T il E M A iS O ^ iViS'^jT^^J'j PIEDMONT AIR-LINE RAILWAY. Eichmond & Danville. I{ichmond & Dan ville R. W., E". C, Division, and .\ortii EASTERN N. C. R. W. COE'DENSED TIME 1’AIiLE lu effect on and after Sunday, Sept 3d, 1876. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Leave Cliarl. tte, “ Air Line J’ct’n “ .'Salisbury. “ Greensboro, “ D.mville, “ Dundee. “ Burkville, Arrive Riclmtond, 6:5.5 6:12 8:30 10:58 ■:47 2:07 6:40 9:36 p. m. p. m. express 2:15 a. m. 2:0 •* 4:19 “ 6:17 “ 8:51 “ 9: 1 “ 12:45 p. ni. 319 “ GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Leave Richmond Burkville, Dumhe, “ Danville, “ Greensboro “ Salisbury Air Line .I’ll Arrive Gharloite MAIL 5:50 a. 9:00 “ 1:50 p. 1:55 ” 4:35 “ 7:01 “ 9:06 “ 9:08 “ express 1.10 p. m. ,S:,54 “ 8:0) 8:10 ■' 10:25 “ 12:32 a. m. 2:29 “ 2:42 “ Seaboard and Roanoke R. R, Office of the Superintendent of 'I'ransporta- p a'Y itoauokc Railroad Com- (V 1 Va., May 6fli 1876 vvin'l i”3Lanl, trains wil leaie Port-niomli dailv, except Sundays astollovvs: ■ e.u*iu.ijs Mail train .t , No. 1 Freight train at lO ’iO a m’ No. 2 Freiglii train „t s'.OO p. m' ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH Mad tram ... 6.4.-, p. in. v°' 13.00 in A0.2 Freight train at 3,30 p.m. Mad tram South M il! st ponly at Suffolk, F anklin, Newsom’s, Boykin's, Margaretts- Mile and Seahoi'd. Ma i train going North win stop oeiy Seabord Boykin’s, Fiaiiklin and Sutf Ik', i'reiglit trains liiive a paiseiiger car attacli- slati-nis for passengers. OiMil Irani connect., at W'-ldon widi tlie mail trains of the Wnmiiigtoii and Weldon and Raleigh and (lastnn Railroad.^. And on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1' 1 auklm, with s- earner for 'Trenton PR- OLDEST AND ANCE FAMILY NEWSPAPER BUickv Ply. nil nioiitl' and landings Chowan River. Freight received daily (except Sundays) from 8 a.m. to 4 p. m. ^ . F. G. GHIO, Superintendent of Transportation. GOTNG EAST. STATIONS. MAIL Leave Greensboro SI 6:30 am “ Co. Sliops £ 7::-)8 Arr. at Raleigli a U:l()a m “ Gold.sboro % 1:45 '* 3 GOING WEST. MAIL Ar. 10:5 pm 3l,v 8:53 ■5 Ar 5:05 (§L’ve2:20pni STATIONS L’ve Grcen.boro Co. Shops An- at Raleigh Arr at Goldsboro ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. 35:20 a m; ^Arr 3:00 p m J-8:13 I =Lv 1:11 p m c2:45 pmI gArr 0:03 am c8:00 “ I M Lv 1:30 a m NORTH -WESTERN N, C. R. R. (SALEM BRANCH.) Leave Greensboro - - 10.35 p. m. Arrive at Salem - - 12:45 a. nn Leave S:ilem - - 3;45 “ Arrive, at Greensboro - 5:4:5 “ Passenger train le;iving Raleigh at 5:0;-> P. M. conneets at Greensboro witli the Southern hound train; making tlie quickest time to ail Soutliei n cities. Price of tickets same as via ottier routes. Accommodation Train leaving Greensboro at 5:20 A. M , connects at Goldsboro witli Nortliern and Southern bomid Trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Lynclibui'g Accommodation leaves Ricli- inoiid daily at 10:15 .\. M., arrive at Burkeville 1:45 P. jl.. Ie;ive Bnrkeville at 5:10 A.M., arrive at Richmond at 8:40 A 5[. No Change of Cars between Atlanta and Richmond, 547 Miles. For further information address JOHN. R. aMACMURDO, Geii’l Passenger Agent, '^2— Richmond, Va Time Table Western ¥.0.R. R. number 23. In effect on and after Monday, April 10, 1876. Arrive. GOING WEST. Leave. Salisbury 8,50 am Tliird Creek 9.30 “ Statesville 10,25 “ Plott’s )0,53 “ Catawba Station.. 