i! r If ■- -'A S?' : iJii. “M ifh the masonic J 0 U E ]\ a l The Seapers. riie reapers bend tlieir lusty backs, Tlieir sounding sickles sway; At CYOiy stroke tbe golden sea Recedes to give tliein way; iite beavy ears fall bowing dOAVii, And nestled at their feet. 6uch rvill, such work as theirs, perforce, 3[iiStewin—must homage meet. So careless of fatigue they go, So true, so steadily. The admiring traveler on the road Leans o’er the gate to see; With Jhu'vel of the sooii-falleu breadth, I’he hjuugiug gossips tell; But the reapers labor for us all, ’Tis need they should work well. It 'e the great sun that burns aliove Shall crimson in the West. And the cluldrejis’ pojjpy nosegays fade. And tlicy lie down to rest. Each golden spear that upward points Shall fall upon the field, And the firmer dr.rin a sparkling glass, Rejoicing o’er the yield. Ely, boiiny men, yonr sickles bnglit, And give the people bread.' At evei-y conquering stride you take, On want and wor yon tread. Ui-op, heavy ears, and give the str.mgth Ah)u gatliered fi'om tins plain, T.iat man niay rise ren eshed and firm. And do great tilings again. The Next Century. Inducements to Emigrate South. IVhere, where will be the bii-ds that sing A Iiunclrecl ,yeais to come? T^he flowei's that now in beauty spring', A hundred years to come! 'I’he ros3' Jip, tlie iofty brow, lljo iieart.s tliat beat so i>aih’ now,? Oil, M'iiere ^\il! be love’s eve, Joy’s jilen.-iant smiles, and sorrow’s sigli, A hundred years to come? The South has many and important natural advantages over the North, East and England i)} manufacturing cotton, jopjj A Wiio’ll pi e-s for gold this crowded street A hutidi'ed years to come? such as short, mild winters, more reliable water-power, cheaper land, building rni- j terials, fuel, foo-J aiid labor, exemption j Irom strikes and dij'ect reclamation. It ' would furnish pleasant remunerative em-^ ployment to her indigent women am:l ,,, , ' children (iinwillijig to enter the field in >Mk) 11 tread yon chuj-ch with willing feet \ i A hundred yeum to come’> competition w ith the negro,) am.l as-sem- Pale, trembling age and Herv youth, ''iHages around factories _ _ winch would afford m-.-.cb greater facili> J J'|y''ffcciiou,” we are imw pubhshim.'.biK, lies for physical, mental and moral train- i ing of children, creating a market for* Weekly Masonic Newspaner edibles, and an incentive to farmers ■ ^'‘cb ns tb„ iii.r.o,,. .,„,i ...... . r ' around to diversify their products. And childhood with its brow of Irntli— The rich tlie poor on land and sea. 1 he great and small where will they be A iuiiidred yiairs to come? fVe all within onr graves shall sleep, A hundred years to come; No li\ing soul for us will weep, A hundred years to come! But other men our lauds will tiil, ,\nd other men our streets will fill, idle other bii-ds will sing a.s gai'. As bi'iglit the smishine as today. A liundred years to come! A Retrospect of Centuries. rOR THE MASONIC FRATERNITY liSf : N. C. and the South. T/icrr nre in the South 2I)0,(X)(> Ki'e, and rei'ogmzirgthe impeiaiive need f, .r''"’ ! Iihw ami lan-maiv.Mit Oigan iieeuli-n-v c' hltng them in villages around factories | Ihi^d'J “Ih.w iiy'ln iXS:! which wnnM fford r. ,.IK t cere atfeenmi ” ' am of Dio Lewis says that a young lady will eat four time.sas much corn beef when alone as she wil; in the presence