% ■??. •'•.1 is i/-, '',7 a I fi ^ : ^11 ;:|;ig||| tti'sl: Jtii 4ri -j:.; i ‘ 8 THE MASONIC J 0 U 11 N A J. Advertising Rates. O Hi C 2 H a w III Ui m'I 1 inch, § 2.50 $6,00 $10.00 115,00 2 inches, 4.50 9.00 15 00 30,00 Wl^ii 1 3 inches. 0,00 13.00 20.00 30,00 'j ^ column, 10.00 30.00 85.00 45,00 '1 -i column, 15.00 35.00 45.00 60,00 i coliiniu, 20.00 45.(X) 60.00 100,00 S^** Transient advertisements charged $1 per inch for first, and 50 oentsfor each subse quent insertion. Special Kotices 25 cents per line for the tlrst, and 20 cents for each subsequent inser tion. Simple annonneements of Marriages and Deaths free; Ohiiuaries and Resohitions of Jtcspect eliarged. for at regular advertising rates. TERMS—CASH OX DEMAND. (1!^° Office on South Elm Street, first door north of the Patriot Office. Local and State. Patrons desiring advertisements in any par ticular issue ofthis paper should hand them in by noon of the Wdenesday previous. * MAIL SCHEDULE. The Northekn and Eastern Mails close at 10:16 every morning and arrives every evening at 4:30. The Southern and Sai.bm Mailsclose,s every evenine at 3:45, and arrives every morning at 11. “ N. B.—Tlie door is closed lifteen minutes before closing the mails, but al) letters prop erly stamped and put in the box will be mailed according to the schedule, the duor is closed in order to liave a little time to make up tlie mails. Hokse-B.vck JIails.—The Yanceyville Mail leaves this office on Monday and Thursday at 6. a. m , and arrives Tuesday and Friday at 6, p. m. The Pittsboro Mail arriyes Fri day, at (I, p m., leaves Saturday, at 6, a. m. Aslibor.' Mail arrives Fridaj- at 6, p. m.’ leaves Saturday, at 9, a. m. Egypt Depot Mail arrives Fridays at 4, p. m.,' and leaves Saturday, at 6, a. in. 0:ik Eidge Mail ar rives Saturday, at 11, a. ni., and leaves the same day at 3, p. in. J. D. White, P. M. For unique attractive and finished Styles of P.tiotographic work, apply at the Art Studio ct L.W. Andrews. Heavy wind and rain storm on Thursday night, accompanied by some little hail. Two of the Delegates to the Grand Lodge of Good Templars traveled 30 miles on foot to at tend. The Torch-Light IS, ieformed of a fight be tween a Mv. Askew and a snake nine feet long. -¥r. Askew came out victorious. Wilson county has a man 74 years old that has been farming all his life and never bought an ounce of meat or dust of meal. I'EAs,—Wholesale and PvEtail.—,T. W. Scott & Co., have just received direct from the Importers a nice lot of Teas—guaranteed good strength and flue flavor; Not low' priced trashy goods. About 350 pounds of Editorial flesh from Durham, was in our city last Saturday looking after the interest of tiie Durham Herald. The Col. would never be taken for an editor by those who knew him not—he is too fat. Ed itors, as a class, are proverbially lean. Mv. IV. II. Bevridgo of Eiclimond, Va., call ed on us la.=t week, and we found him to be a very pleasant gentleman. lie is getting up a North Carolina and Virginia Directory, and w'Ms visiting onr city to gain information to he placed therein and also to get advertisements and make sales of the Book, and we are pleas ed to s.ay he met with very fair success. Tlie flattering Patronage awarded to Cliam- berlain’s .lewelry emporium during the holi days has induced him to keep liis stock com plete, and he is constantly receiving invoices of new and elegant Jewelry, Silver and Fancy Ware, and will take great pleasure iu exhibit ing his beautiful designs to any who may call. Personal attention to fine Watcli-work and the m.auiifacture of Special Jewelry. 35- The recent School Census of this city shows irhite Colored Males, 165 90 Females, 193 143 Total, 258 313 of this numher 383 whites and 111 colored at tend Sabbath School. The Electric Jlachine and Telescope used by John W'esley, are now m the Museum of Trinity College, N. C. It is a burning shame for people to come to town and tie up their teams and leave them through the day to almost starve for water. This has frequently been done this summer by parties who stop in the Mendenliall lot, oppo site the jail. Frequently have w'e seen the poor brutes try to l)reak from the lot wlion they would see persons working the street pump near by. Shame on the man who will thus wantonly neglect lus faithful beast. W D. J/cAdoo having leased the liotel in terest of tlie Benbow House for five years, that house has been