HE montreat college library ffALETTE MONTREAT, NORTH CAROLINA September 23, 1940 COMMEMORATING COLLEGE With shouted greetings that ranged from "heys" to "hails" to "heils", the gates of Montreat were opened last Wednesday by a throng of familiar faces, and college let itself be overrun in the joy of having .last year's girls home again. The old intimacy is renewed, in spite of changes summer has’ v.Tought. Even though you may bo bursting v/ith vitamins or sporting a new pompadour hair style. Montreat is. glad you are back and wants you to make this another successful year. Little has changed — there is the same magnificent setting for the same magnanimous schoolj the bulletin boards contain those clever posters; the dining room has that magnetic, quality that makes it a mecca for pedagogues and pupils alike; Jime gives out the mail; and the hall is all taken up by trunks — but every nook and cranny is dear to be hold again. However, if you notice any new warp, rest assured that they are helps, not hin drances. Isn't it grand to feel wise and learned when you can answer under-classmen's questions, and sing the "Alma Mater" from mem ory? You feel so proud inside, be causa' you are known as a Mon treat girl. You feel as though . this year you are a part of Montreat College. MONTREAT'S BIG TREAT Awe-struck facial expressions, anxiety to be liked, bewilderment in every move, that "l-am-a- college-girl appearsmoe -— all these serve as identification tags for this year's crop of girls, They are welcoming Montreat and Montreat is literally open ing her* .arms to gather in the lassies, be they athletic or feminine^ light or dark, scholars or play-girls, short or tall. Homesickness■vanishes 1ike ;■ candy bars when the familiar routine.is discovered. Trips are made daily to the store for those forgotten items which mean so much to the deoorative- ness of the room. Voluminous letters are written home tell ing the fun in the recreational hall from which many are suffer ing with sore muscles. Every one likes her free periods immensely because they are the same as her roommate's. We are glad to see you here and we like to see you happy. We like to see you dashing around wi^h a snatch of a Mon treat song coming from your lips. We like your new re- versibles which you proudly displayed the first rainy day. We like to see you smile and speak to everyone. We like the fovir new faculty members, and we like to see that you do too. In other words we like you and we like to see you. / MONTREAT COLLEGE LIBRARY