tune to get shot near Ogden, Utali, bj' a pistol falling from the hand of a fellow passenger The Good Templars hav e moved into the Hall recently occupied by the Odd Fellows in Bogart building, an ! tlie Od 1 Fellows have le- uioved to tlieir new Temple, on the same street. Cti.vMBEULWTN is in receipt of his c’lristmas stock of be.mtiful Jewelry, Watches, Silver Ware, &c., of die and most elegant de igns. These goods liave been bought witli refer.'iice to the demands of tins market, and will be sold e.xtremely low for tlie cash. His stock of solid war.c offers superior inducements to pnreliaser.-,. Call early and secure a clioice, at ClIAJIBElU.MN'S, 14- City Jeweler. Ill Grccnslioi'o, January 4th, at the residence of her soii-iu-law, W. H. Moore, .Mrs. Robt. VVoodb iiM. a v.ny old. an 1 higbly estimable lady and resident of tliis city, and for many years a pvoinin nit rnomlier of the Presbyteri- a 1 church. The .Ifr.s.vcayannounc-'S the heavy failure of the firm of A. & -1. Edwards of Goldsboro. Also that the farmers are losing large tiuaii- tities of freshly killed pork, by the long spell of warm vveatln r. And that the Record ■ has removed to its old ! 1 irtes a -M ig mlia. Goldsboro not giving it the encouragement desired JOHN CHAMBEItLAlN, the City Jew eller, is ill receipt ol'a spieiidUI assortment of Watches,, Elegant Jewelry, Plate, &c., which tile Ladies arc invite to call and e.xam i'.ie Special attention to fine Watch-work and the maanfaclure of special Jewelry. S- Siiice the iiitrodnction of the prc.seiit sohed- ul- on the N. C. Road, the mails have been oi- de ed to nm on Snudays, thus preventing the accumulation of mails at Greensboro and Go'.d boro. Also a tlirough pouch will be made up between here and Goldsboro and taken by thv night train on the W. W. Road, thus se curing us a rapid tramsit South. Katie J’utna.m,.— This encharting little sprite gave one of her inimitable entertainments at B-'ubow Hall last thurs lay eveniog, and iiotwithst.mdiug tli.; disagreeable weather she was greeted by a large and appreciative audi ciice. The play selected was tlie “Old Curso.-ity Shop,” from dicken.'-, and was admirably pre sented, Miss Putnam appearing in the dual ciiaracters o. “Little Nell,” and tlie '•Marchion e B,'’ andin eaeh of which slie fully sustained the liigh reputation which had preceeded lier. Site is supported by an excellent company of skilled perforiiiers wlio make every effort to bring the. play fully up to the demands of the piece in hand. M e are pleased to learn that Miss Katie will play here again on Tuesday The 11th inst. of Morgaiitoii, for twenty, eight hpndred dol lar, worth of land in Caldwell countiv. Fifty or sixty more grants will be issued to-day for parties from all portions of the State.—Ral. News. While Amos Taylor, a white man living on the Fayetteville road, six miles from Lumber- ton, was at his supper, three blackened white iiien took him from his house a short distance, and beat liiiii in a most uinnerciful and cruel mamier. A= the three, satisfied witti their brutal conduct were leaving, Taylor said he w ould have them up at Court about it, when one ofthein deliberately blew' out Taylor’s brains The wife of tlie nuirdered man was all the time a lielpless spectator of licr hus band’s siilleriug and death —Gleaner. Tlie Friends hrve recently had quite a num ber of interesting meetings in the lower part of tills county and m Chatham; There has been meetings a visiting Friend from England and some four or lie'e others from the North Western States. At Chatham, Rocky River, Cane Creek, and Spring there have been good meetings. Tliis Society includes many of onr very best people in that section of the country. Wehave known a few pro fessed Friends tliat we judged a little harshly perhaps, but as a class we ha-ve no more sub stantial, good citizens. We liave never heard of a Beecher among them. — Gleaner. Mars Hill Asylum. DIEEOTORY. OfK.AND Council OF N. 0.—Jolin Nichols, of Raleigh, .W. I. G. M.; D. M'. Bain, Raleigh, G. Recorder. Grand Chapter op Keenan, Wilson, G. B. 1 cigh, G. Scct’ij. N. C.—Thos. S. ., D. W. Bain, Ral- Grand I.odgb of N. C.—Geo. W. Blount, Wilson, G. U.W. Bain, Raleigh, G. tSeety. Greensboro?;ouNt,'ii. No. 8, R. & S. M.. Greensboro N. C,—Tlios. J. Sloan, T. I M., ri. E. Allen, Recorder. Time of meeting: 4tli Wednesday night of each montli. Chokizin Cii.vptek, No. 13, Greensboro; N. C.—Thos. J. Sloan, Uigh Priest, J. N. Nelson, tiecretary. Time of meeting: 3rd Friday night of each month. Elmwood Lodge, No. 346, Greensboro, N. C.