closed. Tliis throws all com petition between the J/cAdoo House and the Planters’ Hotel. iVe regret the closing of the Benbow, as it has become one of the attrac tive features of our little city and liad gained a reputation second to none in the South. The new and elegant McAdoo House will prove snficiently capacious for the accommo dation of all. C’ol. C. S Brown, the clever landlord of the National, recognizing the hardness of the times, has reduced board at his excellent liotel to $2 per day. The accommodations, as here tofore, equal to any in the State. The travel ing public should take notice. A Raleigh Jferchant feeds his cats on the best sirloin steak tlie market affords, and liim- self and femily on nice, tough, neck beef. The B orth Carolina Good Templar, former ly the Sjyirit of the Age, is to be published by ■Vessrs. W. J. Edwards, and Rev. W. C. Bow man. Mr. Theo. N. Ramsey, the newly elected. G. W.C.T. ofthe Grand Lodge ofGood 'I'emplars, donated $50 to the Oxford Orphan •Vsylura. We are pleased to learn tliat the Rev. Dr. Weilons, Editor ofthe Christian Sim is im proving in healtli We hope to be able to clironicle his entire recovery in a few weeks. Let it not be forgotten in these dull times that a penny saved is two pennies made. 1 leterminedto “do as he would be done bj'.” Bogart keeps liis goods so low that all can buy; and as an evidence of public appreciation his stock has to lie replenished weekly to meet tlie demands upon it. Almost anything;in the iiiic of Dry Goods can be found at — Bogart’s. Bold Robbery.—Last Saturday night some scoundrel entered the office of Dr. A. S. Por ter and went into the room where he was asleep and stole $3 in money from liis vest pocket, took his pocket knife, shoes and socks and left. The Dr. had about $30 in his coat pocket in an envelope which the thief took out but did not discover the money in it and threw it down. A small paper of Quinine taken from the same pocket, was strewn over tlie table. Citizens of Green&boro, load your guns and if you catch a thief on your premises shoot him first, and then tell him to stop. Callum Bros., our’enterprising Druggists opened a branch store in the town of Reids- villc this moi niug. They mean business, and to convince yourselves of that fact give them a call. The following .are the officers elected by the Grand Lodge I. 0.6. T., for the ensuing year; Tlieo N. Ramsey,—G W C T J/oses Gilliam,—G W C Miss Julia II. Bledsoe,—G W V T Samuel J. Fall,—G W See. Virginius Ballard—G W Treas. The citizens of Charlotte hearing that Cald- WELi,, of the Observer was going to Raleigli concluded to loatch him. JFhidi they did about $3,50 worth. He is now watciiingon the Raleigh News. R;deigli must be a dirty place, or else the following from the News don’t sit squaie; “A colored woman from (lie country re marked, yesterday, as she pulled out a piece of tobacco from her pocket and inserted it be tween her teeth: “I know its miglity iiad to chaw terbaccy, and it hurts me; but de .scent ob de town makes me fling up ifl don’t put ’baccy iu my moiifto sorter kill de smell.” Keep the Bale J/ovino—A bale of cotton has just been forwarded to John Nichols, of this city, from Goldsboro, to which a consider able amount of interest attaches. The bale was presented to the masonic lodge at Golds boro, by a charitable and liberal gentleman, to be sold for the benefit of the Oxford orphan asylum. The cotton was put up for sale and bought in by the lodge of that city, who now send it to the masonic fraternity of this city, in the care of Mv. Nichols, to go through the same process. Norfolk or Baltimore wdll be tlie next place where this peripatetic and oft sold bale will iialt at. 'VVe hope it w'ill be sent to Norfolk, and after being sold there for the benefit of the asylum it can go to Balti more for final sale. The proceeds of the va rious sales will aggregate a very liandsome sum for the a,sylnm Keep the bale moving, say we, and as soon as this comes to a stand still, let some one put another in motion for the same praiseworthy purpose.—Hal. Senti nel. DRUGS.