THE MASONIC JOURNAL The Raleigh News, ^4 PlEDilON'f AIR-LINE RAILWAY. IvTCir^toNi) & Danvii.lh, RimiMoXD & D \.x- A'li.LE R. W,, N, 0. Division, axd Noiitii EASTEli.X N.C. R.w. CONDENSED 'I'lME TABLE In cScct on and aftci- Sunday, Jmio 4 IgTfi tioixc; xoKTii. KXiniESS Lc ave CliarlotU*, ‘ Air Line .I’ct’n ‘ Salisbury, ‘ Greensboro, ‘ Lanviiie, ‘ I'^undcc. ‘ Burkville, riv^ iliehmond. OOIMf .SOU'J STATIONS. EXPRESS MAn. T.eave Ridimond 1.10 p. m. •• Burkville. 8:54 “ 1 9:00 •• Dundee, 8:05 “ 1:39 p. m. '• Danville, 8:10 “■ 1 U-t‘^ ‘i Greensboro 10:25 “ 1 4:35 “ Salisburv 13:32 a. m. 1 7:01 “ Air Lint' J*n 2:29 “ 1 8:54 “ .\rrive ( liiii-lotte 2:42 “ 1 9:08 “ Note—Tiie Express train slop.s at Toma- hawk going west; does not stop at Clover o-o- ing east. GOING EAST. GOING -WEST. STATIOCsS. MAIL -MAIL 1 A'ave Gn'Ciisboro ? 11:55 am „■ Ar. 4:20 n m Co. Shops S 12:14 F “ 2:54 Ait. at Raleigli = 3:22 p 111 1 “ 11:43 “ Gold.iboro S C;00 '* stL’ve 9:15am . li. 11. " ' 4.4o p. in. 0:4o “ 8:1a a. in. 10:38 “ XOKTII WK3TEUX"N. G: (SALEM BRANCH.) Leave Greensboro Arrive at Salem T.eave Salem • Arriv(‘ at Greensboro Passene-er train leavingLaleigli at 8:10 P. M. connects at Gri'ensboro with the Xortliern iiound train; makini>-the qnick(‘St timo to all Xortliei'ii cities. Price of tickets same as via otlier routes. Traill^ to and from points East of Greens boro connect at Greensboro with j\Iail Trains to or from points Nortli or Soutli. Two trains daily, both ways. Lynciihurg Accommodation leaves Rich mond daily at 9.00 A. ^L, arrive at Biirkeville 12.48 P. >1.. leave Biirkeville at 4.85 A.M., arrive at Riciunoiid at7:58 A M. No Change of Cars between Charlotte and Richmond, 282 Miles. E'or Rii'tlier information addri'ss JOHN. R. MA( AIURDO, Geii’l'I'inket .Agent, Richmond, Va T. W. R. TALCOTT, Engineer & Gen'l .Superintendent. DAILY AND WEEKLY. PL'IiLISIIED BT THE NEWS RCBLISIIING COYRANY, Devoted to the host interests of the State of Nortli Carolina to the Hticc‘ss of tl;e (.'onstno-u live ]>arty. tlie development ofliidden rvoaith ot till', Kate, cause of innniHration into onr midst and the ad\-ancement, if tlio welfare ol our people in everything tiiat sei-ves to make a State prosperoii.s and independent. Its ADVERTISING COLUYNS will be found of great a'ivantage, as the Daily enjoys the eirenlafion of any Daily iii the State and is double that of any daily pub lished in Raleigh, and the Wceklv cireulate.sin every county in the State. Jiate’s moderate. SUBCRIPTION RATES ’ Daily—one year, $5,00 • 0 months, :!,00 Weekly—one year, 1,00 JOHN li. CAYERON, Editor, GREENSBORO “PATRIOT.” Established 1821. A THIRTY-TWO COLUMN WEEKY. CONSERVATIVE IN POLITICS, and devoted to the progress of the State, Published by DUFFY & ALBRIGHT. —AT— ■$2 per Year—$1 for Six Mouths. 8®” A splendid Job Office attached. The Fee Bee Herald. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, —.AT — WADESBOEO, N. C. OM.Y ONE DOr.I.AK I'Kll VEAIt. Bright, cheerful, progressive, always up to the advancing thoughts "of the times, the 11 kh -Ai.D takes rank with the leading Journals of the day. It is on the side of Dlirfstianity. The. IIkualo is devoted to ttie family circle. It contains original and .selected stories, wit, humor, etc. Every family ii tlie laud should subscribe for it. Its low price (only one dol lar) places it within tlie reaeli of tlii' poorest ill the land. We pay all postage. THE PUBLISHED AT, RALEIGH, N. 0. IS THE OLDEST AND LARGEST TEMPER ANCE FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN THE SOUTH, Established in 1887. It noiv has a large and ^Tf*win^ circulation, and numbers ainons; its reo’uJar contributors some of tlie best WTiters in the State: Carolina Central Railway Co. Office Gexkfal Supkkixtexdext, 