FOR TilE LADIES. The Last Cent. BY BUULEIGir. the last cent Vm owning, This iiiekcl so l e I; All its jolly companions have i'rom me sped. Oil/ ho-v shall I .spendit, Or what will ic b.iy, And wh *n it has vanished No others are nigh. T(» the poor shall I send it? None poorer than I, For with this last.ikkel Goes poverty’s .sigli. Ah! who would possess it This Ion dy red. But the reckle s unfortunate Who longs to bed ^ad. Alii yes, who is longing To quit this sad world, And seek for tlmt ot ;er Wlience nnm was hurled. So nickel 1*11 poise t'c e Here on my thumb, And hide thy de-is on Though tiiou art-lumb. Up into the heavens I’ll twirl th -e, o; I red, And join the '‘tcrnal If thou turn’'^t head! Ah. wiiv is it always My 'nek to fail— That treachemus nickel Turns up a tail. Mother’s Love. In some spring freshet a river widely wash ed its shores and rent away a bough whereon a bird had built a cottage for her summer home. Down the white and whirling stream drifted the green branch, its wicker cup of unhedged song and lluttcring, beside it as it went, tlie m uher bird. Unheeding the roaring river on she went, her ci’ies of agor.y and fear piercing the pauses in the stonn Ho'v Uketheloveof the old fa>hloned mother, who followed the child she had tducked from her heart, all over the world Swept away by passion thatchild might be it mattered not, though 1k^ was bear ing away wuh him tlie fragrance of the shel tered roof tree, yet that mo'her was with him. a Kuth all his life, and a Rachel at his deatli. Alleger, Bowlby & co., Thoughts- 03d Aunt Nellie Vick, of Wayne county may well exclaim, '0 death wliere is thy Vick- tory?’ She's a 120-year-ol 1 iigglit-bloommg cerens, andiooks like she might hist till another centennial. Watching Ashcriff at St. Albans, Vt., having two in sane persons to cenvy fromtVie St. Albans Jail to an asylum for the insaneat Batttleboro, Vt., called one of th‘ lunatics aside and a'^ked lusaid in keephig watch of hiscompanion dur ing tliejo uTi y, and then did thesame with tlie other. T two hiuaiics sat side by side, si lently eyeing each other through the whole route, and they haw contiouiilly kopt guard over each other in the asylum ever since. Childhood is the sleep of reason. A good conscience is a continual Chrlstmas. Most men ;ph-afraid ot a bad name, but few fear their consciences. What we call conscicnt'0 is in many instan ces only a wholsome f ar of the i-on^table. There is n »on: ward sign of conrti sy that does not on deeji mo. al ronndation. W ithout content we si-all find it almost as difficult to please otheis as ourselves. A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill oiily requires our silence, w- ieh costs ns nothing. We must be as courteous to a tran as to a picture, which we ni’o wilUng to give the ad vantage of a good ll.ghl. C 'V tou men lice I money least, yet they most affect it; but prodlga's, who need it a.ost, have the lea>t lega -d for it. Toncglec:,at anv lim n pr pa ation for death, i" tosh‘ep on air posts at a seige ; to omit it in old age is to sleep at an attack. We look at deu h fhj-o-'g'' tlie (“heap glazed w'indows (if the fie ii, and believe lii‘ . to be the monster which tlie tlaw’cd and cracked g’as- represents him to be. I'he greatest man is he who chooses rig it with the mo^t inv'.scible re.a)lutiou ; who re- -i>ts tlm soresl tem,). at’on from within and without; \Nho bears t’.ie heavie-t bu’’dens cheeifully: who is calmest in >tonns and most fearh'&s under menace.s and f:-ow;is; \viios(* 11 lia ice on ' nth. on virtue and on Gi:d is most unfalt- ring. To Mexd (.'iiix.\ware.—Take a very tluck solution gum arable and .'tir into it of paris until the mixture is of pi op r consist n- py. .