the masonic journal A Page From Life’s Book. I saw two eliildren intertwine Ttioir amis aliout each other. Like t.lie youii>' tendrils of a vine About its nearest brotlier; And ever and anon, As gayly tliey ran on, They looked intoeacli other’s face Anticipating an embrace. form and muscular development, the hunter red men of our borders, from their almost constantly being on horseback, acquire admit able figures, and quite a mai ttal bearing, showing by conclusive aigument, that habit and occupation makes ormars the human form divine. The Raleigh Ne'wrs, DAILY AND WEEKLY. PUBLISHED BY THE NEWS rUBLlSinXG COJil’ANY, T saw tiiese two when they were men. 1 -watched them meet, one day. They toiiclied each olliers hand—and tlien Eacii went on liis own way. 'i’liere diil not seem i, tie Of love—a bond or chain— ’j o nittkc tliein turn tiie hungering eye. Or grasp the liand again. bymbois. The symbolic teachings of Masonry are Tliis is a page in our life’s book IVe ail of ns turn over. I’he web is rent, The hoar glass spent, And, oil! the paths we once forsook How seldom we recover. The Great Northwest. BY CAPT.UN C.YBNES. At Vancouver's Point, it is said, there is one of the most be-mtiful scenes on the Columbia river. In the midst of a love ly meadow i.s a silver sheet, or lake of water, with many wild fowls sporting in the limpid waves. A range of W'ooded hills is capped or crowned by Mount Hood, a Magnificent mountainous peak, covered with snow. From Point Vancouver the river be come.? more contracted -and rapiii, with frequent islands and sand banks. On these island.? are numerous ponds which at certain seasons of tlie year, have their waters stirred and eddied by flocks of geese, brandt, cranes, giilis, and the peer- lessswan. The closely woode.I and rushy shores atford them choice feeding grounds, and make an almost impassable barrier for the sportsman. Some miles above Vancouver's Point the mountains approach both sides of the river, which is bordered by mighty prec ipices, on which grow the white cedar and fir. An occasional cascade leaps down as necessary as they i re wonderful in ; sight and inilnence. They facilitale the improvement of the moral faculties, and fill the heart with a lively sense of tlie ex istence ol, and a gratitude to God for life and blessings. Who' can look ujioii the lofty mountains and not feel a thrill of emotion at tlie grandeur oi the sight, and , a reverence for their Maker, who laid I their everlasting foundation ? Wlio can survey the valleys of the eartli. teeming with rich production and waving with golden harvests, and not think of the goodness and mercy of the Lord? Who can teel the healthful rays of the charita ble sun, or listen to the weird rains de- Ecending, of which the poet has said— "Every tinkle on the shhiglo Finds an echo in the heaj-t,” and not be haunted with a beautiful spir it of worship for Him who bids the rains descend and tiie suns to shine on the rich and pioor alike? The morn and her train pour their gentle influences into the heart. Autumn teaches us to prepare for death, and the symbols of Masonry teach us to meet on the level, walk by the plumb, act by the square, and ever be ready to become subjects for a funeral song. What Mason can look upon our symbols and not feel a spell, which caus es to think of some spiritual Jordan far beyond the skies, where, at last, he hopes to meet the Grand Master and receive a welcome into the inner chamber? Think of these things—ever walk iip- rightly before God and man, squaring your actions by the square of virtue, and remembering you are passing up the river of life to that undiscovered country where you know not Low your mystic Itevqted to the Best interests of tlie State of Noi'tii Carolina to the succe.-s of the ( oiiseri'a live, party, the deveiopineiit ofluddeii -vvealtli )t tile Safe, cause of ininiiiiTatiou into our midst and the advaiiccinenl. of tlie welfare of (>iir people in everythi ig that serves to make a State prosperous and iudopeiident. Its PIEDMONT AIR-LINE RAILWAY. R1C11.MOND& Danville, Richmond & Dan ville R. IV., N. C. Division, and Noktu LAS'! EliN N.C. R.W. CONDENSED ’J'lME ’I’ABLE. In efl’ect on and after Sunday, .Iiine 4, 1876. GOING NOKTM. ADVERTISIXO COLUMNS STATIONS. KXPHKSS MAIL. Lcjive C'luuToUe, 2:15 a. m. “ Air Line J’ct’n 2:40 (j:12 “ J:5alisbiirv, 4:19 “ 8-GO “ Greensboro, 6:17 “ i0:o8 will be foniid of great adva ntage, as the Daily enjoys the large-t (firciilatioii of any Daily ill the State and is double that of aiiv daily pub lished ill Raleigh, and the Weekly ch'culates in every coiinti- in the Slate. 