THE M A S 0 N 1 (] JOURNAL The Raleigh News, DAILY AKD WEEKLY. I'lEDMONT AllLLIXE R.AILWAY, lUcUMOXI) & DaNViTJAL lUrilMOXDAt J)\x- vii.licK. W„ X. C. Division. .\nu Xoktu KAfi'jKRN X.C. ];,w. COXDEXSED 'I'lME 'I'ABLE. Ill eflecf (111 ;ui,'l iiftei- Siiiulay,.] imc I. 187G. i PU]iLISirED By THE the XEIVS rUBLlSmXG compaxy, oois(j xoimy.' ICXPRESS Leave Chai'loUe, " Air Line.l’ct’n “ Salisimry, “ Greensboro, '■ Danvilit', “ i'undee, “ Eurkville, Arrive Kalimonii. Jt.VIL. 2:15 a. ni. 2:-10 “ 4:1!) “ (i:17 “ 8:51 “ 9:01 “ 12:45 p. m. 819 “ o:;)o a. fi:13 8:80 10:58 ':,86 1:49 (i:49 9:86 p. 111. p. 111. OOlXU SOUTH. STATIOXR. T.eave Rielimond ■■ Biirkville, •• Diiiiihe, •• Danville, ■' Greensboro Salisbury ■■ sVir Line,I’ll Arrive riiarlot.te XoTE EXPH]-:SS i MATE “ j — 1.10 p. in. 1 5:50 a. 3:.54 “ 1 9:00 8:05 1 1:39 p. 8:10 “ 1:48 10:35 “ 1 -1:35 “ 13:82 a. m. 7:01 “ 2:29 ‘‘ I 8:54 “ 2:42 “ j 9:08 “ Devoted to tlie best interests of tlie State of Xorti. c.arolina to tlie success of the 1 'oiisei-va live party, the development of liiddei) wealtli of the Sale, cause of iiniiiie-nuioii into onr 1 midst and the ailvaiiccnient iif the welfare of * our people in cveiytlii le that serves to make a i State pi-osperous and independent. Its sVDAXiRTISIXG COI.UMXS will be found of e-reat advantage, as the Dailv enjoys tlie hugest circnlatioii of any Daily iii the State and is double tliat of any daii\: pub lished in Raleigh, and the Weekly circulates in every counti' in the .State. Boies moderate. PUBLISHED AT, EALEIGH, N. G. IS THE OLDEST AKD LARGEST TEMPER■ AKGE FAMILY KEWSPAPER AJIeger, Bowlby & Go’s C IX THE SOUTH. Established in 1867. It now lias a large and growing circulation, and numbers amon.o; its re^ular contributors some of the best M’riters in the St^'te: SUBCRIPTIOX RATES -Tlie Express train stops at Toma hawk going west; does not stop at Clover >-o- iiigeast. ^ GOING BAST. stations. ' Leave Greensboro •' Co. Shops Arr. at Raleigh “ Goldsboro g 11:55 am 5 12:14 f 3:32 p m ; 0:00 going wkst Dail}-- -oiic ye:ir, 6 months, W'eekly—one year, .lOHX J). CAMEROX, Editor, $5,00 8,00 1,00 Hates of Subscription. SIXGLE COPAL 1 Y'E.AR $2,00 FIVE COPIES “ “ 9.00 GEEENSBORO “PATRIOT.” Established 1821, A THIRTY-TWO COLIJMK WEEKY. CONSERVATIVE IN POLITICS. For fiirtlier particulars, address, R, II. WHITAKER, Raleigh, X. C. . Ar. 4:20p in I S' “ 3:54 1 “ 11:43 , , , , , 5tL’ve9:15ani j ^nd devoted to the progress ef the State, Job Department. XORTII NVESTERX XT CTHTl (SAI.KJl BRANCH.) Leave G'.-oensboro - - 4.45 p. Arrive at Salem - - (JI45 « Leave Siih'm ■ - - 8:15 a. 111. Arrive at Greensboro - 10:38 “ Ihisseiiger train le:iving Raleigh at 8:10 P. M. connects at Greensboro with tlie Xorthern lioiiiid train; making the qiiiekest time to ail Xortliern cities. Price of tickets s:ime as via ptlier routes. 'I'lniiisto and from points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro willi Mail Trains to or from points Xortli or Soiitli. Two trains daily, tiotli ways. Lynchburg Accmiimodati'on leaves Hicli- niond daily at 9.00 A. M„ arrive at Bni keville 12.48 P. M leave B irkeville at 4.85 A.M., arrive at Rie.hiiioiid at 7:58 A >[. No Change of Cars between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Miles. For further information address JOIIX. R. -MACMURDO, Geii'l Ticket .Agent, Ricbmoi'd. Va T. -AI. R. TALCOTT, Engineer & Geii'i Superintendent. Piiblislied by DUFFY & ALBRIGHT, —.vr— $2 per ANar—$1 for Six Moiitiis. “ -V splendid Job Office attached. M'ith a large su]iply of new type ofthelatest style, we are enabled to do ail kinds of Job Printing in tiie very neatest manner, on short notice, and at prices that will not fail to give satisfaction. Give us a trial, and be convinc ed of the cheaimess and superior class of our