The Dialette MONTREAT COLLEGE, MONTREAT, N; C. jjmm. LITERARY SOCIETIES ELECT OFFICERS ' At a meeting of tho" Literary SocietiosE on Saturday, Jtxnuary 6, new officers v/ere elected* They are as follov/s: Tritonian President*, >.«....*•« .Doris' ITebster Vice President,,,,.Marianna Johnson Sec, and Troas Lillian Abrdiam ■ Philalethian President,........Ethel Mae Sparrow Vice President .Louise Dxmcan Sec. and Treas. Billy Duke Delta» Beta President....... Louise Powell Vice President,......June Viilkerson Sec, and Treas Josephine Bourne ■3.5,... 1940 ^ During- the past semester the societies have presented some very interesting pro grams, and vre msh to congratulate you officers,' However’,- tho ne;W officers have decided to do things this' semester thdt -will realj;- (wake up everybody, so come on, girlsl {Lot’s cooperate ^vith them and have some fun I SPORTS inside vj^here they usually are piayed- npisc that isn’t often made- for don’t fail to join the tun- for order in which they-.must- run- for only 3, out of 2- the right score we hope falls to you- for sportsmanship we hope you’ll display- ' for participation in each game you play- for "" vhich all girls will shov/- for race which -will m.ake your gheeks glow- for try and try you may- start and do it today. I is for N is for D stands. 0 stands 0 stands R is for S stands 1 P stands 0 stvmds D 1 . stands T> x stand s S is for EKAMS Oh, Geel There goes'thb‘second belllj And I set the alarm, for 3 o’clock] Oh, heavens--how in the world tAH I ever take those exams today—V»hy,' I’ve only studied a ,little] Oh, there goes the last bell, and I didn’t get a. chance to wash ray face How will I ever s't'a'y a-wake during those exams?' ¥[ell, at last I’ve finTshe'd''go'bb’ll'ng down that food^ and now I’ve really go to get in a huddle and's'tudy--aTr iny e:^ams t oday are going to depend ort this nekt 30 minutes’ studjr— ' ' "Backv/ard, turn back#Ard ' • ' 0 Time in'yo'-’’* flight, * •-' And tell me- just one thing . 'I studied last night]]] Oh, Oh,—the bell for exams to start,T/ell, here I go—Let’§ see—English is first, "Good-morning, Miss Tfatkins"—I've got a greater "Tempest" in my. mind than Shake speare ever conceived of. Let’s see nopr**'^ goodness w/hat a. long exam--I’ll never get through—I’d better hurry and get started I’d just as soon fail in action as not, T/fliat’s‘this--It says to take this sen tence and then tell vAat moCd-"The cow'wras taken out of the lot," I'lhat mood? VJhy, the cow did of cohrse. They didn’t think the farm hand did, surely. Now I ha-we to ’vn-ite a. theme on Jjome ani mal, "Psst, Mary, how/ do you spell high— V/hy?—’cause I’m v^riting on a high-ena," ’ Violl, that'theme is over, I sure hate them—let’s see--what’s next? Oh, another theme] Goodness, Smitty’s through with that question already] Say, Smitty, w/hy did you just -vn-ite one paragraph on milk when I’ve written 20? Oh—you I'n-ote on condensed milk] I see] Hell, at last that exam is over, TJhat do I have next? Math—I dread tha-t worse than any] Oh, vrellj here I go. It'll be a battle of brains, and I think I’m pretty brave—going unarmed] Let's see,'the firs question's'up, "If therS were Mr, Jones, Mrs, Jones, and one baby, hoTir many would there be?" There wrould be tvro and one to carry. Next I have to define a circle— (continued on page 4)