1 Wilmington, N. C., May 12, 1870. / Change of Scheduie. On and after the 1-ltli inst., traijs will nm over tliis Raihv.ay a.s lollows ; Passenger & Mail Trains—Daily (Sundays excepted.) I.eavo Wilmington at 0:20 P. M. Arrive 111 Cluirlotte at 0:40 41. Leave Dharlotte at 0:00 1>. M. Arrive a( Wilmington at 7:00 A. 41. pisT'EastEwislit and Passenger Trains le.ive Wilmington-Mondays, IVednesdays and l-'i'i- days. Leave Cliai'lotte—Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. - oo , or I.eave Wlinington at ''):o0 -V 4i. Arrive at Charlotte at 1 ljL> >P- M. I.eave Cliarlottoat iUHTI ar Arrive at Wilmington at 11:00 i . M. Shelby Division. Leave Charlotte at 'MO V M, -\rrive :it Cluirlotte at I' nr' -\rrive at Slielby at IDoO A. M. Leave Shelby at hr" ;' i Connects witli tlie A. T. & O. R- R-. ''VeAein N. C„ closely. Connects at (I il- mington witli IV. & li . Road at 7:o0 A. 41., ■md 0 -b)P 41., and II . 0. A A. Rallied elosely. Time from inimington to Henry’s 2:i hours Close eoiiiiection both ways, and oil to tlie North. S- f- INIEMONT. Cliief ,E 11 gincer and Snpeniiteiulciit. SlLVBOARTr&llOANOlvE RAIL ROAD. Offioeoftlie Superintendent of 'I’ransixirta- l.ion, ot tlie Seabord A Ko.anoke Railroad uom- ' Roktsmoutii, Va., .Tan. 1 1870 On and after this date, train.s of this Road \vill leave Weldon daily, Sundays excepted as tol- Mail train ^ I’’™ No. 1 Freight train a* 4 a. m. No. 2 Freight train V o on ., Tuesdays and Fridays at at 8.00.1. in. •VRUIVB .iVT POIITSJIOUTIT.^ AT-iil tr-iin No. 1 Freight train No. 2 Freight tram at 4 p. m. Freio'lit trains Imve 'a pas.senger cai at- .taked? Steamer for Edenton. Plymouth and landings on Black water and Chowan Kiveis ;«ivi iLnklin at 7 40 a. m. on 4Iondays, uul Bruhiys. L. G. GiU • s auu Transportation. Rates of Subscription. SINGLE COPY, 1 YE.VR $2,00 FIVE COPIES “ “ 9,00 For further particulars, address, R. IT. WHITAKER. Raleigh, N. C. Job Department. jLq With a large su]ip]y of new type of the latest stylo, we ave enabled to do all kinds of Job Printing in the very neatest manner, on short notice, and at prices that ■will not fail to give satisfaction. Give us a trial, and be convinc ed of the cheanness and superior class of our work. Address, R. II. WHITAKER. Raleigh, N. C. The Central Protestant, A RELIGIOUS WEEKLY AND FAMILY .NEWSPAPER, I Published at Greensboro, N. C. Subscription j .Price, with postage, $2,10. J. L. 4IICIIAUX, Editor, 4V. R. ODELL, Associate, RU.U) WHAT THE I’llESS THINKS OF I S. The Polkton (N. C.)Ansoiium says: Tiie Herald is one of the neatest papers in the St.ate. The Concord (N. C.) Register says: We congratulate our friends of the Wadeshoro Herald ui'.on tlie aiipearance of their paper. The I’iedmont (N. C.lPre^s says: Tlie Vera W is a sprightly slieet, full of news and other interesting reading matter. Tlie HeB-ai.d is a J'irst Class Paper li.aving .some of the alilest avriters in North Carolina attached to i(s statf. There is enough tiiimor ous ri'ading in it to make you laugh for a week —enougli to keep you jolly till the next conies. —Eoekmart [Ga.] News. The paper is now in its second volume, and lias a large and growing circulation. At the same time that it is the Official Organ of the N. C. Conferenee, 4Ietho(list Protestant Churcli, sucli is its liberality and catholicity of spirit tliat it is successfnlly reaching out in all di rections and among all denominations of the ' State, and wherever it has appeared is received with unexceptionable lieartiness and approval. Onoof the features of the Central Protestant and which is part and parcel of itself is the brevity and spiciness of its articles, on Avhicli account the leading newspaper man of the State pronounces it superior to all others. Tliose Avbo know liiin,reali.y concede that there is no appeal from his judgement. A paper so eagerly sought and so thorouglily read, must also be an excellent The Wilmington Star. Established only Six Years. e AILY^ STAR has the largest circu lation of any daily newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington NEARLY TAVICE AS LARGE as that of any other paper. 