i-' I'i' fi I, ‘I rsl m \',] jf;i|i;' Nv|P'’:^3 iliifc..' *' ■ ill i ‘ ill' I•!,,. i'i*-,’ . ,ip ■ " 'j'' . ii - ■ i^i I ' li‘ i 'f , t hi', irlr'’ ' 'hi,, 'iflp'!)' • „ ji«f^ • 'i ^ K.V , - vS , 8 the masonic journal The cedars of Lebanon are the oldest trees in the World except the elder trees. There is no wild beast more to be dreaded than a communicative man hav ing nothing to communicate. The earliest art students made arrow heads. Some of the latest art students make chuckleheads. “Hew is one of your most energetic trustees, says a village paper in an obitua- ly notice, “and we trustees happy. Whatever you have to do, do it prompt ly, and if it is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well, whether any one is to see it or not. Teacher—“What is the definition ol flirtation?” Intelligent young pupil — “It is attention without intention. ’ “Have you much fish in your bag ?” asked a person of a fisherman. “Yes, there is a good eel in it,” was the slip pery reply. “Now my little boys and girls,” said a teacher, “I want you to be very still—so that you can hear a pin drop.” In a moment all was silent, when a little boy cried out, “Let her drop ! “Old age is coming upon me rapidly ” as in urchin said when hs was stealing apples from an old man's garden, and saw the owner coming, with whip in hand. Whejfi the hey day of life is over, old age may be sunny and chirping, a merry heart may nestle in a tottering frame, like a .swallow that builds in a ruined chimney. Wi.en they build a railroad, the first thing they do is to break ground. This is often done with great ceremony. Then they break the stock holders. This is done without ceremony. The Sweetness of Home.—He who has BO home has not the sweetest pleas ures of life ; he feels not the thousand en dearments that cluster around that hal lowed spot to fill the void of his aching heart, and while away his leisure mo ments in the swmetest of life s joy. Is misfortune your lot, you will find a friend ly welcome from beating true to your own. The chosen partner of our toil has a smile of approbation when others have desert ed, a hand of hope when all others refuse, and a heart to feel your sorrows as if they were her own. Perhaps a smiling cherub, with prattling glee and joyous laugh, will drive sorrow from your' carew’orn brow, and inclose it in wreaths of domestic bliss. No matter how humble that borne may be, how destitute its stores or how pooriy its inmates are clad, if true hearts dwell there it is yet a home—a cheerful, pru dent wife, obedient and affectionate chil dren, will eive possessors more real joy than bags of gold and windy honors. The home of a temperate, industrious and honest man, will be his greatest joy. He comes to it weary and worn, but the mu sic of the merry laugh, and the happy voices of the children cheer him. A plain, but a healthful meal awaits him Envy, ambition and strife have no place there, and with oleai conscience he lays his weary limbs down to rest in the bosom of his family, and under the protecting care of the poor man's friend. Advertisements, ^ 'WILMINGTON cti WEI.IION RAIL LOAD COMPANY. )FFiCB Gent. Sufeuintenjient', , iVilmino-ton, N. May 18m. j OP SCllEDI-'I.I'L EYERETT SMITH Life & Fire Insurance Gkeenseoeo, N. C. Railroad .at at Yhi.j a. m. 11 :a0 a. Ill 3:00 p. ir, !!:50i).ni. 9:.'iO a. m. ll::i.y a. m. 1;87 p. lu C:0a l>. m. FHEIGIIT Off IV CIIANGP On ami aft('!■ June 1st, Passciigcr 'I'rains on tlie Wilminatou ami Weldon will run as follows : MAII. TRAIN. Leave TTiion Depot daily (Sun days excelled) Arrive at Goldsboro “ Rocky Mount “ Weldon Leave Weldon daily .Vrrive at Itoeky Mount.. “ Goldslioio “ I'nion Depot EXPRESS TRAIN AND TIIIIOUGII TRAIN. I.oave Ilnion Depot daily ....at 5: p. in Arriveat Goldslioro 11:4a. in. Rockv INloiuit 3:0 a. m. Weldon 0:00 a. in. Leave 'iVeldon daily 7:00 p. in. \rrive at Koekv Mount 0:00 p. iii. '• Goldsboro l'J:7>0 a. in. “ ITiioii Depot .' 0:30 a. in Mail 'I'laiii makes close eoniii'ctioii at Woidim for all points North via Hay l.iiie and .Neipiia Greek routes. Express Train coiiiioets only with Aeqitia Creek route, gfes" Pidlimui’s Palaee i-iloepiiig (tars on tins 'I'raiii. Ereialit Trains will leave Wilmington tri weekly at .'iiOO a. m.. and arrive at 1:4(lp. in. .lOlINF. DIVINE. 