of other people. Go.l bless the bands all hard and bro.vn. That guide liie deal ing plow, 1 hat cast abroad the sliiiiing seed. An,I build tiie wealthy mow; 'J hei' rear the bread our eliildreii eat, ’Tis by their toil we live; Knrrah ! give tliem tlie loudest cheer That grateful hearts can give.' Euglish and American Latvyers. America is the lawyer's paradise as nowhere else does he get such enormous lees as are paid here. Even the great est lawyers of England, writes M. D. Conway, do not receive such fees as are frequent in America. IMr. Sergeant Par ry relates that the fees he heard of in yVmerica were such as almo.st took an linglish barrister's breath away. The English litigant has to pay two firms in each case—the solicitors who prepare, and tbe barristers who conduct his case, and the payments -ire, therefore, divided,’ ihere is not a barrister in England who gets more than ij575,000 a year— which is about Mr. Hawkin’s income— and there are only thiee, that make over filty thousand doilar.s a I'ear. A thous^ and dollars is considered a fancy fee. I’robably the low average of fees paid for the every-day legal work done in Lon don IS due in large part to the survival of the old theory that the lawyer is a learn ed friend of humanity in its difficulties whose advice is given solely for the re ward of virtue. Theoretically they are supported by honoraria, as tbe Lone re- ceivfs Leter's pence. They are riA sup T'osed to receive fees, that being too gross a form in which to reward learning and benevolence. Mr. Judah P. BenjamiV, e.\--lJnited States Senator and ex-Corifed- erate Minister, is regarded as the most fa mous advocate at the English bar at the )u-ese-it moment. Having heard Mr One hundred years ago: American In dependence. 200 years ago: Ki-ig Philip (the In dian) defeated and .slain ; habeas corpus in England. 300 years ago: massacre of St, Bar tholomew; Spanish Armada preparing. 400 years ago: printing invented ; Isa bella the coming Queen. 500 years ago ; the days of Tamerlane tbe J urk, and Chaucer the english poet. COO years ago : Baliol and Bruce ; St. Thomas Acquinas; Kichard Bacon; Haps burg House founded. lOO years ago; Richard Cceur de Lion \ and Saladin, sultan of Egypt measuring j swords in Palestine. 800 years ago ; M illiam tlie Conquer or, 900 years tigo; Hugh Capet the French- man. 1000 rears ago ; ABred the Great, 1100 years Harouu A1 Raschid 1200 years ago : making lively worl arol other places. loOl,- years ago: old Chosroes, EEGLMiAR SALES — OF — LEAF TOBACCO EVERY WEDNESDAY, — A T — JONES’ WAREHOUSE (i 1! K K X M I! 0 It ;) , -0- X . c The hiijhcxipriveu (/varanteed for i;ood i/radrx 0 Farmers are inviteil to bring tiieir ■I’oimcco lu o-ir Warehouse mid save /and U.ML. aiidget BKTTEH i-urcKS tbmi by ta king it to other markets. :57-tf Hicb as the dignity and lulvimcemcu 1 fralevmty will approve, whiclu.s r|„, ! MASONIC WEEKLY I but OX’]-., PUBLJSIIKP, JX TIIK j USITEI) ST.-l.TES, j and dovoled sirietly to -M AidOy; K.' IX'k KK E.STS. '\ itha jonriuilislic ex-perieiiee of sever-,] years ami a de emuuatioii to give allonnim',. l.ik'i t :m l ciu*r y Ia tlu' promo! ion ' |» rtam eiiU-i prise we b'-'pe to receive f,-em,ni, I Masoiiu-hreliireu that libe al eoiiii ciu-e-in ■ 'Upport whieli. by an entire devotion toiN-m', I cess w e hope to lU'Tit. 1 ieriiis (,’ASll, money I s lit by C'heek. t’osi-Ikliee order urlie;i,istmd Address E. A. WILSON, Gkeexsbokp, a. c. n I-.Xl, g-,,.. l„ 11. 