EDITORIAL STAFF __ Editor-in-chief Helen Hardie Literary Editory Margaret Smith Faculty Advisors- Miss C.M, McSlroy Miss N.G, Vifatkins ■ Business Manager Leslie Thomas ^ r *5"T r EDITORIAL It is our greatest desire to give you this year a "bigger and better" SUIT DIAL. To this end we are turn ing all our forces, and, with your cooperation, we can accomplish our aim. To make tiese improvements we must have money, and to have money we need a Student Activity Pbe from each one of you. This fee has been estab lished by the school and covers a number of items, one of them, your right to a SUII DIAL. If, you pay the foe you are entitled to an annual and all the copies of the DIALETTE; there is no .other charge. Pay your fee, enjoy th.a - DIALETTE., nov;, and look -f oTwand-t-o-a -bigger'-Siiir'DTAlT;' . —H. II. Sf Sf \/ \/ \f ^/ \t MUSIC Montreat students and faculty at tended the second Civic Music Con cert in Asheville on Sunday -Docomb- er 11, at 2:50 o'clock. The Phil harmonic Orchestra of rPhiladelphia conducted by. Ormandy, presented a delightful program. On Wednesday night, December 14 a program of Christmas music wili^ be presented by the choir and Gl.,ee Club. At which time Dr. Cald\7ell will give a short talk. — G. P. DUPED VHio are the goats now? None others than two very promising ^ enterprizing college juniors: Marys who proved to be not very nri ■hn>ci v»tT Contrary. The circumstance which the point was a "snipe" hunt, mediately follov/ing the present tion of the MIK1.D0, Saturday, ^ December 3, After explaining carefully about the stage of moon and how to hold the bag ® actly right so that the snip**^ g, jump in. Miss Smith, tlic chapei left the girls two by tv/o at tervals up the mountain-side. The two Marys very contente __ settled themselves on a log, Ing the bag just right Just exactly how long they holding the bag" no one tan termlne, but no sound or sig^ heard from them for an hour. ^ The two disappointed hunter^ were well rewarded by a dell "Eed" at the Men's Club. of checkers and ping pong J ■ so enjoyed, ending a delig^^ evening. — B. S. "THE MIKIDC' Our College Juniors are 01 the success \7hich attendea ^^^^ontation of their operpl^^?ori The Mikado", under tho direct^^^a their sponsors Misses lloj !!oodhouse. it was given Dec® o, in Gaither Hall, and again r December 5> at the W.N.C. Sana um. On each occasion the s v^as beautifully decorated apanese lanterns, artifltl®' trees and wisteria blossoms. colored costumos, fluttering ^ t lovely voices, all went to little opera a lovely thing* —H. H.