THE MASONIC JOURNAL Local and State. Hot. Warm. Warmer. Rain. Wind and cloudy. Suddenly cold and tlircatcnin;^ snow. All oOrts of w>‘iitli“.r and mud thrown in. And that's the way its be ni for about tliree wcess past. S o ild nnythui^ unusual occur we’ll keep the public informed. The Franklin Courier comes to us in a new lres-i. An alarm of fire panicle al all the congrega tions in Wilson, a week ago. T.ds is I(*ap year, and our girls are already •skipping around as lively as kids. A new Post Ofiic * has been opened at Eu peptic Springs, Ir‘dell county. Tne Wilmington Stjr mentions a stalk of corn 7 inches liigh now growing in a back yard of that city. A I.,vu3r-; Lor of X --.v JeweAi', Watches, Hiii/S Pins, (Jliamis, Cliaiii^. &,% re.’eived “*■ Cir.iMUKIiLAIN'S. JlaiTie I in St itesville, JIi-. Jas. Malianl. As- •ociat" Edit >r ofike Lun-.Intark, ami llis-Jen nie .Jackson. Poor woman! Til'! Hickory eiitert iintii“nt for tlie beoefitOi (lie orphans, ]iaij to bi-otlier Mills $14,31, the net proceeds of the r.amo, rii-'j are ;ret!i.ig up aGr.ingeToba:'CO ware house in Hinville, Va., onetentli oftliesiib- •ciiptioiis to the capital stock having been paid in. The Hickory Press gives a one-a-id-a-lialf columns article to the memory of Mr. John Uarny of Caldwell, who died Deed, 23id, who, It says was between 110 and 1:10 years old * id propably the oldest man in the State. One of the cas 's recently deciiled by the Supreme Court was tliat of Jim Wilkins, v, s. the W. W. Railroad. Wilkins’child went to sleep on t le roa 1, near Weldon, and a train ran over and killed it. Wilkins sued for dam age and recovers $ .00. JOHN CnAJ.lREliLAiN, tlie City Jew eller. is in receipt ofa splendid assoitment of Watches, E'egaiit Jewelry, Plate, Ac., whicii the Jiadiesare invite to call aiitl exam iiie Special attention to fine Wateli-work aod the manufacture of special Jewelry. S- Tlie Wilson Advance Xvas recently turned ins’de out, ’J’hat is to say, since tVoodson has been Dierehe has taken charge of tlic i.-tpage for local matter, and driven brother William todlh ]iage for liis say. a ill the erratic scribler do nex:? IVeare inforaied that on next Sunday the Rev. E. R. Ricti.ofRa'eigh, will preach in the Epise.pal church morning and evening. sVIso on tile last Sabbath in this month toe Rev Bishop J.ymau will preach at the same ch'Tch, morning and eviiing. Weiearn ofa full grown llsticulf last Satiu day between two promin nt officials of the county, one a Jusd -eoftlic Peace and tlie oth era Deputy Siieriif, Gentlemen, gimtlemen let us have peace. Rev, Mr. Adams will tic absent from tlie city next Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Bobbitt, our late Pastor, will fill thciiulpit at the Methodist c'mrch, morningan I evening. What iias become ot our v.lined contempo- rar\, tiie Reidsville News? We liave not seen a copy for tliree weeks past. A Yew and imiiroved Sewing Machine has been introduced into this market by Mr. J. H. Coieman, to understand the merits ofwliicli you liave only to read tii i ad.'ertiseinent in an other column and then g.o and see tlieMa- eliiiie. Tiilnks to sister Wm. Wardforan accepta hie uddidon to tlie cul nary department of the JoURX.VL, in the shape ol a lot of fi ie potatoes an l a ‘-b; >-beet."' Din receipt ofhis Christmas stock of beautiful Jewelry, Watches, Silver Ware, &c., o.' pie latest an.I most idegant de igns. Thesego.ids have been boug'bt with re crciice to the demandi of tills iiiaiket, and BoSS Tweed at Swansboro N. C. will be sold extremely low for the cash. His ’ stock of soli I ware off TS superior iiidiicemeiits to piirciiascrs. Call early and secure a clioice, CnA.MllERLAIN's, City Jeweler. Ourwviod sul).ici-ibers are requeued to bring along the woo I—good, dry wood, clear of hi; knots, and suitable for burning in our stoves. kind wanted It affords us iiiiicli pleasure to state tliat Puit cold is improving, and that, at tlic present rate, we sliali be in working trim by next week. It any one lias a thermometer as long as a bean pule, that can successfully indicate the weather as we have liad it for the past tliree weeks, he can of it to a-lvaiitage at this oliice. And that’s all wcknow about the weatli- er. Tqe News reports cholera raging among the liogs in Wake to an alnrming extent, Tliat pre.rcriptloii ot lard and turpentine won't cure It, worth a cent—but will kill the hog. Try it. The Raleigh News complains of “no light” on ^leir street-s. AVeil, leave your one-horse t own and come up here. We have moon light and lamplight all on our streets at the .same time. Do ye hear? Gov. Vance has been lecturing in Danville, A;.., to the oclight of the good people theic. In liis ramhles around town, lie said lie did not Wonder at Danville’s pro.sperity because of its close proximity,,to North Carolina. Licensed Yocng Lawyers.—The follow ing .aplicants passed their examination fiir li - cense and were admitted to practice in tiie sev- aral courts ot the Stat.u by tile Supreme Court recently. The Newiiern Nut Shell says that on last Wednesday a ste.nn yaclit put into Swanshoro in tills State, wlicu about ten or twelve men well anued with knives and pistols lauded, and among them W.13 a civilian whom, from tiie de.'Cription and pictures seen by the citizens of tuat place oftlie Boss, they firmly belieie.i to be him. Tliey remained about an liourand after making a few piirdiases put to sea. Their presence created con.-iderahle excite ment among the inhabitants. Tlie ab.ive in formation was obtained from Air. Nasli Alat- tocks, of Onslow who lives within seven miles of Swansboro Sudden Death —Last Tue.sday morning, about breakfast time. Air. Harper Liiid.say, jr., of tills city, was found dead in liis room. Tlie family lieiird him in his room some time bet'orc, and lie had gotten up and dressed liimself, but Ills not coming down to breakfast cau.sed them to send for liim, wlien lie was discovered lying witli ids cliin upon tlie bed rail, dead. He liad been drinking quite hard for some time past, and it is supposed tliat this is the cause ofhis death. AA’e also learn of an oid negro man ,vho died suddenly tlie same iiiglit, and from tlie same cause. Jacob Battle, Edgecombe county. Tliomas Braxton Bailey, Davie county. Edwin fi’hom- as Boykin, Sampson comity. William Freder ick Campbell, Cumberland county, Tlieodo- rus Heiidcr.son Cobb, Lincoln county. AVil- liiim Joseph Griifln, pasquotaiik county. Riiik- iiey Betliel Joliiiston, Rockingham county. Alexander Sears Alurpiirey, Rowan county. AA^illiam Nortlset Newbold. Perquimans coun ty. RichardClingiiianPuryear, A'adkincoun- ty. AA'aiglitstill Burge Reinheart, Rutherford county. Henry Howard, Onslow county. Harry Skinner, Pitt county. George Mancious Smedes, Wake comity. John Henry Smyth, ,(col.) New Hanover roiinty. Julian Augus tine Turner, Stanley comity. AValter Parker i AVUliamson,Edgecombe county. In Katie Putnam played here again last Mon day night to a crowded house. Slie appeared in the society play ofFanchon, and acquitted lierself in her usually happy style. Tiie play itself is rather weak in some parts and but for tliesupcrior forceof Aliss Putnam and her sup ports would liave proven very tame; though as a whole, it carries witli it a beautit'iil moral lesson that, perhaps, macy of that audience, will not soon forget. As an artist Miss Katie is a grand success. Buena ATsta T.odge, No, 21, T. 0. O. F. Greensboro, Jan. 4th, 1876. The Officers and Alembers of Buena Vista Lo.lge No. 21, desire to certify to all wiiom it may coiice. n, aiid especially to those generous per.