i V -. Ill ' r ■ 5?:? ' Ji-;'*:* , j\jf -. ' v ■ • /-•'-'|f|T * 't Ml - fT, -i®;r5,';, 4'feP' V ' "r: -■■'Wl 8 THK MASONIC JOUENAJ. Advertising Hates, O END •>:>(■. to O. P. EOWELliltYrV^ ' O PamphletonOOpsiKos, contaipin?m;'t^'"’ York j papers, andeptiiuatesshowiuh' rastof D U R H A y ^ ;0:- Natsonai Hotel ^.VU i-nn-, h. (■.. ’ tS"" Special Xu; ices ilO cenfs per line for I lie jir-f. an,l iOceuis fir each siiliseqneiit inser tion. I S®“ TEiaiS—( ASH OXBEIIAXD. I BEST LISHT IH THE UNITED STATES ? And the Proprietor sold tlie first Tobacco by auction ever sold in Durham. Has had 30 years experience in the Tobacco Trade. fi@“ Personal aiteniion given to all Tobacco i sell. “’(jSB BRIGHT WRAPPERS AND FANCY SMOKERS A SPECIALTY. 4-8 H. A. REAItfS, Peoprietok, I Delight full V sitnaied in the ;.i..cio „„i»■« SI. StULOSS, r„nT j Houses. C S. Laniih?. I $12.: Jijy at T.(u-ms' froo IN MEMOEIAM. New Advertisements. At a special c mmunication of llouroe Lodge; Xo. 24-f had on the 27t!i October, 1876, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : YYheeeas, Tt has pleased an all wi.se and over ruling providence in His inserntibie wis dom, to remove fioin our midst, our beloved brother. Colonel Samuel H. Walkup. 'fhere- fore be it Kc-folveit, 1. That in the death of our brother, Samuel II. Walkup, Jlouroi- Lodge No. 344 has been called upon to mourn the loss of one of its trueT and best members — the church one ol’its ]mrest and ahle.st orna ments, and the State a sou, devoted, both in war and in peace lo her welfare ami interest. liesoh'al, 3. Tiiai wdiile mouraing tlie loss of our brother, we have great consolation ii^ knowing that fir him, ‘death had no terror, that he felt no pain, and that all was well with him” wliile walking througli the Bark Valley, and we bow with submis.-iou to the decree of the Great Arcliiteet Itesolveil. :i. That we will ever cherish his memory, and endeavor to emulate the e'-ample lie has set us of true fiidelity to duty. JReeokei]. 4. That we c.xtend our hcaa't felt sympathies to the b 'reaved family, of our doi-eased brother, in their hour of trial and atliieiioii. Jiesoh-a/. o. That the members of Mon roe Lodge No. 344 wear the u.-ual badge of mourning'for thirty days. .Kesnhed, 0 That a copy of tliese re.solu- tions be published in the IMonvoe Knguirtr^ewidi the YIasonic .rocit.VAL, Greeusboro, N C.; iliat a copy of the same be piesenfod to the family of oiir deceased brothe-, and tliat tiie preamble and resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Lodge. J. F. 1'ayse. 1 'J'. B. McCaulet, I Committee, J. B. Hodges. I SEMI-MONTHL Y Masonic Journal. The uiider.signed Iiavinglocatcd at Greens boro, is now nianufacturing and prepared to I fill all orders, for all .“izes of Ii-iiue. , TUUK Avrrts want.-a. Ontst The cheiipest steiotly Masonic pai'ee published iu the bulted States ! Eight pages, thirty-two broad col umns and only §1,.