\))ply it with a brush to the r'ractured edges of tlie • an i slick them togeth er. In a f “w d lys it will be impossible to break the artic'e i 11 le same place. The of the cement render.s it doab'y valuable. Corn V.neoar.—Steep a quart of com In about live gallons of col 1 wuiter for two or three hours, and then put it on th ■ fire until the corn shows signs ofbursting. Do not let it burst, but rake it off the fire an I strain the liquor into -a cask, and ad 1 about two pounds of sugar to it. Set the c isk in a jdace where the sun can dliineon it, and in .hree or four weeks it will be found to contain live gallons 0i good Nine- gar. Less quantities can be made in the same way. Chicken SaLad.—Mince the white meat of a chicken very fine ; Cliop the white parts of celery. Br pare tlie salad dressing thus: Rub the yo ks of as many hard-boiled eggs as desirable very smooth with a spoon. Put to 4Mch yolk one teaspoonful of mustard, one half of salt one winegla-s of strong vinegar. Put the celery upon a large dish, lay the chicken upon that, t.i-eu pour the drcs.sing over it. Cut the wliites ofthe eggs in rinds, and garnish the di casing. Alto add a few hilts of pickled beets cutin shapes, anda few sprigs of celery tops. EVEllETT SMITH, Life & Fire Insurance Agent, #***•»* «• * * vr * * + ♦ + + + * + Surpasses in tone and power any lieed Organ heritofore manut'acturod intliis country. It luia been tested by many competent judges and Gives Universal Satisfaction. By askillful useoftlie stops, and of the eut kneeswell, the music is adapted to the Im- man voice, miiging from tlie softest, flute-like note to a volume of-sound. Unsurpassed by any Instru ment. I'lie proprietors have noted carefully for many yiuirs tlie iiniierfections and needs of the reed instruments, and directed their practical i-.vperieucp to the correction of sucli imperfec tions, and their experiments have resulted in the production of a quality of tone vvliich as similates so closely to the A convenient article for kitclien use is a banging salt box; a wooden box a foot long by a half i'ont wide, with aback projecting about four iinclied above the cover so that it will hang lirinly on a nail against the wall, answers the purpose quite well. Fill two- thirds full of salt and liang on a convenient nail u ar the stove. It will save many steps to the busy farmer's wife, being near at Iiaiid to season articles wliilo cooking, of run ning to the cupboard or pastry every time for ■a piiioii of salt. Q,ueen Victoria as a Farmer. Tluu’c a-'e till(‘t‘separate th; 11)3 Nvithhi li e j);ecinctsof A i idsoi for s. —the Norfolk, the Fle.iii'li a.Kl Ihe Uoii-nit's bJiaw iavtii. ThelaeL meut'onea is the Que I’s tavori'e, though a Lir.;e amount of c ipilal beau ex- pui.ded up'll the ot.;e;’1 wj, and mo't of Hit* stock which have won p izes at the recent show.3 are kept on rieni. 'i he Sim iv Firm con.'Nts of about 1,1 CO acre, more nine-ten hsof whicu ar i pasture, near ly a'i in a ri.ig This is s'id to be as rinc a spjccime.) of a g.czing farm as oiie could wish 10 See. Extuiidve epe ation.s aie iu pro^' C-^s ior cond icdng the sewerage of WiiKHor out to a fiwm a nrle distant. The farm ’ouiMings are conveuieuL and well arcaug- ed. The f.iot-aud-montii di-easc, which is quite dlsast’OILS among royal caAle as any oUiLT', lias been so piuvalciit on this farm that no stock from there has been cxh.b- ited. The royal daily is a gem. A large sum of money is rep ‘esented in the majoiic i and mcsaic ofthe walls, which are sUultled with medalions of i he Queen, I he Priiiec Con sort and their children; the double roof and ti’iple windows, ihe inner wiiulu'w being of stained glass, the milk pans in whileanl gold, and the curious inhi'd floor. TuC biuter made here issent daily to the I'le of Wight, and to ScollaiKl three times a week when the court is there, and fruUs