T H 3^ MASONIC J 0 U 31 N A 1. H' Local and State. Wood,—Those subscribers who are to pay 111 wood are requested to bring it along.—Good, k-y wood, free from big knots and suitable for lim-niiig in our stores is the only kind want ed . «• The Rsidsrille iVejcs says tobacco lias ad vanced 20 per cent .since Christm:is. Reidsville has “preliminaried” and will have n Itebating Society. The Windsor Tunes has passed into its dth volunin. ’'.Vilson is to bo made the dinner house on the W. & W. road. Says tiie Wilmington Star : There is a col ored man now in the employ of the City, aged about 80 years, who has liad tr o wives and thirty children, eigiit by the lirst and twenty two by the last wife. He .las ten grand chihl- ren and one grea‘ grand child, never had eight days consecutive sickness in his life. Alwost -a. Smash.—Hast Sunday evening as the Richmond train came near the Depot one of the rHls broke, ca'ising tile engine and cni'S to jump about ill quite a lively maimer, and the passengers cateliiiig lire mania lieganj limp ing about in the train also. No damage was done, however, and the break was promptly repaired A telegram from Company Shops states that Geo. W. Swepsun shot and dangerously wounded Adolphus Moore, both of Ilaav River. No lurther particulars at this writing. (Wed. A, M.) T;ie Shelby Aurora is to be removed to Rutherfordron, The Shelby Banner office has gone up- tlie third story of Wells’ building. -to The Danville, (Va,,) Time.? announces that a number of scoth gentlemen living in Riifflu desig 1 having a genuine scotch party to-mor- roav, the 28lh, Davis of the Torch-Light went to Salem last week via Dauvilla Now you know all about it. Got it bad The o'd style Washingtonian Tomperaiiee folks ar,‘ on t'.ie go in Wilmington. Th inks to Co mpanion Hoskins for-beets, potatieiaiid cabbages. Next. The fir-t Qiiartindy Conference for South Gu Iford Circuit will be held at Pleasant Gar lien on the 4tli Sabbath in February. Tliere are two dwelling houses in North GiroUn and Virginia, one i>ortion in Virgi lia and tile otiier in Noi tii Carolina. The land- lord can sleep in Virginia and breakfaH in North Carolina, vitlioiit going out of the hou.se. — Forisjiwiith Enterprise. Rileigli is muclily exercised over the gas question, and even tiie pious Donan sniffith guano afai'otf in the brcesc. The main point here is to get g.as at all. It is gratifying to know tliat the great ad vantages of Greensboro Female College is fully appreciated abroad and that the various class es are fuller now than at any period since the 'Tar. This is as it slioiild be. We are plca.o- ed to know tliat quite a number are seeking liouses with a view of removing here for the purpose of educating tlieir daughters. ( ome along friends, education is worth more than “rag money’’ any time. Will not our City authorities furnish their drimkcn prisoners with a supply of water? Those living in the vicinity of tiie lock-up would be ble.ssed thereby. The Modei. Fakvi for Sale.—The Model Farm near Higli Point in Guildford county is for sale. This farm is about four miles from High Point, and from an agricultural stand point has really proven a first-cla.ss success. Its iiitluence ha.s been felt all oyer Guildford county, and as a result, there are more grade cattle, grade Jerseys and Durl.ams, and Ches ter and Beikshirc hog.s in Guildford tliaii in any otlier county in the State. Mr. Fred Striidwick, of Hillsboro, bought a grade co'v in this county some weeks since and de Clares she is tlie be.st milker he eier liad. 'J'his farm was established by an association of Friends in Maryland ; not for profit but rath er as a school is started, for the benefit of the people and to teacli them how to farm, We presume the Friend.s have Iield the farm long enough to bring about tiie desired result, and it is now for sale.—Raleigh Neics. IVe learn that the gauge on the Atlantic A North Carolina Road, from Goldsboro toMoro- liead City, is changed to conform to tlie present gauge of tile North Carolina Road, from Golds-' boro. This will‘m.ake one uniform line from Beaufort harbor to tlie terminus of tlie N. C. l.oad at Ciiarlottc, The gauge of the N. (' Road liaving been previou.sly elianged to th.afr of the Richmond & Daiivifle, this chaiio-e on the Atlantic gives a uniform.'coimeGlion°from Bast to West, affording an ocean outlet to tlie R. x D., and unbroken freight connection over the whole line. I. 0. O. F.