-ons who contribute 1 by tlie purchase of tickets in toe reccut "Grand Gift Enterprise,’’ to aualile mis Lodge to secuic to itself a Tem pi.E, that the said Gift Etiterprise wl icli w as set on loot for that purpose was so farsuccess- ul as to enable tiie Manager and Directors -bereof to put into llie pos.sesrion of this Lodge the valuable properly in this City known as -.le Garrett Builuing and adjacent lot. Witli the .'^urphis pi-oceeds which rcinaincd alter the purclia-e of the property, togeiher 'vilh a f-w liuiidiad dollar.- raised by mortgage 11 a portion of the .ame, tiie large three siory jiiildiug lias be-n in a niamier recoii.sirunted, and now presents a handsome edilice,—or Odd Fellows’ Temple,—creditable alike to the be- iievo'eiu spirit ofa large class of liberal hearted people in and out ol'tbe Order, and to tiie ta-teand judgemeiit of the Manager and Directors and Arcliitect who were entrusted will! its execution. This valuable propei-ty has been regularly conveyed to tills Dodge to be and remain its sole property so long as it shall continue to e.xisc as an organized Lodge of Odd Fellows; and upon us cea-ing to exist, (a contingency not likely to happen) or on its failure to re- 0,-ganize within four years after the liappen- ing of s .cii ail event, the property pa ses to toe City ofCKEENScoRo to be used exclusive ly for ediicaiional purpose-:. Tlie third siory of the building has been fit ted up ill liandSiime , indeed, elegant style as a Lodge Room and ante-rooms, ain.t is now oc cupied by the Lodge. foe rooms upon tiie first and second floors are leased, aod the proceeds arising therel'roin will be received by the Lodge to i.s own use. Tiie wliole is a valuable roiitribiition to a Benevolent Instiliition wliose principles are wid.-spread and univer.sal. In bciialf of Buena Vista Lodge, as its com mittee. we tender the warmest, lieartiest thaiiks ofiis OtHcers and Meiiiliers t o tiiose persons wliose liberality contributed to secure to it this splendid Temple. Long may It stand as an open and public of the appreciation of a generous jieople of the principles and practices of oiir Beloved Order. Levi AI. Scott, j J. A. Rbitciiett, [-Committee. AV. C. Porter, J DIEEOTORY. ^Grand Council OF N. C.—.John Nichols, Oi Raleigh, J/. /. G. M,’ D. VAk Bain,Raleigh, G-. -liecorder.. Grand Chapter op N. C.—Thos. S Keenan, Wilson, G. H. P., D. W. Bain, Ral eigh, G. SeePt,. Gr.and I.ODGE OF N. C.—Geo. AV. Blount, VAilsoii, G. J/.,D.AV. Bain, Raleigh, G. Secfij. Greensboro CouNLUirNiTrs, R & S. AI Greensboro N. C,—Tlios. J. Sloan, T. 1 Aii S. E. Allen, Recorder. ^ Time of meeting: 4tii Wednesday night of each month. CiiOKJZiN Chapter, jNo. 13, Greensboro N. C.—Tlios. J. Sloan, JJigh Rriest, J. K.' Nelson, ^Secretary. . ' 1 ime ot meeting: 3rd Friday night of eacii month. Elmwood Lodge, No. 246, Greensboro. N. C.