% i Ijfw?' r V M'f'i Msr : ■-St ''!;I: f‘j>4“ * k' i, . ‘ K ->'( % ^ ' 1 t-n i#l 11" \ •’::,r|!l {■' i ^| ! ? 4^3 ■ i-vVf^V.^r^ ". '■ • ■ ■-■ S'4 ■ -■'li', , '14 3 ‘ MASONIC JOUUN Advertising Rates. > Cl H O 525 CO i C5 O H s >-*• ts !> W 1 inch, $ 2.50 $6.00 $10.00 115,00 2 inches, 4.50 9.00 15 00 30,00 8 inches, 6.00 13.00 20.00 30,00 i column, 10.00 30.00 85.00 45,00 4 column. 15.00 36.00 45.00 60,00 1 column. 20.00 45.00 60.00 100,00 The Teachers’ J^ormal School, which has been in session here for the past month, closed its labors on last Friday. This was a vohm tary coming together of all the teachers of the State for the purpose of interchanging ideas as to the best modes of teaching, text books &c., interspersed with lectures on va rious subjects. Thej' all expressed themselves highly pleased and M'ill attend next year. A large number of our citizens attended regular ly and were highly entertained. The Orphans of Oxford and Ashe ville. S®“ Transient .advertisements charged $1 per inch for lirst, and 50 cents for each subse quent insertion. ^ I®" Special Notices 25 cents per line for the first, and 30 cents for e.ach subsequent inser tion. Simple announcements of Man-iages and Deaths free; Obituaries and Resolutions of Respect charged for at regular advertising rates. TERMS—CASH ON DEMAND. Office on South Elm Street, first door north of the Patriot Office. Local and State. Tlie flattering Patronage awarded to Cham berlain’s .Jewelry emporium during the holi days has induced him to keep his stock com plete, and he is constantly receiving invoices of new and elegant Jewelry, Silver and Fancy Ware, and will take great plea.sure in e.xhibit- ing his beautiful designs to any who mav call. Personal attention to tine Watch-work and the m.anufacture of Special Jewelry. 35- Offleers elect of Greensboro Lodge, No. 7, Good Templars, for the ensuing term.- Patrons desiring advertisements in any par ticular issue of this paper should hand them in by noon of the Wdeuesday previous. * MAIL SCHEDULE. The Noktherx and Eastern Mails clo.ae at 10:1.5 every morning and arrives every evening at 4:80. The Southern and Salem Mails closes every evening at 8:45, and arrives everj- morning N. R.—The door is closed fifteen minutes before closing the mails, but all letters prop erly stamped atid put in the box will be mailed according to the schedule, the door is closed in order to li.-ive a little time to make up the mails. Horse-Back Mails.—The Yaneeyville Mail leav es this office on Monday and Thursday at 6, a. m , and arrives Tuesday .and Friday at fi, p. m. The Pittsboro Mail arrives Fri day, ate, p m., leaves Saturd.ay, at 6, a. m. Ashbor.) Mail arrives Friday at 6, p. m.’ leaves Saturday, at 9, a. m. Egj-pt Depot Mail arrives Fridays at 4, p. m., and leaves Saturday, at 6, a. m. Oak Ridge Mail ar rives Saturday, at II, a. m., aiid'leavcs the same day at 3, p. m. J. D. White, P. M. For unique attractive and finished Styles of Pliotographic work, apply at the Art Studio of L. W. Andrews. One of our leading State dailies spells it “to the manner born.” Rev. Dr. Jones and lady returned from the Centennial last Mmek. Mr. Sloan, our Tom, remains there yet. Teas,—Wholesale and Retail.—J. W. Scott & Co., have just received direct from the Importers a nice lot ofTeas—guaranteed good strength and fine flavor; Not low priced trashy goods. W. S. Moore, C. T. Miss P. Ingold, V T. II. E. iUcIver, R. S. L. Schwegler, F. S. jt/iss F. JfcKnight, T. E. A. Wilson, Chap. L. S. Ellison, M. Miss C. Thacker, G. G. B. Albright, S. The intensely M'arm weather has broken and now it is really pleasant. Cover is in requisition at night and the rest of sleep is really refreshing So balmy is our atmosphere at this time that the health of our city was never better, Greensboro now boasts the imndsomest, best luriiislied and fitted Express Office in the State. So airy and convenient is everything th,at business is a real pleasure. It is a bless ing to the Company that they have made “Un cle Bob” and “Capt, Bob” fixtures of that of fice. Let it not be forgotten in these dull times tliatapenny saved is two pennies made. Determined to “do as he would be done by.” Bogart keeps bis goods so low that all can buy; and as an evidence of public appreciation his stock has to be replenished weekly to meet the demands upon it. Almost anythingjin the line of Dry Goods can be found at Bogart’s. Rain.