—II.'N. Snow, IF. it/., S. E. Allen; Setretary. Time of Regular Communications: second Saturday night of eacli inontli. J- CilARLES U. YATES. 1 Bookseller & Stationer, and dealer in MUSIC and FAN'CY ARTICLES, Greensboro, jST. C. 2-27 A Large Lot of New Jewelry, "Watches, Rings, Fins, Charms, Chains, &c. just received at 7- Chamberlain’s. We were pleased to receive a Kew ITear’s call from brother Tomlinson of the Piedmont JWsSy whogave us a lialf hour of Ills pleasant company. We found him a very clever gen. tleinen, and like his excellent paper, a welcome vLitor. For some time past petty thieving has been going on ill the wagon lot of J/ossrs. Jas. 'Bloan’s Sons, greatly to the annoyance of them selves and customers, so a watch was kept and last week a negro lad was caught robbing a ])uggy, and was taken before the Mayor who eo.nmitted him in the sum of $100 to appear before tlie next Superior Court, in default of which he wa.s sent to jail. We arc pleased to h’arn frojn the Raleigh Wewb’that M”. T. C. E^-ans, our Tom, has tak en eha-:o of t!ie local department of that paper. He is the right man in the right place. And the S announces that Mr. Jordan Stone has left the yeios and taken the Ashville CiH- zen. We observe that Mr. Stone’s name dis appears from the News Webster's Tijajstrated Unabridged Dictionary.—Ten million Text-hooks ar- annually published in the United States taking Webster as their general standard and orthO’ graphy. In tlie preparation cf this work it iSj . es imated tliat full one hundred years of dili gent intellectual toil has been expended, ilorc than five years was devoted, by an emi nent European scholar, to the perfection of the etymologies alone, rcii Icring the vork in that d.^partment unrivaled. Next to the Bible erery famdysho.illhave Webster’s Unabridg ed: it is almost iadispeini ilc.—San Francisco Mas mic Mirror. Five Negroes Killed in a Novel Manner. The Norfolk FiVywi I aa has learned of a re- m.arkable occurrence on Roanoke Island, in which Mr. Clarence Mcekias acted the princi pal part, an 1 by which rive negro thieves lost their lives. It appe:irs that .a few evenings since Mi-. Meekins w;is awakened from his sleep by licaring a noise on iris premises, and on getting up and going to ins door fOiiiul that some parties were attempting to rob lii.s smoke iiouse. He immediately secured bis gun, and advanced cautiously towards the smoke when lie discovered a man seated on a iiry on which rested one end of tlie building. Taking aim he lired and the party fell to tiie groimd mortally wounded. On cxamiinitiou 3Ir. Meekins discovered liim to be a negro, and, further that the building, falling back after tlie force at the longer end of the lever had been thus suddenly removed, had cruslied to death four otlicr negroes who had crept under the raised iiart, and were engaged i.i abstracting the contents. Mr. Jleekins at once reported the circumstance, to the autlioritics, and was by tliein’honorably acquitted. The Orph.m’s Friend gives the following particulars ef tlie generous offer of one of those whole-souled uorthe- n men who lives at Ashe ville, in this State: “Most of our readers liave heard of Mr. Pease, the famous Reformer of Children at FivePoiuts, New York. Several years ago being ill feeble health, he moved to Asheville and purchased valiiab’e property ; but he has been so modest and quiet that very few of our citizens knew that he lived in the State. Recently he lias taken an interest in the or phan work, and de.sired to see the Mars Hill risylnm moved to Asheville. 'I’o this end he has offere.I the tract of land whereon he now resides, i-eserviugthe use of the house and gar den during Ills life. Not knowing exactly what turn affaii s might take, the Grand I.odge, at its late Communication, covered the ground with the following resolution ; ""Resolved, That if any eligible property sliould, before the next Annual Communica tion, be offered to the Gi-and I.odge for the more efticient conduct of the orphan work, the Grand Master is hereby requested to ac cept the same and instruct tlie Superintendent in regard to tlie use and inanagement tliereof.” Mr, Moore, the Steward of the Asylum at Oxford, went to Asheville and Mar.s Hill to confer with Mr. Pease and arrange the prelim inaries. Mr, Pease promptly put his proposi tion in definite shape, and tlie citizen.s of Ashe- ville iii-oinise d liberal subscriptions for the erection of buildings and for the