11,18 “ Newton 12,15 pm Canova 12,.35 “ Flickory 1,20 “ Tcard 2,05 “ Morgantou 2,55 “ Bridgewater 3,45 “ Marion 4,30 ‘‘ Old Fort. 5,20 “ GOING EAST, Leave. .. .Salisbiiiy .. .'I'hirti Creek 3,35 p M ... Statesville 2,50 “ ...Plott’s 2,10 “ .. .CatawbaStation.. 1,45 “ ...Newton 12,55 “ ...C.aiiova 12,30 “ ...Hickory 11,5.5 am ...leard 10,45 “ .. .Morgaiiton 9,55 “ ...Bridgewater 9,00 “ .. .Marion 8,15 “ .. .Old Fort 7,25 “ Breakfast at Salisbury, A. M., going East, Dinner at Hickory, 11,35, A. M. S. Mod. TATE, General Superintendent. S. Peabson, Master of Transportation. 9.20 A. M K.IO “ 10.50 11.13 “ 12.10 p. M 12.. 36 “ 1.00 “ 2.00 “ 2.45 “ 3.40 “ 4.25 “ 5.15 “ Arrive. 4.15 P. M. 3.. 30 “ 2.35 “ 12,07 “ 11.40 “ 12.50 “ 12.25 “ 1.8.5 A.M. 9.40 ” 9.45 “ 8.55 “ 8.10 “ 7.20 “ Going W , Carolina Central Railway Go. Oeetoe General Supkhintendent, \ Wilmington, N. C., Sept. 16,1876. f Change of Schedule. On iiud aft"!' Sund;ivtlie 17th inst., trai.is will run over tliis Railway as lollows : Passenger and Mail Express Leave Wihnington at G:80 A. j\I. Arrive in Charlotte at SflG P. M. Leave Charlotte at (>:B0 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington at 8:30 P. M. Daily except Sundays. Through Freight. -Leave Wilmington at 7:30 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte at 12:3G^ P. M. T.eave Charlotte at 0:45 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington at 12:00 51 Daily except Sunday. Local Freight. Leave Wilmino'ton at 0:40 A. 51. Arrive at Lnurinhurg 0:25 P. 5T. Leave Lanrinhurg •'’•00 A. 51. Amve at Charlotte at 4:35 P. 5T. Leave Charlotte at •'’-00 M. Arrive at Lanrinhurg _4;30 P. 5i. Leave Lain-inburg •'i-OO A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 4:30 P. 51. Leave Wilmington—5Iohdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Leave Cliarlotte—5Ionclays, 5Vednesdays and Fridays. , 5^0 Passengers allowed or Tickets sold by Freight Trains. V. Q. JOnXSOTI, 1- General Si^erintendeut. Don’t Forget THAT W. B. Farrar, Watch-Maker, Jeweler, Optician and Engraver, Has been living in Greensboro for nine years and expects to'make it ins Home for life. He has been faithfully serving liis patrons during tliat time, and feels that he lias given satisfiic tion. His appliances and elllciency in the different braiiclies of his trade need no com- iiient. He is very tliankfnl for past patronage and favors, and hopes lor a continuance of tlie saii'C. He does not wish to flatter himself, but he advises all wlio liave not lieen dealing with liim to give him a call before tliey pnrcliase their IVatches, Clocks, Silver Ware, Plated Ware, Engagement Rings, Gold Head Canes, Gold Pens, Diamond Rings, or any kind of Jewelry, eisewiiere. W. B. Farkar, 29- Greensboro, N. C. The Indian Herald Isa weekly newspaper pnblislied by W. McKay Dougan & Co., at Oaage Agency, Indian Territoiy, at $1,00 per Year. The Indian TIekald defends the Peace Policy, and advocates Indian civilization and the siipreinac}^ of civil over militaiy power. Established It now has a large and growing circulation, find numbers among its regular contributors some of tlie best writers in the Stete; Hates of Subscription. SINGLE COPY, 1 Y'EAR, FIVE COPIES “ “ For furtiier particulars, addre.ss, R. II. WHITAKER. Raleigh, N. C. Job Department. ~o— 5Vith a largesupply ofnew type of the latest gylo. we are enabled to do all kinds of Job Printing in Liie very neatest manner, on short notice, and at prices that will not fail