1>. liOWEI.I, ,v CO.. Xviv York l,„- O I auiphl.-tot 1(1(1 ctiiitiiiiiiii}' lists ol lUMlUiuws- l)u[x^rs. auvU-stiinutfsslu.wiii^ c-us«i ot Don’t Forget A- K A R. Nuivs within tlip TITAT Q K X I- K X X I }. To bring till- Oanvilli resell of all. we have brought the subsrriptiiin price down to nice tigures. .SOU.St’itlPTloX TO D.ui.v. 1 Te-ir ” 1 ^lonth .5:1 *’ Weekly 1 Year ^l.iiu jWatch-Maker, Jeweler, \ rZdnAiuoroJot oLuiaiLulkrsff;: I UptlCian and. Engraver, j bicws one ot the best mediums for j Ilasbeeii living in Greensboro for nine years I A P) V P R X I C i M O j -ami e.vpei-t.s to make it Ids Home for Idl.- i|,. I AUVtKMblNb CS5 £| W. B. Farrar, ^ • ago : Charlemagne and lias been faitlifullv serving bis pati-oiis during i "faiiy paper on tl»e boi'der lliat tune ami feels that he has given satisfap j YIAXXIXG BllOTHFHS l;m. His applianns ami eltieiem-y hi the* ,P' ‘ ilifierent brandies of i.is trade need no com- I ^ ^ "T'mU.ors, meiit. 111- is very thankful for past |>ati'oua,-e i nauville, Va. and tavoi's, and hopes lor a emit.nuance of the I I ihiy lit helm-. Afe-Hls ivioit,-il. Oiitlit ami -- himself, but be ’ t-P-t-ane-i-in-s im-, TiitiKy co_, .vueimta, .iiann’. —:h; ■advises ail who have n„t been dealim.-wil h * - - . . .. i bun to give him a c dl before l-liev pun-base 1 M-Vt^GXIf .IKWl-H,. , the j* yt " atches. Glocks, Silver Ware Plated ■ Ber.siari, lives by murder, and the Pone i Riu.gs, Gold Hea'i Canes, ■ Ma.gaziiie devoted to is made a secular judge among kings. | •b'ke'ry.'d eVlmre.'’'' Mohammedanism | same. in Constantinople; He does not w isli to flatter Benjamin speak in the Senate in old time.s, Mr. Conway can bear witnes.s that, vigorous as he then wa.s, he has greatly improved since his re.sideiice abroad, in manner as well as power. He is very eagerly sought for lu all great cases, es pecially those which involve questions of foreign and internai.ional law. Did Not Do it.—The death of a woman in Louisville, really caused bv heart dis- e-ase, was attributed for a while to poi.soii, as she died immediately after drinking ale that her husband bought, and he had t-abitually ill treated her. An inquest made the truth clear, and her husband then said: ‘T ain't no darned fool. A doctor told me she had the heart disease, and couldn’t live more than a year, so I wouldn't run my neck into a noose by p'i- ■'iningher when the year was most up would I ? ’ A Maryland woman has a tortoise for 2!)- B. Faj^uak, (ji'oeiisl'oro, X-, conquer The Indian Herald Is 11 weekly newspaper piiblisbed by w. McKay Dougan & Co., at Osage Agenei-, tmliau Territorv, at .«! 00 pe- \eiir. ‘ ’ Ihe IXDT.iN ilKR-M.i) (lefenils the Pe.-iei- 1 obey, ami .-uhoeaies ludiim eivilizatiiiii ami tlie S'lpreiiiaev of i-iyil oyi,,. militaiv iHuver. The Durham Herald A DEMOC.RATIC \VEEKLY, PuLlished at Durham, N. C BT T. C. Woodburn. Terms : $2,00 per year, post paid. M A S 0 N R Y : ITS T.ITER.VITKK. scikxce axd rKACHIXGS, .-\XI) THE FA)H- LY enUTH-:. J, WHEEIH-IH, p. (1 f.diti V anti Publisiier, 1400 years ago : the Saxons lively in Britain ; Clovis establishes the French monarchy, and the A rsigoths Spain. 1500 years ago : the Roman Empire having legislateu many years in favor of capilal against labor, begins to fall to pieces. 