1/ates vioderaic. SUBC’RIPTION RATES • “ I'uiulee, “ Burkville, Arrive Riclinioiid. 8:51 9:01 “ 12:45 p. 111. 319 “ ■:36 1:19 6:49 9:36 p. in. p. 111. GOING South. Daily—one year, $5.00 ‘ 6 iiioiitlis, 6,00 IVeekly—one' year, 1,00 JOHXi I). CAMERO.Y, Editor, I5T.AT10NS. KXPKJaSS MAIL Leave Riclimone] 1.10 p. m. 3:.54 “ 5:50 a. U). 0:00 ” Buj-kviJle, ** Dundee, 8:0.5 ‘ • 1:39 p. m. 1:43 “ Danville. 8:10 " “ Grcensboroi 10:25 “ Salisburv 12:G2 u. m. 7:01 “ •• Air Line* J’li 2:29 “ 8:54 Arrive ('harlotte 2:42 “ 9:08 “ GREEKSBORO “PATRIOT.” Established 1821. A THIRTY-TWO COLUMN WEEK Y. CONSERVATIVE IN POLITICS, and devoted to the progress of the Slate, Published by- Note—The E.vpress train stops al Toiiia- DUFFY & ALBRIGHT, —.IT — $2 per Year—for Six Months. A splendidJob Office nttucliecl. The Pee Dee Herald. PUIlHSHED EVEltT WEDNESDAY, —.AT — WADESBORO, N. C. ONI.V OXE DOU,.AIt I’EIl VEAl!. Briglit. cheerful, iirogressive, always up to the advaiiciiig thoughts of the times, the Hkii Ai.D takes rank with the leading Journals of the day. It is on the side of (;hi-i.-ti,-init.y. Tlie IlEiiALU is devoted to the family i-ircle. it contains original and selected stories, wit, hiinior, etc. Every familv ii the land should subscribe for it. ^ Its low price (only one dol lar) jilaces it witiiin the reach of the poorest in the laud. We pay all post:ige. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. STATIONS. -MAIL MAIL Leave Greensboro g: 11:55 a ni “ Co. Shops S 12:14 ^ “ 2:54* Ait. at Raleiah e 3:22 )) m « “ 11:43 “ Goldsboro 1 6:00 ■’ c^L’ve 9:15am the rocks and loses its base in clouds of ; knock will be answered, what tyler stands vapor. I on guard, or what wiil be the Master’s Explorers declare that among some of i final order, these cliffs, continually fretted by falling water, are shown semblances of ruined towers and battlements, with loop holes and draw bridges—all combining to make a weird and impressive picture. The falls or rapids of the Oclumbia riv er, are situated about a hundred miles from its mouth. The first is a perpen dicular waterfall of twenty feet, after which there is a swift descent for a mile or more between hard, black, rocky is lands, w’hti; there is another pitch; be yond this, the river expands into a wide basin, seemingly dammed by a perpen- dicnlar wall of rock, finding a passage through a mighty chasm, there whirling and boiling with great violence. Yet has it been navigated even here by dauntless or reckless explorers. As the m JOHN CHAMBERLAIN GREENSBORO, N. 0. !!EAI) IVU.4T THE I’HESS THINKS OF US. The Polkton (N C.) An-oiiiaii says: The Herald is one of the neatest papers' in the State. 'I’he Conconl (X". C.) Register savs: We (-oiigraliilate our friemls of the iVadesboro Herald upon tlie iiiiijeariinee of their paper. Tlie Biedmont (.\. C.)Pre-s s.-ivs; The 7/o-aM is a sprightly sheet, full of hews and other interesting reading matter. 1 he IlEHALDisa I irst Class Paper havine- .some of the ablest writers in North Carolina altaehed to its .-tali'. There is enough limiior CHS reading in it to make you laugh for a w eek —enough to keep you jolly lillthe next comes. -Rockuiart [Da-] News. (SALE.M BliANCH.) Leave Greensboro - . 4 4,5 ,, Arrive at Salem - . ((.j.y*'.. Le:iye Salem ■ - . gii,? ., Arrive at Greenshoi-o - [9:63 “ Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 8:10 P. M.connects at Greensboro with the Northern hotiiid train; making the quickest time to ail Xorthein cities. Price of tickets same as via otlier routes. 