support of the work in the future. With these facts before then., the Grand Master and other offieeis of the Grand Lodge, met in Raleigh, and after free consultation, agreed that Grand Master Blount, Deputy Grand Master Grissom, Past Grand - Master Nichols, Grand Chaplain Reid, .and perhaps others should start to Asheville on Friday January 7tli, and formally accept the proper ty, confer vvitli the citizens of Asheville, and give directions for the future mainigeinent of the work.” STEELE & DENNY, Manufacturers of Doors, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings and Dealers in ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Office S. STEELE, corner East Market st. Greensboko, N. C. Terms Cash. 22 — G-reensboro Female College. Greensboro N. C. . North Carolina is represented by the com mittees of tite Iiouse of Representatives as follows. Indian Aff.iirs—Gen, A. M. Seales (Chairman); Patents—Gen, Robert B, Vance (CIiairman(; Post Roads—Col. A. IM tVad dell. Judiciary—Hon. T. S.Ashe; Claims— Maj. W. M. Robbins; Invalid Pensions— Jlaj. J. J. Ycates : .\gi-icnlture—Capt. J. J. Davis; Manufactures—Gen. A. M. Seales, John A. llvman. The Spring session of 1870 will begin on WEDNESDAY, the 13th of JANUARY, and contimte twenty weeks. Board (exclusiv'e of washing and lights) $7.5.00. Tuition in regular course, $35,00 Charges for extra studie.s modei-afc. For Catalogue containing ])ariieulars, apply to Rev. T. M. Jones, President. N II. D. WILSON, dec 8-3m. Pres. Board of Trustees. SAM WILEY. FASHIONABLE BARBEIi, H A I R ]) A A S 8 E R , Greensboro, N. C. —o— ADIES and GEN'I'LEMEN waited on at their horn’s when desired, a,nd all work in liis line will be i)ertbrmed in the high est st)de of the Art. Shop 015 Soiitli Elm Street, nearly o]> posile the Exjiress office. New Advertisements. The Secretary of State has paid into the State Treasury in the last four days, over five thousand dollars for grants issued for vacant lands, mostly in the 5Vc.=tcm counties. All amounts over one hundred acres arc charged fifteen cents per acre, and one lumdrcd or less, at t#elve and a half cents per acre. Grants were issued Friday to Mr William D. Sprague, Greensboro Machine Shop. All kindsiof Sewing Machines, Pistols. Gims, Locks, ktc., repaU*ed at short notice. New keys made to old locks. Especial attention to the repair of safes and safe locks. Give me a call. 13— J. II. COLEMAN. Notice of Removal. W. S. and JIi-s. Moore liavingremoved tlieir two stores to fheii- new Brick Building east of Court House (and opposite Steele’s ami Mc- Adoo’s) would most le.pectfully invite tlieir many good customers “to call. ” We expect to continually ad,1 to our usual stock of goods, and th.o iliilhiery, Organ,-, Ac., will be reached by an easy flight of stairs, en trance from the Soutii front. P. S. I pay tlie higlicst price for country Furs and want all I can get until the first of May. . Call around and sec us. Jan. 3, ISiri. Gil Ti-iE FEST. Wi EB3TEES DuABEIDGED D ICTIOHAsY. 10-000 Words and Meaning.’! not in other Dictimaries. 8000 Engrnivin??;l810 Fnsrps Quarto. Price $12. W eb.'stcr now is glorious.—it leaves nothing to be dc sirod. Raymond, Vassar College E very scholar knows the value of the work. [ir. }I. Prescott, the Historian B elieve it to be the most perfect dictionary of the lar guage. \JJr. J. G. IJoUant S uperior in most respects to any other known to me [Georoe P. Marsh T he standard authority for printing in tliis office. [A. H. Clhpc, Goi'f.rnment PHnter E xcels all others in giving and dofining.scic-ntiiitorraf Hiichcocl R emarkable compendium of human knowledge. [IF. X. Clark, P?’(?.v7 Agyu'.uHural College. “The best pr.u'T1cai.,English DiCTioNAitv extant.”— London Quartn'ty /fprjVR’.OcTober.lS72. A NK FKAilTH;. To the 3000 lLLUsTB.kTioN.s heretvifore in Webster's XJiiabridgcd we have recently added four i>aged:of (AiLOlUH) ILLFSTR.ATIONS. engraved expressly for the work at large expense. also Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 Pages Octavo. 0003 Fngravings. Price $5. hO++0’+—“• t®“The Standard. Proof.—20 to 1. Tlio orVYebst'er’s Dlctionand-i throngli- out the couiitry in 1873 wure 20 times as largft as the sales of an^- other Dictionaries. In pi*oof, We will send to a?iy person, -3u applicn lion, the statements of more tlian 100 Book sellers, from every section of the counliy- Publishcd by G. tt'e. Merrtam, Springfield Mass. Sold by all Bookselicr.s. . - i IHi.. m m

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