—In passing down the street the other day we accidently stepped into the Lab oratory of our energetic young Druggists, Ciilhim Bro.s., and were surprised to find to what extent they were manufacturing and boxing up, in one doz. boxes, for Fall trade, Carolina Chill Cure, Eye Water, Pile Lotion, Cleansing Cream, Jam. Ginger, Southern Ton ic Bitters, Paregoric, Laudanum, all kinds Essences, Hair Oils, &c. Any and all of these goods, they can and will sell as low as any reliable Drug House in tliis or any otlier country. The goods are all full strength and prepared by a Scientific Pliaramacist of an experience of over thirty-five years. County mereliants and others would do weil to give them a trial. Their terms are cash, and consequently they will sell at cash prices. They also have BuisfsNew Crop Turnip Seed,—fresh and reliable. We learn that Sweigler’s bakery was rob bed on Saturday niglit of two sacks of flour, some little money and all the bi'ead and cakes in the sliow case. The thieves were probably the same ones that robbed Dr. Porter. Niagara has a sensation iu tlie way of a snake story. Lieutenant Crawford of Hamil ton, Ontario, has swallowed a snake and the best of medical skill has failed to eject it New Advertisements. “Patron Cook Stove.” The Patron, a new pattern of Cook Stove, ti iirst-cLiss Jjakkr lof j), verv f nxw PRICE. Also other Stoves; Cook Parlor and Hall Stoves. Buyers will consult their interest to call be- fore purchasing. Respectfully. '''a- C. G. YATES. Trowbridge’s y '^sj Brands. [each different,] AND SUITED TO VARIOUS TASTE.-l. SAM WII.EY, FASHIONABLE BABBEIL AND II A I E J) R E S S E R , Greensboro, N. C. —0— ADIE3 and GENTLEMEN waited on at their homes when desired, and all work in his line will he performed iu tlie liigli- est style of tlie Art. E®” Shop on Sontli Elm Street, nearly op posite the Express office. 12— o o 1-3 O =8 o a ■ I—1 w d ai o -1—t a CO p O 1^ ... pq OD p K o o o o ft i=> bX) ci ft o CO ft ft ft h] o D U 3 c.^ CENTENNIAL YEAR, 1876. HEADQ UARTEBS =FOR= DRUGS. CALLUM BROS, & CO., CITY DEUa STOKE, McAcloo House Greensboro, X. C. H you wish to buy Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs or anything in the Drug line, give us a call before buying, as wc guarantee UNDERSELL any house in tlie city. Prices to suit the times. It affords us much pleasure to show goods and give our prices, even if you don’t buy. Our Stock of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Champagnes &c., is complete for Medicinal use only. Callum Bros. & Co. Greensboro I N. 0.] Nurseries J. M. Ward & Co., Proprietors. Splendid stock of all things in the nursery line for Fall of 1876. We refer by permissio to the Editor of this Journal. —39 J. M. Ward A Co. Wm. B. BOGART, Dealer in Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. WEST MARKET STREET, Grkensboeo, N. C. Zing’s Mountain High School, Cleveland Co., N. C. GAFT. W. T. R, BELL, 1‘rimipal, The Second Session of this School will open on the 1ST MONDAY IN SEi>TEMBER 1876, and continue 30 weeks. ’ TERMS. Primary Department, per session $ 7,00 Intermediate Department, per session.. 10,00 Higher Englisliaiid Mathematics, per session ., 13 50 Higher Englisii and Matliematics, with Languages, embracing Latin, French and Greek, per session 15,00 Special Department, including the ' above, with Practical Surveying, Civ il Engineering and Drawing, per ses- 30,00 Board, per month 8_q0 This school is situated at the village of King’s Jfountain, immediately on tlie Charlotte and Atlantic Air-Line Railroad, in one ofthe most beautiful and healthful regions ofNorth Caro- liiia. No b.ar rooms or other immoral agencies in tlie village. Studeiils prepared for College or the Univer- .sities, or for the business affairs of life. Refei'ences given all over North Carolina and V r-ginia. Address the Principal, King’s Mountain, N. 47-50. Fresh arrivals every week, of all the late.st styles of everything iiiniy line, which wilt be sold at prices to suit the times. I cordially invite my friends and pustomers to call and examine the quality, style ami prices of goods on hand and constantly being receiv ed. My motto is “To Please.” 31 y. Wji. B. Bogart. STEELE & DENNY, Manufacturers of Doors, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings and Dealers itt ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Office S. STEELE, corner East Market st. Greensboro, N. C. Terms Cash. Greensboro Machine Shop. All kinds of Sewing Machines, Pistols. Giins, Locks, &Q.., repaired at short notice. New keys made to old locks. Especial attention to the repair of safes .and safe locks. Give me a call. 13— J, H. COLEMAN.

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