'J’rains to and from points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro wilh aiail Trains to or from points North or Somii. Two trains daily, both w-ays. Lynchburg Aceommodation leave.s Ricli- M., arrive at Biirkeville 12.46 I . M.. leave Biirkerilie at 4.30 A M arrive at Richmond at 7:58 A M. ’’ No Change of Cars' between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Miles. For further iiiforniation address JOHN. R. iMACMURDO, Gon’l Tieki't Agent. T.M.R.TALCOTT, Va E^ngineei- & Gen’l Superiiiteiideut. Carolina Central RailiYay Co. Office Geneeal Supekintendent, ) Wiiiniiigton, N. C., May 12, 1876 / Change of Schedule. On and after the 14th inst., trai. oier this Railway as Jollows : -IS will run Passenger & Mail Trains—Daily (Sundays e,xce]4ed.) ^ T TITji.. • ' ' DE.ALEi: IX’ Fine Watches, Jewelry, STERLIXG SILVER. & PLATED-WARE, Fine Spectacles, And everytliiu«- else in my line, jpjs^ Special attention given to repainng The 'Wilmington Star Established only Six Years. [AILY STAR has the LARGEST CIRCU- river concentrates its water and strength and timing of Fine Watches and Regulators, to pass thaough what is called the “long | All xvork done and all goods sold hy me is narrows,” the Indians tlierabouts take their .stand upon the rooks in the spring time,to scoop np the salmon which at that time ascends the river in vast num bers. On the banks the savages cure the fish after a mariner peculiarly their own— drying, pounding and pressing them in a manner that insures their keeping well guaraniecd to he as nepresented. H.UIU'H.IIXS, H.Ull JEWELRY, HUMOXD.S .4N» .VLL KI.MIS OF FIXE JEWEIRV, (.'OLD AND SILVER W A'I Clt EASES, Pti-., etc. TIIE MAX’UFACTUKE OF 18' CARAT ENGAGEMENT & WEDDING RINGS A SPECIALTY.. My machinery and other applSfluces for making the dift'erent parts of IVatchcs-, is- per I haps the most e.xteiisive in tlie State, t» lor many months. Ihe method of se-| p (.^n guarantee that any part of a curing the fish by means of hooped scoop | watch or clock can be replaced with the iit- iiets, and the manner of preparing them j most facility. by the aborigines about the Columbia, | J®" I od.akantee that my work will coiii- bespeaks a supe.ior intelligence to tkat ! manifested by the Indians of the praries ; but it is also noteworthy that while the ^d.ATlON of any daily newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington NEARLY TWICE AS LARGE as that of any other paper. All the news of the day wiil be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligent and interesting man ner. Subsc-ription (in advance.) One Y’car |7,t0 .Six Month.? 3^50 Tlli-ce Months 2,00 Leave Wibniiigton at 6610 P M Arrive 111 Charlotte at f,;4;; y'_ Le:ive (’harlotte at 6:30 P M Arrive at IViliiiiiigttm at 7-30 a'm" e®“FastFreiglit and Passenger Trains leTve Wilmi.agton—Mondays, Wedm sdavs and Fri days. Leave Cliarlolte—Tiiesdays.'Tluirsdavs and Saturday-^. Leave Wilmington at 0-30 Arrive at CTiariotte at ] ‘p. M* Leave Charlotte at .o:20A*M* Arrive at VVihnington at. ILiJOP. M Shelby Division. Leave Charlotte at 7:00 A. M Arrive at (.'liariotte at (loo P M .-Arrive at SheUiv at ll-.SO A At" Leave hhelhy at LgoUM Connects with tlie .-A. T. & o. I[. R„ and AAjestei 11 N. C., closely. Connects at JiU- iiiiiigtoii wilh IP. & H. Road at 7:80 A. 31 and 6:20 iU M., and IF. C. & A. Rail’road closely. Time from inimington to Henry’s, 23liours. Close eoimcction botliMavs and on to the North. S. L. FREMOXT. Chief Engineer and Siiperiiitendent. WEEKL Y STAR—Price Reduced^ The Weekly Star is now combined with the Carolina Farmei, and is one of the clieapest papers in the couniry, at the Sol lowing REDUCED RATES: fisher savages are inferior in regard to ^ anv ill the land. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, City Jeweler, 2S- Greensboro, N. C. One Year $J.5§ Six Months J^oo 8®" Clubs of five to ten, on* year, 81,25 per copy. Clubs often or morev one year, only |1 per copy. 8^“Spccimen copies sent on application Address, AA'M. H. BERNARD, Eilitor and Projirietor, AViliaiingtou, N. C. SEABOARD & ROANOKE RAIL ROAD, ^ Office of the Superintendent of 'I'l-ausporta- tion, ol the Seabord& Roanoke Railroad Com pany. Portsmouth, Va., Jan. 1 1878 On and after this date, train.? of this Road will leav* Weldon daily, Sundays e.xcepted as foV lovH.«: MiiaS train ,,t 4p n> Noi J Freight train '. at 4 m No. 2 Preiglit train at 8 a in' Tuesdays and Fridays at .' atS.COa m ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH Mail train at 7,15 p. m Xa. preighttraiii at 12, Nooa Xo. 2 Freight train .at 4 ij m Freiglit trains have a passenger ear -it- tarhed. Steamier for Edenlon, Plymomli a'mf landings on Black water and Chowan River# leave Franklin at 7 ,40 a. im_ 011 Xlondays Wednesdays asd Fridays, E. G. GHIO.' Supt. of Traiispurtal ion. f '■Jbl ■ ii

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