>0 per year, six mouth.s 75 cents. Ueliabl© .ig'outs Mantl'd to cauvass every' Lodge in the United States, to whom the best terms w ill be given. Enclose stamp and address E. A. WILSON, GllEENSBORO, N. C Flues, Pans, and Atonal Sotej RALEIGH, N. C.. 0. S. BROWN, Propeietor. :o; BOARD $2,50 per DAY. Drain Pipe, Flower Pots, Jiig-s, and all oflitr earthen ware,—glazed plain. Kl@" LAWN VASES A SPECIALTY “©fi Orders tilled on sliort notice and satisfac tion guaranteed. A. II, ELLISON, b-li- Greensboro, N. C. LAHiER HOUSE STATESVILLE, N. ' a. S. LAHISH L CO., Proprietors. n u. Servants Polite and Attentive. REMOVAL. Q JO w K S3 W c fO o > « o o C/2 ci \ Tho table is surpassed by no iiouso in the State. If yni wiMi to be ph'a'antly i and comfoi-tably located, stop at t!ic ! National, frontino^ the (’apitol ' Square. I The National located within Jifly yards of liie State House, it is the mo-t convenient, attractive and ])l:'asant headquart rs foi members of (he fA-g's- iaturc in the city. Terms are low t' suit tuc times, fare uriMirjuissed, atten tion and accominoriations t!'c best SALOON and BILLIARDS in ba'tnneut. Two of the Lost Tahirs in the City, for the use of guests, free of charge. ' a 4 Gavis, the Gunsmith, has removed from the Caichvell biiilditig to the othce near tlie B tV ; 0. 'Picket office,^near the depot—and is now ! prepared to rep.-irG'.ns. Pistols, Umbrellas, ; Locks, Se-wing Machines, Nc. j Plumbing and Bell-hanging attended to promptly, and satisfaction gnai'anteed. Thankful for past favors he hopes to merit O CD O H-J- tfi CD 00 bd o 03 o o j a continuance of Hie Paine. Greensboro [N.O.] Nurseries J. M. Ward & Co,, Proprietors, I ^ fii'St-ciass Boot and Slioe .8hop at- : tached, wiiere first-chs.i work will be done at prices to suit the tunes, ii-3- •Mi Splendid stock of all tilings in the niirscrv line for l-'all of 187(1. M e r.Ter by pcniii.s'si,; to the Editor of this .rouriml. —J. -YI. M'abd & Co. Wm. B. BOGART, Dealer in 1-aney and ,'Staple DUY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS At a Regular Convocation of Bnrliam Chapter, E. A. AI., held Nov. 1st, A B. 1870, A. I. 2403, the following tribute was adopt- cd: AYhekeas, It has pleased Almighty Gcd, ill the dispeiis|tion of His Allwise providence t-O TOmfVfti Ii'nivi .nvwMi n -1 . Coin- to remove from among us our beloved pani'in .1. 0 Gulley, therefore Resolved, 'I’liat while we bow in limnble snlimi-ssioii to His will we deeply deplore the necessity of the Master’s call for our Com panion to take a higher seat, and our iiei.i t- feit sympatliies are hereby extended lo the wife of Ills bosom and the dear children with M hich God Iiad blessed tliein. N. A. llAJtSEY, 1 .lAS SOUTHEATE, I Gominittoc. J. n . Oakr. 1 Tabasco Lodge, No. 371, Gibsonville, Nov 11,1876 M iiEREASithas pleased Almighty God to remove Irom our midst oor esteemed friend and Brother, .Jacoli 8hepliard. /Nso/i-fd-Tliat in liis d.-atli, Ma.sonrv h.as I'lst a u-sefiil memher, and that we bow'wiih Humble snhmi.ssion to the will of Him who doetli all things well, Resolr.&d—Thai tlie members of Tabasco Lodge wear the usual badge of momaiiuTf,',,- Unity days, and that tiicse re.solutio!is be -spread upon the mimiles ofour Lodo-e and that a- copy of tlie same be sent to the’ bereaved Widow. , D. W. WHITAKER, BOOK Am JOB PRIKTEE, DURHAM. N. a, Would respectfully infonii the, public that lie is prepared to do'all kinds of P R I N T I N G upon .short notice and at I'rices as low as tlie same can be furnished by any estahlislimeiit NORTH or SOUTH. Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. He keeps constantly on hand a complete line of COURT BLAMKS, For Magistrates, Attorneys, Solicitors, Clerks of Coui'ts, and other oflicers. Bronze Work a Specialty. Particular attention paid to the printing of Tobacco Labels. Order.s for •TOP PRINTING jJOHN CHAiVib£RLA!N j GREENSBORO, N. C. AND : DEALEli IN Fine Watches, Jewelry, STERLING SILVER. & FLATED-WARE Fine Spectacles, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. WEST M-WiKET STREET, Geressboro, N. C. And evei-vtliing else in my line. Ylv vtACiiTXi'h!Y and other ajipliances for making tlie different jiart.s of M'at'clies, is per promptly filleil and forwarded to any part of u-xtensive in the State, conse- the country ____ . ; fluently I can guarantee lliat any jiart of Special attention given to repainiig and timing of Fine M'atclies ami Regulators.' All work done and all goods sold by me is guaranteed, to he as represenied. !UI1! CIlAiXS, HAIR .IKIVKLRV. DlA.yOMI.S AM) ALIi KINDS OF FINK .TKH KLKY, (DM) ANO SILVKU RAK H CASKS, ole., ©tc. THE M-VNUFACTURE OF 18 CAR\T ENGAGFMENT & WEBBING RINGS A SPECIALTY. Fresh arrivals every week, of all the lato.st styles of everything in my line, which will be sohl at prices to suit the times. I cordially invite my friends and customer' to call mid examine tlie quality, style aiiilprioi’s of goods (111 hand audconslautlv being receiv ed. My motto is ‘‘To Please.” .Y- W.vr. B. Bog A i;t. D. W. WHITAEER. ■yy O AI AN IN B A T T L E ! AGENTS WANTEB to canvass evmrytown ! aiivin thiDum/ id coimtvin the Slate for i ' watch or clock can be replaced w ith the ut most facility. I GUARANTEE that uiy work will oom- ! pare favorably in cmcieiicy mid finish willi STEELE & BENNY, Manufacturers of .sh, Mouldings and Dealers in ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Oflice S. STEELE, corner Ea.'t Market't. G-Ueessboko, N. C. ! Door Blinds, Sre Teiijis ftAsn. Rcsoherl—'Vheit tliese resoliitioms he publish ea m tlie Masokic Journal, Greensboro Pa- and Afcic ISin'tk tit ate. J. M. Sutton, \ I. Summers, - Committee Joel Allen, ) and coimtvin the Slate for “WOMAN IN -BATTLE!” | one of llie most intensely interesting hooks CA'er pnlilisliod. being the'Life and Exploits of Lieut. Harr.v T. Buford, (C. S. or btail-I ame I;. J. Velasquez. No subscription book I ever pubIWicd lias offered thecliniiees this one does for wide awaki> agent.- toninke nioiic" ' rapidly, mid as territory is being taken ' up i very fast tlmsc who desire to canva-s for it ■ should make application without delay. ! MADAME L. ,1. VELASQUEZ, I Agent for North Carolina; ofiice: Gran»-eHo 1 j tel, corner fVilmington and Bavie sts., one ' j block from Yarboro House, Ealcigli, N. C. 4_ j 28- JOIIN CHAMBERLAIN, City .Iewkler, Greensboro, N. C, JIBS. ,k. yr. SMITH’S boarding hops k Middle Str. ct. one door liclow I’atterson’s Grocery Store, AWir BERNPp K JAS. SLOAN’S SONS, GREENSBORO. N. C„ 1- C. riEKER./lL MEROHAKDISI lit, Lime. Ceiiieiit and I'la.stcr, Phospliates iml ^ Agricultural Implements a Specialty. uwpts in)L ail Liijo '.'•uim iijjiai mama irtaKemon- gtuiij.t.-iiiui aiau iiis nuise, u«ar Jjaimue,