|^S7 The Dialette MONTREAT COLLEGE, MONTREAT, N. C. STAFF TMKSGIVING SOCCER GAIffi EdItor-in-Chicf Doris Hodges JUNIORS VICTORIOUS!! Business Manager..Marjorio Miller Assistant Business Manager ...... Rah! Rah! Juniors! Yeah, Seniors: Mary Leslie Thomas Such wore the cheers heard by citi- Litcrary Editor.. .Elaine VJilliams zons and students of Montreat on Society Editor....Estelle Sellars Thanksgiving afternoon at the annua' Sports Editor .Ellen Fisher soccer game. The game was played Photographic Editor... between .’the Odds of Junior High Marietta McFall School and College and Evens of Snapshot Editor... Jean Cartwright Sophomore and Senior High School Joke 'Editor ..Peggy Jonos and Senior College. The game was Music Editor Virginia Douglas an exciting one with fast play on Al-umnae Editor ...Sarah Clark both sides. The Odds woro against Exchann’O Editor . . . .Botsy Stewart tho Seniors,, as .th-j Juniors won REPORTERS -with a score of 10-6. The Evens Ruth Bowen .Madge Bankp gave the Odds several good frights Barbara Frame Lucy Kuykendall v;hen they co.mo in scoring area, Virginia Barron Beth Bagby but the defending Odds•came through Anne Mllllams Jean HcEachcrn to hold the mighty Evens. Dorothy Key The "Blue and Gold of Old Hon- .. .. .. . ' treat" waved its streamers over — EDITORiAIT ^ the goal posts, as tho cheer loader: It has boon called to our atten- .^^.Iso' in blue and gold, brought pop tion by a fellow student that the cxcltcmont to the side-lines school .spirit’ of Montroat College ' woll as to the field. In spite is not a.ll'that it should bo. ’At 'of tho "knoc-doop much, tho slide first- wo refused to accept this.', .wore few and caused no serious statement, but after closer.Inycs- calamities. ti'^atipn we are forced to bollovo ' The tv/o cp.ptalns, Fisher and all that it implies. It is true Hazel, played outstanding games, that the "Montroat College, girls havoand_Hardio was oxcellont in hor carelessly or otherwise allowed position-as Goal Guard.^ ithoir pride in tho school activi- "Hard luck, olo' Seniors, tics and organizdtions to fall; to . '';/hat could you do? a ^rcat extent. This statement This team of Juniors alone should bring shame to every ' V''as too much for you} ■ auick-thinking student vdio has ob- Each girl a v/ondcr, served this degeneration without Tried through and through, acting upon it. \7hat. is the- matter They fought liko thunder -- with us anyv/ay? For example y/o may 'Tv/as too much for you!, cite the Thanksgiving soccer 'game. S.N, ■ ' This was one of the highlights of . ■ ; tho Sports season, and not ovon V/ako up! Hold your heads high when .half of tho school was intorestod you sing our old Alma Mator, and ’enough to come out and cheer for really moan it when you sing, their team. Mould you call this "Hall to thee, Alma Mater, school spirit? V.hy. not think tho Our happiest days ' situation over, and while thinking Aro tho days we. have spent in back-up those ideas with a little, Montroat!" fiory action that has boon shov/n around hero on previous occasions.