1600 years ago : the worl.I has noth ing better to do than to broach and de nounce heretics and get up religious per secutions. 1700 years ago : Marcus Aurelius, - Tacitus and Plutarch. ’ ' 1800 years ago : Jerusalem destroyed * and Htrjulai.ium and Pompeii buried * 1876 years ago : all tbe world at pe.ice ! and Christ was born. i ^ 6000 years ago: Adam ro.se to the dig nity of a large real estate owner, but: by pool managemout was driven into in- , -'Kyms wimti-,u„ ,.vM-y t,™-i, ami raiViifrV,','J'.,']?' VO untary bankruptcy.Jourr>al S™ ‘ i™ rni ’ tlu' C J.here are a number of Masonic Lo.lsos no„,,i,„,ki„ oi,iii_L hj'u; of Massachusetts, i- ■’ - ~ P™.'™''™'''>•'•ftiie Om-n„,ui’Ta l :',".; ,:'b'«omc Book that age Lodge of England &cotlanu. All meet in the and the most fraternal between them OF ,P. G. H. P. Elr. Olcinpliis, Tom. ?S CS © 1'’™!." van © p f AYit.il tiiHx'O'iiniiiii' ut'the 8ixUi\'(>ltiiiv. the JldWldF will 1h- a^uiiu enlarged nml imta-ouH. nn'l Mill contain cvi lytliing' ofintine-t to tJic (u'nft worthy of publica; ion, and at tlicclosi' nf tiu“\oUime will make a dc^iiatde hook, if boumh lor any library. The bo t Ahisi'nic M1 iiei>ot this countrv and Ktiiiland Mill roi - j tiTbntc pm-iodically toils payes Xo Masonic j journal M'ill excel J in mechanical apFeauniri* I and continits. It being the onlv Alasoiiic , -MontMy ])u])lishc(l out\\ofKciitiicky, we coii- ■ tidciilly a)>j)eal to llrn'l'n'o HundredTlini sinid I Masons in the Southern and Southwestern 1 States, to i^iyc it a generous and liealthy siij)- ' Vl'V^ formin' etlbrts to the • ^ .guarantee ot the fiiltiihucnt ot ; all that M'e promi'-e. An.y !AIason in good i standing i, authoriz(Ml to a t as Airent. i On tlie folloMing terms : ^ 4 iH" own ^ h.Howing terms : Ag,.„ts w,mt,.,i i„ * ."imglc copy oiic ycjir tin, , Ten copies, oneyenr 'iSi.W - , .. - .VI tT' ©b- ' ... ''"b for seem ing the club. Ill-,1 IS ds-,-ot,.a to M-h:it,-v,-i- is ■ifmi,i,-,.sfo,'I':',’' ^ wenty C opu-s. one year 23,0(> u af Phiiiuici' A Ovo o\tra to the (>erson securimi: the clnh. ' Otty copies, one year 'I... 50.W •T.im.i Conn- , n\e copies C''tl'a to the aiK'n!. for clubs, wo offer ■nt may select, at •rip cliib of ^ii.v (Abtaim'(i ; f §1 latch, any Ala'Onic txrand Lodge ^ x.-oh AbscTi Masonw tVr\ wuu... . v of ATacc:Qr.bMc.,.4F- 1 , ° p of Uip OiU'u.‘ -'Litfonic iR)ok that arcnt may select, ti ot llas,.achusetts, one under the Grand Taitid .st.,t,s.” size sin,y so n,,i,A ' P"'>li-sliers price, not e.xceeding the siilm-ri]: Lodge of England, and one under that of I ' plftLiAfi A'"‘"1 ‘ " Scotian,,. All meet in the same building, * SAlaiAwAw:" ^ Five I)oA' may be^Am:;""’' ■Hi relations exist - il-! ...''iH'T A' ‘"A" ""V bnsiiuHs a trial Sond I'm- Mivc tbv ! ^xpus^oj 1 ostofhcc order at oiir risk and P-K- -I _ '■.jy.iui iui Olir iillVlllnvo » - Where the gong sounds l.oudest the supper is the smallest. biisim-Bs a trial. Siiiid Ibi- «i Kivc tli„ , silinplcocpyofth,. pajn,,,' ivhii 1, al). JV 'iT’ ' PCll.se . a-ppl.v; do it tii-diiy. ('.m'lplrtc outfit torn*'''"'i sVddress ■ to onKiig,.. Farmers aud a, ! , "''"H" ^ .la..gl,tor.s mala, tlm very best of aor;.',‘“’ “'“I I ' ™I-: (T-lXTEXXI.yl, IIE('C)KI), ' ' A . J. fVHFELF'lK. Mfanphi.s, Tenn. Poi-tlaucl, Maine. * $5 to $20 f)-r day nt home. Samplen worth -Sl tree. Stinson A: Co., Portland, Mmut.