and vegetables a. e sent at the same time. Among the bulls kept on the farm is King Coffee, an ball, brouglit from Cremassie, and valued only as a curiosi ty. Tlie poult* y house near by contains some gold and silver pheasants, and .t few Andalu sian fowls, and some Scotch grays. In the centre is a littlecottage where tlie Qiren used to take her 5 o’clock tea The laborers on the flu m are paid 14. s. a week, but liouse rent, fuel, and other advantages make their wages equivalent to a pound a week, Tind some of them have as much as £30 laid bv. Greensboro, N. 0. Represcats tlie Metropolitan Life of New York, the iiiauguratorof the two most popuJav and equitable plans of Life Insurance, THE RESERVE ENDOWMENT and THE RESERVE DIVIDEND. PLANS. Every pledge of this company is plainly wu'itten out, and the full resi oi sibility oi the Company and assured dcliiied, the Policy ofthe Metropolitan shi.uld be read htfwt a Policy in any other Company is accepted. Observe thefollowing Original and Cliarac- terlstic Provisious of this Company: Its aays ol gi’ace, from on> month to six, de termined by the age of tl el-'olicy. Its conli uance frcmime ii suredpenod another wiiliont inen a^e of ]-.remium. Its Reserve Dividend Fui.d considered as a -, deposit at an interest for the payment of fu ture premiums Its Specific Guarantees of Dividends and ' gnrrcnder Value, Its Incontestable Glau.=e, opr^rating from the - paynicur ofthe first premium. The amountexplicUIy .stated to bov paid in death. The amount ex|jlicitly statedto b& PAID. IN LIFE. Also represents several First'CInfeTire Com - panics, in which risks will be writien on alt, classes ofinsurable property, andon Ihe.most lavorable term.?. 5— JAS. SLOAN’S SONS, GREENSBORO, H. C., &ENERAL MERCHANDISE, Lime. Cement and Planter, Phospliatcs smd Agricultural Implements a Specialty. 1— That it is difficult to distinguish between tlie two. THIS INSTRUMENT HAS ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS And every organ is fully wananted. Large Oil PoliBh, Black Walnut, Paneled Cases that \Yill not Crack or Warp, And forms iu addition to a splendid ' instru meiit of mu-sic A B eautiful Piece of Furniture. This needs only to be seen to be ap preciated and is sold at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, For cash. Second hand instruments taken in exchange. AGENTS 77ANTED. (Male er female,) in every county in the United States and Canada. A liberal discount made to Teacliers, ^Ministers, Churches, Schools, Lodges,:etc., vliere there is no agent for tlic Sl’AR'ORGAN. Illusirated catalogue and price list free. Correspondence solicited Address tlie Managers, ALLEGER, BJ7YLBY& CO., WASHINGTON, N. J. EUGENE ECEEI., Druggist and Pharmacist, Gkeej;sboeo,N. C. Personal attention to compoiir.ding Pre scriptions at all hours—day or night. 2—2 THE YARBOROUGH HOUSE, RALEIGH, N. C., G. W. BLACKNALL, Prop’r. Refer to all traveling gentlemen. 1— JOHN ARMSTRONG, Book Binder and Blank Book Manufacturer, 1— EAIEIGH, K. a. MRS. S. M. SMITH’S BOARDING HOUSE Middle Street, one door below Patterson’s Grocery Store, 1— KEfV BERNE, N C. THE NATIONAL HOTEL, Delightfully situated,, RAIE1&.1I, .N- C. A New House. Piue Roonis, Well Pin---, iiished and Pitted up in the Itest Style. Batli-Roonis ami \v a'.er-Glsscts on each Floor. Billiard Saloon in Basciiu lit. C. S. BROWN, Proprietor, 1- .Tno. W. Kekr, Clerk. II, WILLIS. II. 1). L. NORCOM. j H. .VV. .-VLLEGER, 0. P. BOWERY, ——— —— i T. B. McMURTRIE,. EUW.ARD PLOTTS, ADVERTISING PAYS.! is- WILLIS & NORCOM, Commission. Merchants, And Dealers iu FRESH and SALT FISH, COUNTJtY PRODUCE, Front Street, AAA (/EOAT, A. C. E^Orders piomptly attended, to.*f3a J6@” Quick returns on Consignments. _20 r. 0. Bos S3„ m

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