DecevilViar. 1940 TTR nTAT;:':?TO J>/)NA£ Greetings, Alvaanael A great many of us are ha.)py today be cause ire soent seTeral delightful hours in Montreat during Homecoming over Thard:sgiving. Some were there only for a few hours and some for days, but ^ everybody had fun! Those Yfho attended part or all of the functions for the Alumnae during the ireeh-end were the following: Bessie V'ilson and Mrs. 1;. J. Parks (Mildred Lee Gaston) ’24; Adelaide BroTm, Elinor Miller and ilary Stowe '36; Cornelia Broim, Laura Mae Brown, Isa Cla3^, and Buford Massey '37; Sarah lliblock arid Betty Td^dor '38; luin Dodson, Majme Freeman, Jacque Hubbard, Floride Mc- Demid, Margaret Hiblock, Mac Tench, Leslie Thomas'and Louise Vernon *39; Fdith BoswOll, Jean Merchant, Mae Fattishdll, Polly Ramsey, Margaret Stei'mrt, and Haseltine Svrift '40. You will remember v/c sent out a letter °n Hov. 20th to about 400 of our Alurmae. are quite pleased to have received m.ore than 23 ansvrers al- ready and it is interesting to learn of ■those married and those with children, and most gratifying just to knoiv that ■'^^6 have jreur name and a.ddress cOrrectlj'' placed on our files. Write us, won't you? ILe Alumnae were quite happy bo receive ^ "telephone message of best Y/ishes from "'®SSy I-Iill of '38. For several years at Thanksgiving Peggy has sent her greeting by telephone. Hanej'’ Holler and Martha Williamson sent telegrams on Saturday, 1 knoYY all of you have read about^ our plan to start our fund by subscribing ■to the Dialette. This jear the fee is witir25j“^"ting to Dial^"to and 2o^ bo the Alumnae, llemt year the °ost Page Throe Yvrill be |1.00. Just recent] 3 about 15 have sent in their subscriptions. All of those will receive the Dialette coming out in December. Quite a fine start, isn't it Al’umnae? In corresponding tho last yreeks, our Montreat Alumnae Secretary has been unable to contact; Leonara Anderson, Sarah Lavrter, and I.larj’- Heelj^ as their letters have been returned unopened. In case you know tJie Yvhereabouts ■ of any of these, please drop a line to the Aluimae Association, '';/o Y/ant to get in touch YYith ever'y graduate of Montreat High School or College, so don't fail to ansY/er all letters and foi-ms mailed to you. Out of about 20 Alumnae who wrei-e here .over the vreek-end, we had 15 at our dinner Saturday night at the Inn. Everything Yvas most informal, but one of the nicest dinners the Alumnae ever held, hre had ‘no one present but the Alumnae and our Secretary, Miss Smith. To make our visit complete, Mrs, Anderson, gracious hostess as sho is, invited all the old girls up for tea Sunday Afternoon. Sitting before tlie huge fireplace in their charming home. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson were ^perfect hosts. It Y/as amusing and delightful to hear some of the tales thai. Y:ei’e told regarding our Alma Mater. Your President had the rare pleasure of talking to tho first Alimtnae President. Complications came up so that Mrs. Grace Matson Griffith wres unable to attend tho activities of Homecoming, but Mrs. Griffith is vitally interested in our Association and gave us a world of information. Y^ith twro members of the Class of _'24- present, we learned that our beautiful Alm.a Mater vdiich we sing on so many mem.orable occasions vres Y^ritten in 1S24 by a member of the Class of 1926. Any one knoYifing the author of tho Yrords of this som’. please Yurite to the Aluinnae Association. Among the things Y/e want to know, especially for next jrear, are (Turn to" page 4)