—H. N. Snow, IF. M.. S. E.. Allen Secretary. ' Time of Regular Communications; second Saturday night of each luouth. New Advertisements. Greensboro Machine Shop. All kinds of Sewing .Alacliines, Pistols. Guns, Locks, &e., repaired at sliort notice. New keys made to old locks. Especial attention to the repair of safes and safe lucks. Give me a call. 13— J. II. COLEAIAN. Notice of Removal. W. S. and Alra. Alonre liaving removed tlieir two stores to tlieir new Brick Building east of Court House (and opposite Steele’s and AIc- Adoo’s) ivould most re-pectfully invite their many good customers “To call.” AVe expect to continually add to our usual stock of goods, and the Alilliiiery, Orgaii.=, Ac., will be reached by an easy flight of stairs, eiu trance from the Soutli front. P. S. I pay the highest price for country Furs and want all I can get until the first ot May. Cali around and see us. Jan. 3, 1876. THE NEW CELEBRATED LYON SEWING MACHINE, 'he Champion of the World- The Best made, lightest running Machine made. It is tlie simplest running Alachine in the market, easy to learn to operate and easy to ke'ep in order. If yon ivaut a good, nice and well made FAMILY SEAVING AIACHINE Call at , J. IT. COLEMAN & CO’S Machine Shop, IS—30 Greeasboro, N. C, CHARLES D. YATES, Bookseller 6s Stationer, and dealer ill AlUSICand F.ANCY ARTICLES, Greensboro, N, C. 2-27 STEELE & DENNY", Alanufacturers of Doors, Blinds, tSasii, Mouldings and Dealers in ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Office S. STEELE, corner .East Market st. ■ Greensboro, N. C. Terms Cash. 20 — Greensboro Female College. ,. Greensboro N. C. s“s-'ioii '{ 1876 will begin on . AA"EDNEbDAY. the 12tli of JANUARY, and , continue twenty weeks. Pbmrd (exclusive oi washing and lights) $ 4 o.OO. ’I’uition ill regular course, $2.7,00 Charge.- fur extra stiidie- moderate. For Catalogue containing particulars, anplr to Rev. r. AI. Jones, President. N H. D. W ILSON, dec 8-2m. Pres. Board of Trustees. SAAI AVI LEA", FASHIONABLE BARBEE, AND H A I li ]/ J? E s S E U , Greensboro, N. C. —0— f/ ADIES and GENTT.EMEN waited on at ft Hieir lioim-s wl en d sired, and all work AAi in Ins line will he performed in tlie liio-li- est style of the .Art. Shop on Soiitl) Elm Street, nearly op posite the E.xpress office. 12-— ^uEnras-A WjstNiai OrET THE BEST. Web-tee s Ueabeidobd DictiokaeY. 10-000 lEord-s a7i(i Meanings not in other Dictionariet. 3000 En£rravinf?s;1840 Pages Qaarto. Price $12. Xi^ebistcr now is ”loi-ioiis.—it leaves nothin:? to be de- » * sired. [Pres. Kaymond, Vassar College, p very scholar knows the value of the work. Prescott, the. HistoHan. O elieve it to be the most perfect dictionary of the lan guage. \Dr. J. G. IlullaiuK C uporior in most respects to any other known to me- [Georoe ■y he standard authority for printing in this office. ■ [A. If. CLhpc, Gove7nv>nent .l-^-inter. P xcels all others ingiviugand defining scieutiti termp, ^ [Prr^'iden't tfitehcoefr. R emarkable compendium of human knowled'^tL Lo7idon Quarterly Jfieview,Ovr(7heTAS'i'2C' ' A NE\> FEAJ UllKr” . To the 3000 Illustrations in Webster's; Unabridged we liave receiitl.v aibied &«ii.pages, of COLORKI) ILytSTJi.VTlOAS. engraved expressly for the work at taege expense aLSC)”/'..:- ■ ' " Webster s Natici(ai.,Bictcw-ial Dictionary. 1040 Pages pcjavci. -6000 Engravings. ' Price 85. J(^“Tlie Katie^L^andard. Proof’—20 to L The ^ales of YVebster’s Dictionaries tlirougli out tliejeoii.iitry in I’SIS were 20 times as large as tlt« salqs.-.Qf "ftiiy otlier Dictionaries ii> proof, we will, send to any person, .lu ai plic.a tion, the statements of more tliaii 100 Book sellers, from every section of tlie eouetry-. Published by ' ' ' ' G. &' c. AIerriam, Springfield Alass. Sold by all Booksellers. 'M