2-411 the news of the day will be found in it, condensed when unimportant, at length when of moment, and always presented in a clear, intelligent and interesting man ner. Subscription {in advance.) One Six 4Iontlis 2,0(1 Three 4Ionths WEEKLY STAR—Price Reduced. ^ The AVeekly Star is notv combined with the Carolina Farmei, and is one of the cheapest papers in the country, at the fol lowing REDUCED RATES : One Year SL'50 Six 4Ioiitlis jgg- Clubs of live to ten, one year, Sl,2u per copv. , ,, Clubs often or more, one year, only $1 per copy. .. J®” Specimen copies sent on application Address, W4I. II. BERNARD, Editor and Proprietor, IVihnington, N. C. ADVERTISING 4IEDIU4I, a fact which tlie prompt and reiieattd answer^ to its advertisements abundantly proves. If you want a paper tliat is readable, lively, enter taining and prolitable snb.scribe for tiie Cen tral Protestant. If you liavean advertisement wliich you desire sliould liave attentive con sideration. insert it in the Central Protestant. Address the editors, Greensboro, N. C. THE CHKISTIAN SUN. Tlie advocate ofCliristlaii Union, and organ of tlie Cliristiau organization. Published weekly. Price $2,10." In its 29tli volume. ItEV. 4VL B. AVelloxs, 1). D., Editor. THE CHHISTIAN UNITY.' Devoted to the unity of all believers in Clu'ist. Undenominational and Evangelical. ■Vn S-page montiilv, illnsirated. $1 a year. W. B. Welloxs, D. D. Rev. Tno. J. AIelisii, J-Editors Rev. 4V. C. AIcCuXe, All three papers sent for $8 a jmor. Address D. B. DUNBAR. Maimger, Suffolk, Va. AHegei'j Bowiby & Go’s . iPiilWas lliiis® tilf u’"'. ' tifir- THE LITTLE CHKISTLIN. An Undenominational and Evangelical pa per for the Sunday School. Semi-moutlily. 43 cents aj'eariiii clubs of 10 or more. 33 cents. ^ Rev. J. T. IVuiTLEY, Editor. Surpasses in tone and power any Reed Organ heretofore manufactured in this country. It has been test ed by many competent judges and ; Gives TJnivGl’Sal Satisfaction.; By a skillful use of the stops, and of the patent knee swell, the music is adapted to the hu man voice, ranging from the softest flute-like note to a volume of sound. Unsurpassed by any INSTlUiEiT. The proprietors luave noted carefully for many years the imperfections and needs of tiie reed instruments, and directed their practical experience to tlie correction of sucli imperfec tions, and their experiments have resulted in tlie production of a quality of tone wliicli as simiiates so closely to tire Pipe Organ Quality That it is difficult to distiuguish between (lie two. THIS INSTRU4IENT HAS ALL THE Latest Improvements, And every organ is fully M'ananted. Large Oil Polish, Black 'VValniit, 1‘anoled Cases that forms in addition to a SPLEND.Ii:) in strument of MUSIC, A Beautiful Piece of Furniture. This organ needs only to be seen to be np- predated and is sold at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES fm GISH. AGEHTS WANTED (Male or female) in every county in the Unit ed States and Canada. A liberal discount nmd(^ to Teachers, Ministers, Cburches, Schools. Lodges, etc,, ■where there is no agent for tiie STAR’ ORGAN. Illustrated catalogue and price list free. Correspondence solicited Address the Manufacturers, ALLEGEE, -EOWLBY A CO,, AVASniNGTON, N. J. IT. \Y, ALLEGED, C. P. BOWLBY, 13- T. B. McAIURTRIE, ED4YAED PLOTTK. ill S kk 1 r II .'i?

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