3f,. General Siiperinteiideiit. Represents the IMetropoeitan Like of y York, tlie inaugunitor of the two most popj! ami equitable plans of Life Insurance ^ THE RESERVE ENDO’W'MENT and THE RESERVE DIVIDEND H.Ayj Every pledge of tliis company is pm , written out. and the full- resj oi.sibiliiy oi i ‘ Company iiiul as-ured deliiietl, the‘Peiif! of the Metri roi.iTAN slii.iild be lead hf a Pulii tj ill umj utktr Oninpiini/iaacapini Oliscrve the following Original and (hr*, teri.'tic ProvLiotis of lids Cuiiiiiany: A S V N 0 N I C J 0 U H N A Lf S Subscribe ^ p For the naor oiNOSv Q K-i Wanted at can please A paper thus advertises; this office, an editor who every body. Also, a foreman who can . so arrange the paper as to allow every man's advertisement to head the column. A bachelor returv.ing from a ball in a crowded coach, declared with a groan that he had no objection to “rings on his fingers,” but he had a most unequivocal aversion to ‘bells on his toes. Hava you any nice fresh farmer’s eggs ?’ inqured a precise old lady at a grocery store, ‘No ma'am,’ replied the practical clerk, ‘but we have some very good hen's . eggs.’ She took three to try. It is very desirable to be a good rea der. A clergyman is said to have once read the following passage from the Bible, with the emphasis thus; “And the old man said unto his sons saddle the ass; and they saddled Aim.” New Richmond, "West Virginia, is : shipping walnut logs d rectly to London, where better prices are obtained than in this countrv. There is a bullfrog farm in South-east- - ern Wisconsin, thirty acres of swamp fenced in, and the proprietor sends thousands of these featherless birds to .New Y'or-k. Over the porch of the Old South ■ Church at Boston is chiselled : “Behold I have set before you an open door,” and under, on the door, is printed in emphat ic letters, “Positively no admittance.’’ American postage stamps lose their .gum after lying about a few days. In England last year 61,000 stamps were -found loose in the postal boxes. Mr. Swope, of Maryland, wanted to teach school, and when he was declared incompetent he burned the sohoolhouse down.' Tb it din't make him any more -competent, however, as he admitted while they were taking him to jail. Dr. Holland, in Scribmr's, gives us the following ; What is the cure for gossip ? Simply, culture. There is a great deal of gossip that has no malignity in it Good-natured jieople talk about their neighbors because, and only because, they have nothing else to talk about. As we write, there comes to us a picture of a fam ily of young ladies We have seen them at home, we have met them in galleries of art, we have caught glimpses of them going from a bookstore, or a liorary, with a fresh volume in their hands W’heii we meet them, they are full of what they have seen and read. They are brimming with questions. One topic of conversa tion is dropped only to give place to an other, in which they are interested We have left them, after a delightful hour, stimulated and refreshed ; and du.ing the whole hour not a neighbor’s garment was soiled by so much as a touch. They had something to talk about. They knew something, and wanted to know more. They could listen as well as they could talk. To speak freely of a neighbor’s do ings and belongings would have seemed an impertinence to them, and, of course, an impropriety. They had no tempta tion to gossip, because the doing of their neigubors formed a subject very much less interesting than those which grew out of their knowledge and their culture. And this tells the whole story. The confirmed gossip is always either mali cious or ignorant. The one variety needs a change of heart and the other a change of pasture. Gossip is always a personal confession either of malic or imbecility, and the young should not only shun it, but 'by the most thorough culture relieve SEAROAWD & ROANOIvE RAIL ROAD. Otticeof tlieSuperlnti-iiilent of Transporta tion, ol Itie Seabord A Koaiiokc Railroait Com- paii}'. I’oHTSMOUTH, V.\., Jan. 1 i8f) On and after this date, train-: of tins Road will leave lYeldon daily, Sundays excepted as fol lows: Mail train at 4 p. m No. 1 Ereiglit train at 4 a. m. No.‘2 Freight train at 8 a in. Tuesdays and Fridays at at 8.00 a. m. ARRIVE AT PORTSMOL'TII. Mail train at 7,1.5 p. in. No. 1 Freight train at 13, Noon. No.