—Remember the meeting of Pais- I y Encampment to-morrow (Friday) iiiglit. Greensb iro Lodge of Good Templars is in luck O'lrtwo “head fievihs’’have jiiieil, and so e ithiis’asdc are they that even cold water is at a discount- Fine Glace' Photograpli.s at the Art Studio L. W. Akdrews ■ Dr. Bellamy, near Whitaicers, Nash county, i-' putting up a new cotton factory, which will be operation in fc'v weeks. Edwin Booth, tlic d'ragedian and Company passed tliroiigli licre last Sunday evening on their "ay to Oharlot.’e, where tiii-y iiad an eii- .gagemeiit to play at §1,000 per night. Com ment: “The po ir ye have witii ye alway's^’’ but B.ioth only once ; hence the iliff-rence in the price. W B, Bogart. West .Market street, iscon- st.antly receiving new additions to his iaig- Stock- of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods .\ large invoice of new Print-and Fancy Goods JuL in, and you siionld be sur- t.i consult your own interest by giving liini a c-ill. Good g «> Is at low prices is the rule with BOGAIiT. daring navigator is Mr. Henry Efferny of Buffalo, N. Y., who has navigated in a 10 feet boat all tlie way from Long Island Sound to Wilmington in 0 week.s. The Windsor Times informs ns that active lireparations are being made for a vigorous prosecution nfthe fishing interest in the North- Easi e n waters of the State. T.,.anks tobrotlier Ed. .M. Pac.». of Danville, Va.,fora copy of ihe ■■Warniek ard Rich- ardBon. Va., and N. C. Aliimnack for 1870.’’ It is neatly gotten up a.id contains iiiueii val liable information to Ihe [leople of .\orth Car olina and Virginiti. Send to pace Bros. & Co., Danville, Va ; Star Warehouse, and get a copy gralis. Bro. Pace also remembers our su(:- scriptioa list. A L.akgb LoTOf New Jewelry, Watches Rings, Pius, Charms, Ch,aiiis, &c. just received i'- Chamberlain’s. The .Vcw.s .say.s: The citizens and Masons of Wentworth Grange No. 221, fonvarded to »lie O.xford Orphan A.syhnn during tiie past week, the sum of |2o,00, and a package of merchandise. The Municipal election of Reidsville will be held to-day, the ’27th. We thought all muui- cip.il eleciions were by law lield on the liist .M'lnday in May. Ohirimr.g ’“Magge Mitchell” i.s nbw tlie song in- Wiiminglon, “Edwin Ad.ams” having “fun” yester.lay. They Boo (th) in Cliaiiotte. It costs less than a cent aiLaytotakea ueekly paper—less tliaii a diligent hen would earn in a year at tlie market price of eggs; less than one cigar a week, and a very ehrap one at tliat; less than a b.irber would charge by the yeartoke-p one’s hair trimmed; less than an energetic kitrlieii girl would waste in a week A penny a day can be saved in many a better way than stopping a fomily papei-.— J/ail ‘ Valuable ip True.—The Fincastle Herald has b- en informed that a piece ofiron hung on fruit trees will effectii.diy prevent file nivages of frost. Tiie informant states that the niglit beture the freeze in April he Inmg several pieces of old iron in len of his peach trees, and the trees were loaded with peaches, the yield be ing not le.'S than .sevcnry-ti\e busiieis. d'he fruit of tlie reinaiuliig trees (-ixty-flve in num ber) in the orchard "'as killed. A piece of horse shoe was hung in a ch'rry tree and the yield was ahnndiiit, while in three adjacent trees the fruit was entirely killed. He s.ays the idea originated witli Ids mollier and that lie, by licr instructions when a boy, tried the .-aine thing frequently, and with the same re suit. This is important, if true, and it will Co.st but little to test the truth of it. A visit to the Hall of Greensboro Lodge of Good Templars shows that they are “hi i earne.st” in tlieir preparations for future enter tainments. ff he stage which is of good size, is nearly completed, adjoining which will be-' comfortably arranged green rooms, while the seating capacity of the Hall will'eomfort.ablc accommoclateabout 200 persons. In addition an excellent scene painter has been secured to ' paint the cui-taims, scenery, Ac., and when the ■ wlioleis completed will offer excellent accom-- modatiims to amateurs and others, at a reason- able cost. « New Advertisements. Greensboro Machine Shop. —:o:— ^ All kinds of Sewing .Machines, Pistols, Gums,-, Locks, Ac., repaired at .sliort notice. New koy.s made to old locks. E--peeial attention to ■ the repair of safes and safe locks. Give me a call. J- H. COLEMAN. DIEECTORY. Gkand Council of N. C.—John Nieiiols’ mRaEigh d/. L a.M.; D. W.'^m.RaS Gr. Aecorder. ° ’ Gk-and Chapter op N, C.-Thos, S ■ Ciiambeulain is in rec,dpt of his Christmas stock of beautiful .Jewelry, tVatclies, Silver Ware, Ac., of die latest and most elegant di igns. fnesegorids have been bought 'vir.li reference to the demands of this market, and will be sold extremely low for the cash. His stock of soli I war.