—The reports from various sections of the State show a great need of rain, in many sections the crops actually dying for w-ant of moishire. Saturday night of last week a re- fre.shing rain fell here, and continued on Sun. day greatly to the advanbige of our growing- crops. All nature, animate and inanimate' seemed revived. Prof. IV n. Neave, of Salisbury, an emi. ncut musician says that a State bra.?s baud is needed composed of tiie best talent in the va rious bauds in North Carolina. This Section of country is flooded with ped- lers trying to sell ‘goots so sheap as never vas’ and strange to tell a great many of our people buy from them, when by coming to the city the same goods can be bought for a great deal less money. Last Sunday one of these knights of the road made repeated eflbrts to get freight out of the Express office, stating that it was a case of necessity—as he wanted to sort, pack and arrange his goods so as to be ready for mondays travel. It is needless to say that he did not get the package as the company neith er receive or deliver freight on Sunday. Died.—Near Princeton, N,G. May 15th 1876, ifrssallie Ann, wife of Rev.Sam’lH, Bi-ady of the Primitive Baptist cliureli. Our State authorities have been written to by W. N. Holt, book-keeper of the Wilming ton shipping house of Vick &Mebane, to furn ish a correct impression ol the coat of arms of this State. It is wanted by a shipping firm-in Liverpool, England, tiading with Wilmington ■who are building a vessel they wish to bap tize with the name of North Carolina. In heraldic circles oiir coat of arms is blazon ed in sundry different ways, and our English friends are desirous to have a correct and au thentic copy to paint, as is usual, upon the stern of the vessel. The letter was addres.sed to D. W. Bain, the esteemed chief clerk of the treasury department, for reference to the prop cr official.—Sentinel, Remember the oi-plians at Oxford when you offer your prayers to-day. Afore than a hmi- di-ed poor children, who were growing up in to ignorant and vicious manhood aud womaii- hood, arc now in charge of laithful and efficient teachers who are guiding tlieir once erring feet in the paths of wisdom ami virtue. Tliis work is entirely dependent on the voluntary contributions of the people. In these times of political excitement and financial distress many have forgotten the orphans. About twenty child i-en have been discharged and two forms are heard by advanced orpbans. The most rigid economy has been enforced and expenses liave been reduced about twen ty-five per cent., but there is a point beyond which economy cannot go. Food and cloth ing are indispensable, ami Solomon says; “money answei-eth all things.” He was cer tainly a man of sound judgement and excellent sense. The orphan work in Asheville is at this time beset with serious difficulties. The lib eral donation of Rev. L. .V. Pease included some valuable hind but no house. Tlie or phans by permission, occupied the “Newton academy buildings” on the adjacent lot. But unexpectedly an old judgment was revived and the property, worth thousands of dollars, was sold for twenty dollars. The purchaser is a widow who has notions of hei- own and is not now willing to say what she will do. The new school rooms are on the Pease prop erty, and -Vr, Pease will in a few days propose a plan of operations. The oiphans must eitli- ei- secure a permiuient footliold ;it Aslieville or return to Jfiirs Hill. The ^1/ars Hill property is now used as an infirmary for children not able to work or study. The bealtli of this place is truly wonderful. All the children sent there have improved. Some, who went there apparently to die, have recovered ami .are robust and vigorous. Dr Isaac L. Wil liams gives them his kind aud constant atteu tion.—Ral Sentinel. New Advertisements. “Patron Cook Stove.” The Patron, a new pattern of ConW Stove, a first-class Baker for a verv 7 me RRICE. Also other Stoves; ^ Cook Parlor and Hall Stoves. Buyers will consult their interest to call be fore purchasing. Respectfully, ^^yates. Trowbridge’s [1^’s] Brands. [each different,] SAM WILEY, FASHIONABLE BARBEE -AN]). ’ II -4 I R DRESSER, Greensboro, N. C. —0— ADIES and GEN'I’LEMEN waited on .at ) their homes when desired, and all work X]' in his line will be performed in the liieh- est style of tlic Art. 665" Shop oil South Elm Street, nearlv op- posite the Express office. ']3_ An Old Fashioned Remedy.—The Sun cholera mixture many years ago proved verv efficacious in freeing people from diseases in’- cident to this season. Here is the prescrip tion. Tiiict. opii. tinct .capsid, tinct. rhei co. tinct. merith pip., tinct, campho. Mix equal parts each In plain English, it consists of equal parts of tincture of opium, red pepper, rhubarb, peppermint aud camphor. It is the best remedy extant for summer complaint, diarrhoga, cramps in The bowels and similar ailments, and almost instant relief. The dose is from tliree to tea drops for a child, accord ing ,0 age, aud ten to thirty drops for an adult, accoi di.ig to the severity of the attack. DRUGS.