to give satisfaction. Give us a trial, and be convinc ed of the cheanness and superior class of our work. Address, R. H. WHITAKER. Raleigh, oST, C. The Central Protestant, A RELIGIOUS WEEKLY AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Pnblislied at Greensboro, N. C. Subscription Price, with postage, $2,10. J. L. MICHAUX, JJdiior, W. R. ODELL, Associate^ The paper is now in its second volume, am. has a large and growing circulation. At the same time that it is the Ofl]ci:il Organ of tlie N. C. CoiRerenee, Methodist Protestant Cliurcli, such is its liberality and catholicity of s-pirit tliat it is snceessfuily reaching out in all di rections and among all denominations of the State, andwlierevef it lias appeared is received with nnexceptionabielieartiness and approval. One of tlie features of tlie Central Protestant and wiiicli is part and parcel of itself is the brevity and spiciness of its articles, on wliicli account tlie leading newspaper man of the State pronounces it superior to all others. Tliose who know liini,really concede tliat there is no appeal from his judgement. A paper so eagerly sought and so tkorouglily read, must also be an excellent ADVERTISING MEDIUM, a fact wliicli the prompt and repeated answers to its advertisements abnndantlv proves. If you want a paper that is readable, lii’ely, enter taining and prolitable subscribe for tlie Cen tral Protestant. If you iiavean advertisement wliicli you desire sliould liave attentive con sideration. insert It in tlie Central Protestant. Address the editors, Greensboro, N. C. REGALIA MANUFACTORY ! ! I am prepared to supply, on short notice, COUAOILS of FRIENDS OF TE.IIPEKAXCE, tOROES of OOOI> TE.1IPLARS, AND ODD FELLOWS witli Regalia appropriate to each. I will furnish setts for FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE, Merino trimmed witti gold lace, $15,00 Merino trimmed witli gold lace and stars 18,00 Offleers sett Fi encli Merino trimmed witli two inch gold fringe, lace, stars, $25,00 Velveteen, gold lace, fringe and stars 35,00 Wlien Jewels are wanted $10 in addition to the above prices must he sent. GOOD TBMPLiiRS, Officers sett delaine trimmed with two inch gold fringe,'lace letters and wreaths, .425,00 Delaine frinnned with gold lace and lettered 815,00 MRS. M. E. WHITAKER, Raleigh, N. C. Unsurpassed by any IHSTROiENT. Tlie proprietors have noted carefully for many years tlie imperfections and needs of the reed iiistrnments, and directed their practical experience to the correction of sucli imperfec tions, and tlieir experiments have resulted in tile production of a qnalit3’ of tone wliicli as similates so closely to tlie That it is difficult to distinguish between tlie two. THIS INSTRUMENT HAS ALL Latest Improvements, And every organ is fully wariantcd. Large Oil Polish, Black alnut, Paneled Cases that forms in addition to a SPLENDID in-- strument of MUSIC, A Beautiful Piece of Furniture. This organ needs only to be seen to be ap preciated and is sold at EXTRE5IELY LOW PRICES FOR OISH AGEHTS WANTED (Male or female) in every county in the United States and Canada. A liberal discount made to Teacliers, Ministers, Cliurclies, Schools, Lodges, etc,, wliere there is no agent for the STAR’ ORGAN. Illustrated catalogue and price list free. Correspondence solicited Address the JIanufacturers, ALLEGEH, B0WLB7 A CO., WASHINGTON, N. j. II. W. ALLEGER, C. P. BO'VVLBY, 13- T. B. McMURTRIE, EDWARD PLOTTS.