- offars superior inducements to pnrcha.sers. Call early aijd secure a choice, ■■'I Chamberlain’s, City Jeweler. Balsley-II.ANNER -At the Methodist Cliurch in I’liomasville, Wednesday, tiie I9th ist., bvRev. Mr. Hermoii, pastor, Mr. Chas. T. Balsley, of this City, and Miss Kate Han- uer, of Tliomaville Quite a nninboi’ofyoiitiij gentlemen and la- dies from this City attended the nuptials of the happy couple. Gb-and Lodge OP N. C.-Geo. W Blotmt’ Mdson, L’. Raleigh. L'. SeHy. Greensboro Council NiTs, R. A S. M lAc-Thos Gfi-'-'ensboto, A . u. Ihos. J. hloan, yAi/yi Priest, J N N elson, Secretary. . o. ..a . I'ime of meeting; month. Elmavooi) Lodge, No. 2-10. Greensboro.. -A. c.—11. JN. bnow, n. A/„ s E AH,.., Secretary. ’ Allen, Time of Regular Communications; second Saturday night of each month. Hrtl Friday night of each- CH.-VRLES D. YATES, Bookseller & Stationer, and dealer in A large variety of Valentines, Papers and Euvelbiles just ill f, at Y’ates’ Book Store. Seven iu'ifera purchased in Kentucky for §i!5,000, arrived at Jersey City. Tliey are the breed known as the Rose of Sharon, and were b.-ought for persons in England to " hoin they will be shipped. Right Rev. Bishop Lyman of the Diocese of North Carolina, will preach at St. Barnabas .Episcopal Cliurch on next Sabbatii, inoruiiig and evening. Mr. Joseph. Miller, the nnfortnnate gentleman wlio lo.st both arms and an eye at Kins.on about five years ago while firing a salute at a political mass meeting, at which Josiah Turner was speaking, nas in the City last wce.v and called to see us. In his present conditon he is perfeci ly lielpless and,lias to have an attendant to wait upon liim. Mr. W. E. Charlotte was kindly taking him tlirough tlie principal towns soliciting aid tp piirclia.se a pair of artificial arm.s, by the aid of whicli he can materially aid liiniself. We know Mr. Miller well, and also the gentleman kindly ac coinpaiiying him, and hope the good people of the Stu;e will give to Mr. Miller tlieaid tliat lie needs and to Mr. Charlotte the respect for his kindness and attention whieli he so much deserves, and we can give them botli full en dorsement. The citizens of Kinston Iiavc done a noble part in the care of Mr. Miller, and we feel that it is not asking too much of others to aid in lliis more than clianty. lnE Insane Asylum.—Says tbe .Eal. News: This Institution is remarkably healthy and is filled up to the last noo’k and Corner . The number of inmates is two hundred and fifty, nearly an even liroportion of males and females, the division being male? 126, and 124 females. We fioHce on the rounds a tribute paid Er. Grissom by a writer who signs him self a Granville Democrat, Wo suppose there is no man of either party in this State who does not agree with the writer that Dr. Grissom, as President of the In sane Asylum, has done his duty impartial ly, ably, faithfully, with nothing but du ty and humanity to prompt and urge him. That is the general verdict, we believe. MUSIC and FANCY ARTICLES. Greensboro, N. C. 2-27 STEELE A DENNY, Manufacturers of Doors, Blinds, Sasli, Mouldings and Dealers in ALL KINDS OF LUMBEE. Office S. STEELE, coruer East Market st. Greensboro, N. C. Terms Cash. ' g., _ Greensboro Female College.' Greensboro N. CT.. We observe with gratitude for the riding and, walking public that our “Fathers” are having a substantial culvert put down at the I'rossiug on West Street, by Bogart’s corner. A brick pavement in front of Bogart’s will com ■ plcto the job. JOHN CIIA7.IBERLAIN, the City ,Tew- KLLER, is in receipt ofa splendid assoitment of 4yatches, Elegant Jewelry, Plate, Ac., " hich the Ladies are invite to call and exam ino Special attention to fine Watcli-work .and the manufacture of .special Jo'vclry. 5- CosT OP Pork Again.—We asserted last week that the price of pork paid by onr citizens was exorbitant, and buying it at 9 and 10 cents 'vas a ruinous liusiness. Since writing that article we have read an article written by an experienced farmer, wlio proves beyond all doubt that meat can be raised at a cost of 3 cents a pound.' He goes on to sliow tiie cost of raising the corn and how much it takes to fatten hogs, and reaches the logical conclusion that it can be raised at 3 cents a pound. If his reasoning be true, and we see no defect in it, tlieii these gentlemen who sell us pork makealmut G.cents on a pound, $6 on the liundred, and..$(10 on the thousand. Now tell us 'vliat other business pays so well in this country. Itbcafs raising cotton, selling goods, or buiUUng houses,—Aurora- ’ continue twenty weeks. ' §75.00 ^ (exclusit'o of washing and light,-) i uition ill regular course, $2-'i 00 ’ '' Charges for extra stur]ie> moderate conta^^^iairiiculars, appW ■ N H. D, WILSON; ' dec 8-2m. Pi’cs-Board of Trnkecs. SAJI WILEY, ! , J FASHIONABLE EAB33E33 T. and ’ IL A I R DEE S SEE, Dreeiisboro, K. C. J) ADIES and GENTLEMEN wai Wd on a - cst Stine MU 1?^!: iM