—In passing down the street the other day we accidently stepped into the Lab oratory of our energetic young Druggists, Callum Bros., and were surprised tg find to what extent they were manufacturing and boxing up, inonedoz. boxes, for Fall trade, C.arolina Chill Cure, Eye Water, Pile Lotion, Clean.sing Cream, Jam. Ginger, Southern Ton ic Bitters, Paregoric, Laudanum, all kinds Essences, Hair Oils, Ac. Any and all of these goods, they can and wiil sell as low as any reliable Drug House in this or any other country. Tlie goods are all full strength and prepared by a Scientific Pharamacist of an experience of over thirty-five years. County merch.ants and others would do well to give them a trial. Their terms are’cash, and consequently they will sell at cash prices. They also have Buist’sNew Crop Turnip Seed,—fresh and reliable. Chicago has an attractive Gcrm.an paper printed in Engli:;h type. King’s Mountain High School, Cleveland Co., N. C. GAFT. W. T, R, BELL, /‘rimipal. The Second Session of this School will open oii_ the 1ST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER 1876, a'id continue 30 weeks. ’ TERMS. Primary Department, per session 7,00 Intermediate Department, per .cession.. 'lO.’oO Higher English and ilathematics, per session 13 50 Higher English and Matliematics,"witli Languages, embracing Latin, French and Greek, per session 15.00 Special Department, including the above, with Practical Surveying, Civ il Engineering and Drawing, per ses- 30,00 Board, per month g qq This school is situated at the village of King’s Mountain, immediately bn the Charlotte and Atlantic Air-Line Railro.ad, in one of the most beautiful and healthful reg-loiie of North Caro- llllRt No bar rooms or other immoral agencies in the. village. _ Students prepared for College or the Univer sities, or for the business affairs of life. References given all over North Carolina and V rginia. Address the Principal, King’s Mountain, N. ■ 47-50. O O ai O p:) S 1-^ o jzT o CD m H w d o E- a CO P J p c 'tI o' o o Ph O P CO t/T fcuo b 1 o a W w f-H J*? O o GRAHAM HIGH SCHOOL. Graham, H. C. Rev. D. A. Long, A. M. Principal. W. S. Long;, A. M. Rev. W. W. Staley, A. 13. Miss. C. Hunter Sontligate. Opens last Monday in August and closes last Jmday iiiMayin each vea-. Tuition *3 to ^4. Board $8 to $10per month. Greensboro (N. C.] Nurseries J. M. Ward & Co,, Proprietors. Splendid stock of .all things in the nursery line for Fall of 1876. We refer by permissio to the Editor of tliis Journal. —39 J. M. Ward & Co. Wm. B. BOGART, Dealer in Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, SHOES. HATS, NOTIONS and GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. WEST MARKET STREET, Greensboro, N. C. REGALIA MANUFACTORY f I am prepared to supply, on short notice, eOl'XClI.S of FRIENDS OF TE.ni'EUAXCE, LODOES of GOOD TEJU'LAIiS, AND ODD FELLOWS With Regalia appropriate to eadi. I will furnish sett.s for FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE, Meiino triinnipfl with gold Ifice. ^15 00 Merino trimmed with gold lace and stars 18 00 UHicers sett French Merino trimmed with two incli gold fringe, lace, stars, $25 00 Velveteen, gold lace, fringe and stars 35,00 When Jevvels are wanted $10 in addition’to the above prices must be sent. GOOD TEMPLARS, Officers sett delaine trimmed -ivil.h two inch gold fringe, lace letters and wreaths, m hO Delaine trimmed with gold lace and ’ lettered „ IilRS. M. E. WHITAKER ’ Raleigh, N.’c. Fresli arrivals every week, of all the latest stylos of everything ill my line, wliich will be sold at prices to suit the times. I ceidially invite my frieiKls and cuslomei'S to call and examine the quality, style anti prices of goods on baud aiulcoustaiilly being receiv ed. My motto is “To Please.” 31 y. W.ii. B. Bogart, STEELE & DENNY, Manufacturers of Doors, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings and Dealers in ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Office S. STEELE, corner East Market st. Gbeen.sboko, N. C. Terms Cash. 22 — Greensboro Machine Shop. A}} kinds of Sewing Maciiine^^, Pistols. Guns, Locks, Ac., rcpiiiivd at, sliovt noituH). Xe>v k(^ys made to old locks. Especial attention to tlie repair of safes and safe locks. Give me a call. 13— J. II. COLEMAN.

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