1 ? -S',Iv.wv The Dialette MONTREAT COLLEGE, MONTREAT, N. C. The Dlalette extends a hearty v/elcorae to all nev; students of nontreat College, inviting them to join its circle of old friends. As the days fly by in the beautiful surroundings of our campus v/e v/ant to keep each happy and precious moment _allve for yo^» order to make this year a very successful and joyous one, we bave brought yoS ^lat is'^termed ”A Student Code" —a goal toward which to work: I realize that, as a student, I owe an obligation to parento or relatives v;hose sacrifices have given me the foundations upon which I am building, to the school which makes possible my educational ad vantages, to my country which gives mp liberty under law, and . y own future as an individual and a citizen, , ^ In keeping wTth my determination honorably to discharge this obligation^ I^proralse^he facilities offered by the classroom to^en large and broaden my Interests, to Increase my toowleage, to bring me closer to Truth, and to cultivate habits of industry and soun That I v/ill develop habits of reading and conversing which will broaden ray culture and enable me better to understand the problems of community, state, and nation. . ^ ^^4- That I will carry on discussion in and out of. the classroom, no to overcome opponents and gratify my pride, but that I may grow in knowledge and wisdom. , , I will avoid every form of cheating or dishonesty ana Virill to discourage all dishonorable practices. xj.i.ci.1. I will, obey every rule or law of school, city, state, and nation, reserving the right to criticize rules and laws constructive ly, but respecting them so long as they prevail. That I will use my powers snd influence for^the common good. That I will pursue happiness myself and strive to establish conditions under which happiness and opportunity may be hopefully pursued by everyone in my home, my school, my community, my country, and the world. That undertake That -The American Observer It is the sincere desire of the Dialette to bring you such enjoyment throughout the school year that "Though the coming years scatter us far; ...the Ideals you taught us will ever be bright Shining out as our life's guiding star." a r'' ■ ■vU IS t- ‘