work. Address. K. II. WHITAKER. Raleigh, X^, C. Surpasses in tone and power any Reed Organ heretofore manufactured in this country.. It has been test ed by many competent judges and Gives Universal Satisfaction.; The Pee Dee Herald. PUBLISHED EVERT WJtDNESDAY, —.VT — WADESBORO, N. 0. OM.y ONE IlOI.LAIi I'EH VEAl!. chccr.'ul, progressive, nlwaysup to The Central Protestant, the advancing thoughts of the times, the llur .Ai.D takes rank with the leading Journals of the day. it is on the side of Christianity. The Herald is di'voted to the family circle. It contains original and selected stories, wit, humor, etc. Every family n the land should subscribe for it. Its low ]irice (only one dol lar) places it witliin the reach of tlie poorest in tlie land. We pay all postage. Carolina Central Railway Co. i Herald is one of tin Obeice General Superintendent. 1 State. Wilmington, X. C„ Mav 12, 1876. f '*’*'*’' U'»icor,l (X. Change of Schedule. KKAI) ^VHAT THE I'KESS THINKS OF t S. The Polkton (X. C.) An.'oulaii says: Tlie the noate^t papers^ in tlic -Daily On and after tiie 14rli inst., trains will run over tills llailwuiy as lollows ; Passenger & Mail Trains (Sundays excepted.) Leave Wibiiiiigton at 0:20 P. M. -Arrive in Charlotte at fi:4r. .A. M. I.irive Cliarlotte at 0:80 P. A[. -\rrivc at Wiliiiingtoii at 7:80 A. M. fftS^Fast Freight and Passenger Trains le,.vo ATilniiugton—Atondays, AVednesdays and Fri days. I.eave Cliarlotte—Tiiesd;iys, Thursdays •uiid Saturdays. l.oave Wilmington at 5:80 A. JI. .Vrrive at Cliarlotte at Il:-i5 P.JI. I.eave Cliariottc at 5:30 A.M. Arrive at AVilmingtoii at ILiiOP. M. Shelby Division. Leave Cliarlotte at 7:00 X. M. Aixive ut ('hniTotte at (!:00 P. M. -XiiTTC at Shelby at 11:D0 A. M. Leave Shelby at 1:80 P. 31. Connects with the A. T. A: (). IP ]*., and ''.Vestein X. C., closely. Connects at P'il- minirton with IfbA b'. Load at 7;dOA. 31., and G:2() P. 31., and IP. 0. A A. RailrQnl closely. Time fr.mi *Trilniino;ton to Ilfniry's, 2G hours. Close connectb)n ways, and ou to the Xorth. S. I,. PKEMOXT. (')iief Enjr'nec)’ and SuiiCBintiMulent. SPAB(aO?D A HOA^'Kbf RAIL li^lL Otlloeof the Superiot nidenf of Transporta tion, ot the Seahord A Uoaiioko I'^ailroaU Gom- pany. PoHTsMorTir., \ A., .Tan. 1 IS?*) On and after this date, Trains of this Road will' leave AVekhm daily, Sunday’s excepted as fol- C.) Reo-ister says: VVe congratulate our friends of the Wadesboro Jhivald u]>o!i the a]ipearance of their paper. Tlie Piedmont {X. 0.)Pre'S says: The Herald is a spiaghtly sheet, full of news and other interesting reading matter. The ITkkald is a First Class Paper having some of the ablest writers in Xorth Carolina attached to its staff. There is enough humor ous rea1ing in it to make you laugh for a week f enougli to keep you jolly tiH.the next comes. —Roekmart [Ga.] Xews. A RELIGIOUS 3VEEKLY AXD FA3IILY :XE3VS PAPER, ■ By a skillful use -of the stops, and of the patent knee swell, tke music is adapted 'to the hu man voice, 'ranging from the softest flute-like note to a volum'e of sound, Unsurpassed by any Publislied at Greensboro, X. C. Subscription -Price, with postage, .$2,10, ’ L. MICIIAUX, Editor, . li. ODELL, Associate, The Wilmington Star. Established only Six Years. 0 YILY STAR h as the LARGEST CIRCU' RATION of any daily new.spaper In the State, and a circulation in Wilmington nearly twice as l.arge as that of any other paper. All the news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligent and interesting man ner. Hahscripiion (in advance.') One Year .87,10 ■8ix Jloiiths 8,50 Three IMoiitlis 2,00 M:iil train at 4 p. in Xo. 1 Freight train at 4 a. iii. Xo. 2 Freight train.; at 8 a m. Tuesdays and Fridays at at 8,00 a.m. ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH. ■Mail train at 7,15 p. m Xo. 1 Freight train at 12, Xoon '.N'-o, 3 Freight train at 4 p. in. Freiglit trains have a p:issenger car at- taelM-'d. Steamerfor Edeiiton.'Plynioutli and landings on Black water and Chowaii Rivers leave Franklin at 7 ,40 a. m„ on Mondays, Weduesdavs and Fridays. E. G. OiHIO. Su])t, of Transportation. WEEKLY STAPl—Frice Eechiccd. The Weekly Star i.s now combined with the Carolina Farmei, and is one of the cheapest papers in the country, at the fol lowing SEDUCED SATES : One Year $1.50 Six Moiithi 1,00 Clubs of live to ten, one year, .81,25 per copy. Clubs often or more, one year, only $1 per copy. Specimen copies sent on application A', IVM. II. BERX'ARD, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. Tlie p.aper is now in its second volume, and has a large and growing circulation. -At tlie same time that it ii the Official Organ of the X. C. Cionferenee, Methodist Protestant Cliureli, such is its liberalit v and catholicity of spirit tliat it is snccessfiillj reaching out in all di rections and amon g all denominations of tlie State, and wlierever it lias appeared is received with unexceptionablelieartiiiess and approval. One of tlie features of tlie Centred Proiesfard and which is part arid parcel of itself is the brevity and spiciness of its articles, on wliieli account the leading newspaper man of tlie State. pronounces it superior to all others. Those who know liiiii,really concede that there is no appeal from his jiidgciiient. A paper so eagerly songjitandso thoroughly read, must also bo ail exeelleiil INSTRUMENT. Tire proprietors have noted ■carefully for many years tlie imperfections and necxls of tiie reed instruments, and directed tlieir practical experience to tlie correction of sucli imperfec tions, and their experiments have resulted in the productiou of a quality of tone which as similates .so closely to the Pipe Organ Quality Lktit it i.s Uifficrtilt to ciistirtgui&li betwoosi tJiO two. nm ixs'TR'r3iEXT uas atx the ADYERTISIXCt 3[EDIU3r, a fact which the prompt and rejteattd an.^wevP to its advertisements abundantly proves. If you want a paper that is readable, lively, enter taining and profitable sub.=cribe for the Ce?i- fral Protesfani. If you have an advertisement which you desire should have attent ive con sideration. insert it in the Ceuiral Proiesiant. .•Vddress the editors, Gieonsboro, X. C. A Beautiful Piece of Furuitur THE CHRISTIAN SUN. The adrocate ofClu'lsliaii Union, ami organ of tlie Christian organizalimi. Rublisliud weekly. Price 82.10. In its 29th volume. lh:v. 3C. B. dVELLOxs, D. I).. Editor. THE CHRISTIAN UNITY. Tiovoted to the unity of all believers Christ. Undenominational and An S-page monthly, iUnslrated. W. 1). IVetj.oxs, D. I)., Rev. Tiro. J. 3rELTsii, Hey. 3V. C. 3Ic('rxE. m Evangelical. !:1 a vear. I-Editors THE LITTLE CHRISTIAN. An Uiidenoniimitional iind Evangelieui pU' per for the Sumlay School. Semi-monthly 4.1 cents a year; in clubs ■of 10 or more, 8i cents. Eev. j. T. IVhitley, Editor. All three papers sent for .83.a ye.-r. "Address 1). B. DUXB.AR.“Manager, Bufi'olkl Va'. Latest Improvements, And every orga'n is fully warlanted. Large DU Polish, Black Walnut, I’aneled 'Cases that forms in addition 'to a SPLEXDID iii- str'Liment of MUSIC, re. This org.iii needs only to be seen to be ap-- predated and is sold at EXd'REMELY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. AGEIUS WANTED (3Iale or fvmale) in every county in the United States and C’anada. A liberal discount nmde to Teachers, 3linisters-, Churches, Schools. Lodges, etc., where there is iro agent for th.«5 'i’AlU ORGAX. Illustrated eataiogue an 1 yrice list free-. Corresp'omleiice solicited Address Ih'e 3hmufa:turers', ALLEGER, BOWLBY A CO. AVASIIIXGTOX, X. J. II. W. ALLEGE!;, (\ P. EOIYLBY-, 13- T. B. McMURTRlE, EDWARD PLOTT.S, iL'i*-: tv