‘2 Frciglit train .. at 4 p, in. Freiglit Irains liave a passenger ear at- taclied'. Steamer for Edenton, Plymoiitlp and landings on Black water and Chowan Rivers leave ''Frankl n at 7 ,40 a. in., on Mondays, ■Wednesdays and Fridays E. G. GIIIO. Supt. of Transportation. Its nays ol grace, fn m one inoiitlitoM!; j, 8 terniiiied liy the age id'll ePolicy. ' I Itscohli uaiiee fii-nu-iu; ii.sure(lpciiodi,r anothi r witlioiit inen ii.-e of j i-emiuiii. Its Reserve l.iivideiid J-ui;d coiisi(lci-p(l,i,i dei'osit at an interest loiTl.e paymenti((-.r ture I reniiuins Its yjieeitio Guarantees of Dividinds. gtiri'i-iidei' Value, * ID Incontestable Chiu.-^e, pi-ralingfrouiljS payiiKiii ol the first preiiiiuiii. Tl.e amount explicitly .-stated to lie RAID IN DEATH. The amount explieiily stated to be 1‘A1D IN I.IFE. Also represents .sei e.ral Fir.-t C'lassFircC®. I pa'des, in w hicli risks will be writ eii oiis! classes of insurable pro[;erty, aiidoii tlie ms j favorabic terms. JAS. SLOAN’S SONS, GREENSBORO, X. C., GENERAL MERCHAMlJ Lime, ( emeiit and I’laster, ITiospliates inL Agrieiiltiiriil Implements a bpeciallv. 1— EL'GENE ECKEL, Druggist and PharmacisU GliKERSBORO.N. C. P(’r>onal attention to compounding P^l scriptions at all hours—day or nigiit. ‘2-i I THE YARBOROUGH H(JM| RALEIGH, N. C., G. W. BLACKNALL, Trop'r. Refer to all traveling gentlemen. iyj JOHN ARMSTRONG, RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD. Sureiuntendent’s OrFK'E. I Kab-igh, N. C., Dee. 25. 1875. f On and after Moiulay, Dee. 27th, 1875, trains on the Raleigli A Gaston Railroad wU run daily (Sutuhiy excepted) as follows: MAIL TRAIN. I.eaves Raleigh 10:00 A. M. Arrives at Weldon 3:30 1’. M. I.eaves Weldon 10:!IO A. M. Arrives at Raleigli 3:30 P. M. ACCOMMOl lATION TRAIN. I.eaves Ihileigh 5:00 A. M. Arrives at Weldon 5:25 P. M. Leaves Weldon 5:15 A. M. Arrives at Raleigli 5:40 P M. Mail train makes close eonneetioii at 'Wel don witli the Seaboard iind Roanoke ILiih oad and B:iy T.ine Steamers via. lialtimoie. to and from all points Norlli, West and Northwest, and with Petersburg Kailroiul via. Petii'slmrgt Rielniioiid and Wasliinglou City, to and from all points North and Northwest. And at Raleigh with tlie North Carolina Railroad to and from ali points Soiitli and Southwest, and wilh the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line to llavwood and Eiiyetteville. JNO. C- WINDER, Gen. Sup’t. Book Binder and Blank Manufacturer, RALEIGH & AUGUSTA AIIM.INE. Sl'REltlNTENDF.NT’s OfFICF:, ) Pvale’gn, N.C., Dee. 2.'itli, 1875. )' On and after Monday, Dee. 27tli, 1875 trains on tlie R. A A. L. Road will run daily (Sunday excepted) as follows: MAIL TRAIN. themselves from all ternptat on to indulge ; Train leaves Raleigh 3.40 p jp in it. It is a low, frivolous, and too often a dirty business. There are country neigh borhoods in wki-'h it rages like a pest. 1 was j Churches are split in pieces by it. Neigh- In many persona it degenerates into a chron ic disease, which is practically incurable. ' ''oad, to and from Fayetteville and points on •r VI Mester.I Railroad. JNO. C WINDFH I’ouiig cure it while them may. | Y ”‘.-'t-’-r-jv. 1- llAlEIOIi -V- fj MRS. S. M. SMITH'S BOARDING lIOrSE-i Middle Street, one door below TattiTioni Grocery Store, KEtr BEIIEE, K C. 1— A THE NATIONAL HOTEL,.' Deliglitfully situated, A Kow House. Fine Kooms, luslu’d und Fitted up in the Style- i Hnth-Kooms nud Watcr-CloFcts on «r i„ Floor. liilliord Saloon in Baseim'nL k C. S. BROIVN, Proprietor, | 1- J.vo. W. 1. XOBCtt H. WIl.I.I.S. The Mareohal De Faber at a .seige .pointing out a place with his finger. As 1 u j ■ u i- i-r L spoke a musket ball carried off the | for life finger. Instantly stietohing another he -continued his discourse:—“Gentlemen, I was saying—” .\rrives at Sanford, P. M. Arrivosat Cameron P. M. Train leaver Can'cron Leaves Sanford, A. M Arrives at Raleigh A, M. Mail Traill makes close connection at Ral- iegh witli the Ra'eigli and Gaston Railroad, to and fi-oin all p,, uts North. And at Cameron witti the. Western Rail- Let the young ( Superintendent. 11. D WILLIS & NORCOM. Commission Merchants, Aiul Dealers in FRESH and SALT FISH, COUNTRY' PRODU'J"'*^" Front Street, BEAl FORT, A- tear Orders piomptly attended, 1° B@“ Quick returns on Consis"®*^”*'' -26 p. 0.

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